I'm looking for people to work with, primarily artists. Any kind, really. Pixel art, 3D, whatever. My timezone is GMT + 2. I'm a professional writer currently studying CS, have a few years of Unity experience, and know my way around Aseprite, Blender and FL Studio in a pinch.
hmu whenever. My Discord is Dargo4#2798.
Looking for teammates. I can:
1) Write. I've been writing in one form or another since age 10. I've written dialogue, plots, essays, got 1/4 of the way through a novel, hosted about 4 DnD campaigns and played in 2 (which, I assure you, is in fact writing).
2) Code. I've been coding on and off in Unity for two years, although I only recently got enough time to properly dedicate to it. I've worked on random generation systems, UI, and AI pathfinding.
3) Design. Been playing games as far back as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is playing a horrible Scooby Doo flash game. I have shelved dozens of more or less fully realized game designs and prototypes. I'm currently working on a game where you play as an all controlling AI trying to discover and stop a terrorist plot in a city before it happens by interfacing with the city's connected digital systems.
4) UI design. I'm no expert, but I can handle it.
I'm looking for:
1) An artist. Of any kind. Please. Help. I can only do UI.
2) A musician. I can always use royalty free music or something, but it's not the same. My days of making horrible FL Studio beats trying to become the european Eminem are, thankfully, long over.
3) Coder/writer/game designer. Every little bit helps. I think I can fill multiple or even all of these roles depending on the situation, but I'm only one man with an extremely messed up sleep schedule and a caffeine addiction.
PM me on Discord (Dargo4#2798) if interested.