Super cute and great retro feel. It's a little punishing that if you miss anything they keep shooting at you from the side which is hard if not impossible to dodge. The level does get a bit busy and it can be hard to tell everything apart due to the one bit art. I think you did a great job with it but some color might be a big help to make things more identifiable.
Super cute. I wish that there was some indicator of where the stronger enemies were going to come from because you don't make a lot of money each round and the cost to defend all 4 sides is really high. I lost several times by having to guess which side to add the one thing I could buy to and then multiple stronger enemies came from the other. Really like the concept.
Nice work. At the start it was hard sometimes to tell what was spotting me. While I like that you could mouse over an element to see where it would spot, it becomes tough with multiple cams and guards. Not sure if having the vision cones be visible all the time would be the answer but highlighting the one that caught you would be helpful. Over all super cute and I enjoyed the play though. Well done.
Love the idea of the guns only shooting in the direction that they are picked up. Added a new element to picking up weapons because now you have fight your way into the correct direction. Although as you get further in it can become too difficult to pick up resources before they despawn making it really difficult to power up past a certain point. But that may just be a skill issue on my part ;P Great work!
Fun concept! I like the almost timing puzzle like combat. The eye enemies could be a little clearer on when their attack needs to be blocked as that was a challenge to figure out. Would love some more sound effects in there as well but I know you've mentioned that was a time issue which is totally understandable. Nice work!