Enjoyed it very much. So satisfying to make a stack of towers and drag around, firing at everything :D
I think maybe it could have become more difficult faster.
Some SFX would have made the actions of the game more juicy and even more satisfying.
Quite original game, and with some more recipes and increasing difficulty I could play it for a long time!
Oh wow what an ambitious game!
Love the sword attack vfx and the visuals in general. The blood spatter of the goblins sort of blinded me, but cool Valheim-ish style! :)
Very impressive that you guys got it all together in this short time.
What happened to the protagonist's nose? :D
A few thought that came to me while playing:
The tutorial was a bit overwhelming but informative. There was often an infobox when aiming at things. Maybe zipline and such could have had that too to make the tutorial a bit shorter...? Idk!
When there is no wave ongoing, some more chill music would have been nice while prepping for next wave!
The process of building was a bit tedious. Maybe the shop could have been available at all times instead of going up the tower, going down to the ground and repeat :)
The waves took quite a long time to reach the tower, maybe I should have built towers much farther away from the main tower, but it looks like they can spawn pretty much everywhere, so maybe there should have been more like labyrinths they have to walk through, to be able to defend just a few lanes?
Very cool submission!
Oh wow, thank you for all those kind words!
It does feel a bit unfair when beating enemies, like they somehow manages to cause damage even after death? I suspect some bug there :S
Hehe, the boss, yeah I created him earlier today and was unsure of how hard he should be. I managed to beat him after I uploaded, but it is so easy to become blind to the difficulty during development.
Cool game! I always find it fascinating when you people come up with game ideas that I would never come up with!
It was a bit hard to understand the rules of the game. I thought a 04 on enemy territory must be enemy trying to fool us, but I was incorrect there for instance.
The dead time between transmissions was a bit long. Not sure how to design around that dilemma though!
Not sure the on/off switch for the radio did any good. I missed a transmission because I thought the radio was on day2 :)
Nice looks and audio, and to me it was quite original. Well done!
Haha, den där busken alltså. Står där på kullen och skrattar åt mig på sitt nästan vanliga vis!
Bra art direction, tycker så fort jag provat generera något så blir det helt random stil. Nåt betalverktyg?
Tycker det var svårt det här! Läste lite i min kära "book of lenses" om att förr i tiden så var i princip möjlighetsrymden oändlig i spelen, typ som här. Bara fantasin sätter stopp för vad man kan prova skriva. Men sen när rörlig bild blev hett så smalnade möjlighetsrymden ner ordentligt. Jag kan inte hantera möjligheterna :D
Nämen fint spel, lite nyfiken på vad du hade för struktur. Är det nån sorts graf?
Åh tack! Vet inte hur mycket det blev, kanske 3h per dag i snitt. Var med från start den här gången!
Kul, jag minns inte exakt hur det var, men jag har för mig att man hade någon karta med bara fiender, och kanske att man fritog fångar som orkerna hade i nåt fängelse? Det blev ju inte direkt minsta möjliga scope, eehm. Men! Motståndarna fick inget basbygge i alla fall, för det kändes som ett kaninhål.
Hm, jag har bara normalt wide, och körde mest windowed när jag speltestade. Ibland gör man något dåligt i början av ett jam som man sedan spenderar resten av utvecklingstiden med att vänja sig med, sen blir det värsta kallduschen för dom som testar spelet sen :)
Vilka fina spel!
Trevlig ljussättning, bra musik. Sköna 8-bitarsvibbar.
Hoppet i platformern var lite väl kort/linjärt för min smak, gillade känslan i styrningen bättre i allergi-spelet.
Kul att det nästan kändes som en roguelite metavärld i affären. Gillart!
Riktigt fint jobbat med detta bidrag, även om slutbossen inte hanns med!
Very nice music in this one!
What made this hard for me was the controls. They had to be read outside of the game and memorized. It felt like some of them were maybe not even needed. Was there a situation where you even wanted to put an item down? I could have just picked up the eye of the beholder and have it with me until delivered?
Also, the zones where the controls worked, like picking up the eye and returning into the space ship was very very precise.
For some reason the arrows turned the spaceship very fast. I had a similar problem in another game. Maybe it's something with my setup causing it, because it was hardly possible to control it even.
It felt like I just kept having the same quest all the time, i collected 2 eyes and then got owned on a planet, looking for a third. Were there others too?
Cool entry, a bit different take on the roguelike genre! Loved the particles by the way
This was a nice roguelike!
I got super owned by the exit, a hint about [E] would have helped a lot, it was not even clear to me that that was the exit.
The holiness was unclear to me too, I only got the unfulfilled ending, not sure what happened.
Nice juiciness with controls and some camera action when firing arrows. Good job with this entry!
Nice game!
I recognize some of my art style here, I've made an uglier low poly skeleton and similar walls for an attempted horror game. I think it looks very nice! Floor was also cool.
Nice that you made "combo" fighting, or what it's called. When there is a series of attacks like that.
The fighting got a bit repetitive, and also the difficulty of the rooms felt quite arbitrary. One thing I felt is that after opening a chest and accepting its content, the game got MUCH harder, because all of a sudden I could not efficiently dodge the incoming attacks that were no problem before :D
But balancing in game jams is quite hopeless. There is always other stuff to do towards the end, so balancing gets neglected. A good thing with being a team is that a person (Freakclub) can be appointed doing balancing a few hours last day :D
Very cool entry, I liked it! Well done!
I had a really hard time remembering which color beats which while playing.
I think maybe some visual feedback on whether you are attacking something would have helped a lot. Like maybe particles moving towards the target while close to being in attack range or something.
It's an interesting concept though, and it felt pretty nice with the animation when changing color.
Whata, 0 comments?
This is a cool one! It's similar to ours, an action game about chemical reactions :D
The game looks really nice and I like the music a lot. I got a bit exhausted in my right hand from all the arrow key tapping. It felt like bombs were too expensive to be useful.
I totally get that it's hard to find time to balance these things though. Something that would have been nice is some more variation in the levels. I got to 4th level and it felt like nothing new appeared really, only more rats :)
Anyway, this was a nice and wellmade game I think, good job!
This has some of the old school roguelike vibes! Very nice!
I think the fighting was a bit too drawn out. Maybe if I had some good dash or something to speed things up. I mean, the goblins were much faster than me, but did not really attack actively. I think maybe if they would have acted in a more aggressive way and I had some way of running faster between the swords it would have been more fun.
The turrets were cool, but I got owned by them :D
I think the game would have benefited from a higher tempo, like less text to convey the message and higher pace in the fights.
Very cool game though, great job with this one!
This was impossible for me to play, probably because the controls run in the _process() instead of _physics_process()? As soon as I touched an arrow key I rotated more than 90 degrees, making it practically impossible to make the first turn even.
I really like the lighting/shadows you got there, and love the dash sound :D Makes me want to try some 2D at some point!
Looks and sounds cool but controls were a bit unusual.
Having no strafe, while fighting mostly feels like I want to stand behind a wall, step forward and shoot a few rounds, and then get back behind the wall, made it quite hard. I think also having another system for limiting the amount of shooting going on would have felt more fun. Maybe having to reload every once in a while, or longer cooldown between the bullets of something.
I think a more classic approach to this camera angle would be wasd for walking up left down right in the screen coordinate system instead of the local coordinate system of the character, combined with free aiming with the mouse.
Another unexpected thing was that I could back out of the room I just entered. I did that in the heat of battle a few times.
Making controls is really hard, god knows I've thrown a few jams with strange controls. Especially going solo it's hard, because maybe no one will playtest before handing it in, and it's so easy to just get used to the thing you've made.
Great work with finishing the game, and with some small changes to the controls and shooting restriction mechanism it would be a really nice game I think!
This was a cool one! Very nice music and sound, looks great, really juicy with all camera shake and stuff.
It got a bit repetitive, the levels and enemies felt like the same over and over until..... Dylan!?
I guess some small balance changes would make it more interesting, like maybe having less HP from start and have some mechanism for restoring it as you progress?
Really cool entry, definitely a favorite in this jam!
The gif icon is wild btw, really cool stuff. Great job all involved!
This was a really fun and nice game!
I killed 226 enemies in my best run. Nice graphics, nice music and sounds, good controls (although there was something blocking the shoot input in the top on the screen) .
I'm no expert on the genre, but it maybe didn't feel very roguelike to me? Anyway, I had much fun playing it, so I'm happy anyway :)
A reload button would have been nice btw. That way I could have reloaded when I had a time, instead of having to empty the mag or start next encounter with little ammo left.
I really would have loved to play a less buggy and more well-tested version of this game! Love the art, cool "map" and interesting with a card game.
First I got stuck in the "add card to deck" screen with nothing to do. I restarted the game.
Next time I rested instead, but got beaten instantly afterwards.
I think there should have been a few options from the start, like start with 3 cards that have meaningful differences. Like one that can block incoming damage and one that deals more damage... It felt very random now, RNG made the decisions for me sort of.
Maybe show the hand of the opponent 1s before I had to decide, so I could choose a card based on what he would do. Otherwise it also becomes rock-paper-scissor.
A tutorial or explanation of the fighting system would have been nice!
Cool game, hope you get back to it, because it really looks inviting!
I like this one!
It has some good horror elements to it, but i feel that it would have been much much scarier with other SFX.
I got to around 12 lanterns to light, had a really good time until then!
A few things I thought of:
The monster spawns at the portal!?! Haha, I had lit all lanterns and wanted to just check the monster out, so I stood close to the portal, ready to finish the level. Then he came out of the portal and started hunting me :D I think another spawn point could have been better.
The spikes in the ground were not that fun, because sometimes they were invisible and killed me, and I think they went up and down, right? There should be some sort of telegraphing, some hint that they are coming to give me the chance to react.
I held shift all the time. If there is walk/run in a game like this, there must be some reason to NOT run all the time, like limited breath or something.
I really like the coins. They told me if I had already been there looking for lanterns or not. I did not use the minimap much, but that was a nice feature too. Cool with the different views too, but I stuck to the zoomed out top down one.
Very cool game, awesome tutorial too. Great job!
Cool game!
I had to tab out and look on the itch page how the controls worked. Having some sort of in-game tutorial or how to play is nice I think.
Regarding SFX, try and keep the time before the peak as short as possible, like the buttons in the menu had some nice sfx, but they came quite late, and also the doors in game had their sound peak when I had already gone a bit into the next room.
It would have been nice with some feedback on taking damage, and maybe also some way of escaping the cool enemy robots.
I really liked the robot model! Great job there!
I think without background music, some footsteps or ambience would have added a ton to the game.
Congratulations on your first solo game! It has its qualities, going solo :)