for (1) - you probably want multiple things going on! i'd definitely consider watching some mecha anime. there's rarely just one thread of action happening throughout.
for (2) - it depends on how you're doing it. blitz, duel, or a relevant strive could all apply.
(3) - strive is its own action. you always have 3 dots in strive
(4) - they're always locked! ofc you're always free to say something doesn't require a roll, and thus a locked action doesn't matter
Bound spirits are released when they run out of Power typically, but you can also willingly release them. They might break your binding early if you give them reason to, but that's a narrative thing. Re-binding them would work the same as bdinging them to begin with; if they're willing to work with you, or you can force them into it somehow, you just assign them Power again.
Ok! So;
Re: Draw Your Bath And Load Your Gun, it's done in addition to your Downtimes - it doesn't replace them.
I wanted to keep the thing with the Adrift's clock pretty simple, but I could maybe look at making it more interesting.
Re: the Advocate, I usually give out CHANNEL based on if the playbook has mechanics that cause them to lose it and what kind of moves the playbook has that use it. Advocate only has one move that directly uses it, and it's purely a supportive move you're likely to only roll once per session. Outside of that, the only thing you have naturally to use it on is Weave Magic - anything else, you'll need to go out of your way to get by taking a move. That said, I like the idea of tuning it more into the local environment. Look for that in a fuiture version.
Revenant I'm comfortable with, since their CHANNEL can decline with their one move that naturally uses it.
Re: Performance, it replaces it becuase I wanted the Idol to be focused on that. When it's showtime, that's what you're doing - not lurking around doing downtimes.