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A member registered Sep 05, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Discover the Burning Woof event, in the company of a new sexy nudist wolf friend
Visual Novel
A furry "my wolf" gay visual novel, where being the only wolves is not without consequences...
Visual Novel

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Finished playing this vn (with the French translation)

It was a pleasure reading it! The story was good, but the real asset of this vn was the art, so many CGs, expressions and poses for each characters!! It’s impressive all the work done for this project.

Good job!!

SpoilerPS: Cesar best boi btw, even with all the effort in the world I couldn't try the bad end :'(

Thanks Unagi for your rating! And a perfect score omg 😲

Yeah the theme I kinda forced with the bracelet, definitely trying something else for next them (if I join it ofc~)

I’ll work on it again after Alones I promise 🤙

Yeah I wasn’t scared drawing furry bara men in the subway lol, I even proof read Burning Woof at work for the final day before the submission 😅

Please don’t go to the actual Burning Man unless you’re ready for being constantly in sandstorm and being surrounded by weird stuff (plus no naked sexy wolf there so what’s the point :P )

Omg you remembered my mistake I did for the May Wolf 2023 😭Wolf Bolo 2 was good too btw 😎

Anyway, thanks again for the comment and the game jam, and good luck for the May Wolf 2025!!!

It was a pleasure to read this vn, the characters and the story are well written, and the art is just gorgeous, good job everyone!!

Thanks Narujiki! Yup not over yet, I’m writing the next build slowly but surely ^^

I’m usually lost with vn having a huge cast, but with each character having so much personality, expressions and poses, it was very enjoyable meeting all these people!

The investigation was also very satisfying, good job for this 1st build!

A sweet and chill visual novel, well written, well drawn… And the animations are great!

Le game jam est dans la limite d’un temps imparti (1 mois souvent) de faire un jeu sous certaines règles et thème imposé.

J’ai participé au May Wolf 2024, on pouvait voter sur certains critères comme l’écriture, la créativité, etc.

Il y a des petits prix mais juste des trophées .png tu peux voir sur ma page de Burning Woof j’en ai remporté 2 hehe.

C’est vraiment juste pour le fun, le prochain Novembear ya même pas de vote! C’est vraiment juste pour le plaisir de créer 🥰

Haha je vois c’est qui Puromaruki il a laissé des commentaires très gentils ^^

En tout cas merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire ça m’a fait beaucoup plaisir de le lire!

Je suis français, mais malgré ça je trouvais l’écriture en français compliqué (gestion des temps, des formulations, écrire plus en version orale etc…) J’ai eu beaucoup d’aide que ce soit pour le français et l’anglais et je leur suis très reconnaissant 💪

La game jam ce n’est pas pour gagner, juste pour écrire autre chose qu’Alones ^w^

Toi aussi passe une bonne journée/soirée mdr

Je suis content que t’apprécie mes dessins et recettes, je veux rendre mon vn le plus unique possible 😇Merci encore Loopy Loop pour tous tes feedback, ça me fait vraiment plaisir :3

Je suis ravi par tant de compliments 🤯Dire que je pensais mon écriture était mon point le moins fort hahaJe vais essayer de continuer à rendre ce vn palpitant promis ^^

Omg thank you for congratulating me 😳I didn’t expect winning some awards tbh ✨️

Glad you enjoyed it despite being not a huge fan of SoL ^^

I’ll actually work on it someday to make the whole 9 days, I’ll try to make it interesting with some drama and such, but I totally understand you like how it’s actually wrapped rn 😊

It’s not a recipe I’m very familiar with it, so I just decided to write this in-game.Sorry if you are a Ratatouille enjoyer 😅

Thanks Dana for your kind review 😊

To be honest, I have been slacking up so much lately after Burning Woof, but after reading this, it will give me some motivation for releasing my build as fast as I can 🥰

Thank you Elion :3Yeah I spent some extra time for drawing that dick 🫣

Glad you enjoyed, despite not being a fan of slice of life vn Kraaj!

I totally understand you have preference for other style, I appreciate the time you spent reading my vn 😇

Lovely characters and story, we really felt like we were on a fantasy quest, nice job!

Ngl, I was a bit perplexed by the thumbnail and the title, but when I read it I was delightedly surprised!

A nice story about a group of friends fighting monsters and exploring dungeon to get some loot, with magic and stuff.

It missed so many visual effects and sprites, but otherwise, good job!

Reading it feel like I could actually appease a bit my anxiety. Nice writing, nice art: good job!

I was a bit confused by the story at first, but then I slowly understood, it’s an intriguing story. Also cute sprites btw! Jesper is a cutie 💚

Good job Loudo on this vn! I’m eager to see what’s next, and how the romance will evolve between the mc and his wolf ^_^

Promising story and good visual effects! Too bad it ends a bit fast, hope you’ll work on it somedays, to answer all the remaining mysteries!

I can’t stop thinking about Fire Emblem Engage while playing it, and I love it!Seeing all these wolves, and my Charles here 🥹It was definitely an odd yet funny experience to play it ^^

It’s a nice and chill vn 🥰It was a bit hard to fit the theme expanding, but besides that I had a great time reading it, good job!

Nice story, and lovely sprites! Jack and Remy are both characters easy to love, they both struggle so hard to just survive, poor them 😭

Really looking forward for this vn, I’m eager to see what’s next!

I didn’t fully understand the rules of Three Aces (skill issue from me don’t worry), but I could definitely feel and understand what it was at stake, the tension, and how important this game is for Jack and the others.

Really wish to see what’s next, and see if the relation between the mc and the wolf can blossom more, both are tragic characters that need constant hug and comfort 🫂

It was so satisfying having the good ending, and also the expanding theme was so well implemented (expanding business, expanding wolf!)

You made me crave for donuts now… 🍩

It was a delight reading this vn! The donut theme business is a nice idea, and damn JJ is so sweet omg

Glad you enjoyed the vn Lunrae 😇

Yeah sometimes I felt like it was a bit slow paced and nothing much happened, might cut some part or make it more interesting ig 😁

And yeah Chloé best gurl 💅

Thanks Loudo for your comment!Yeah it seems I created a recognizable Wacky style haha.

I’ll try to improve my tedious and dubious prose of mine, it won’t be easy, but I’ll give a shot for the next of Burning Woof and Alones!!

Can’t rate? Don’t care! Let’s do it anyway >:3

Implementation of Theme★★★★★The mc had to expand her way of thinking, as detective it suits her well, especially when there are multiple choices to make!

Story★★★★★All well executed (like the victims omg)

Presentation★★★★★Scenario and characters were well presented, easy to understand and merge into the vn

Creativity★★★★☆A good detective story, with some nice details and such

Overall, awesome vn!!

The story is incredible, so much mystery and tension, a good thrilling detective vn, with also some good chilling scenes.

The new custom characters from the jam and custom CGs are the cherries on top.Good job Lunrae!

Thanks Konpeito!Lol I know we can notice my French miles away, I should improve that :PGlad you enjoyed my game jam!

Glad you like the vn JmJerbear! I’m happy you enjoyed what I did, even for the limited time allowed for the game jam.Don’t worry, I’m working back on Alone right now, it’s on it’s way!

Something about the wolf should have a been the sole love interest, and not a mc like Alex (the dragon).Like the pov should be more from Axel only.

Yeah a confusing rule, but the May Wolf staff did apologize after that.

But please still give it a try! In the may wolf game jam or not, it’s still a nice and short vn play 😇

Thank you for your comment 😳It was very kind and helpful, I noted for next time what I should improve when I’ll continue this project.

It would have been too mean if I let Chloé 40% opacity haha. But yeah, I’ll try to develop more the characters.

Glad you had fun, and that made you wanted more to play my other vn 😎

Thanks Zach for your comment!Yeah me too I wanted so bad to flourish and add more scenes, so their romance could have been better.I’ll work on this project way later, and I’ll try my best to develop more about their relationship 😁

Promising story, I was hooked! Excited to see more if you continue it one day 👌 on on Facebook
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