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Mr. V

A member registered Dec 14, 2019 ·View creator page →

Creator of

GB STUDIO .mod music files ready to use in your projects!
A minimalist, yet addictive puzzle game!
A set of 6 music .mod files ready to use in your GB Studio projects!
3 free music tracks ready to use in your GB Studio projects!
3 free music tracks ready to use in your GB Studio projects!
A Strategy Game of Medieval Alchemy and the Plague.

Recent community posts

Hey! The  Game is fantastic! Be proud!
Mechanics are very well made and boss battles are exciting.

Sounds good to me! Thanks for your support!

Hello! Nice work here! Love the art - cat really looks cute and organic. Thanks for using my tunes, and for your support!

Awesome! Thanks for using my tunes! Keep doing the games!

Reminds me of Prison Break!
Looks great!

Awesome! Thanks for using my tunes.  Congratulations and yes, please let me know.

Nice game! Thanks for using my tunes and for your support! :)

Can I apply both patches to the same file? Or is it that I can have only one applied per file?

Yes, you can use my music in your game and sell it.
Just add any link to any of my pages for credit.

Hi! No problem you can sell your game - just link to this page for music credits. Thanks!

Wow - thank you so much! So happy you liked them and that you were able to use them! Will certainly try your game :).

That's awesome - so happy you liked my music - thanks for your support, and the best to you as well!


How about a NSF version of Metal Masters' legendary tune by Alberto Gonzalez? :)

Wow! Nice and funny game!
Music fits great!
Thanks for using my tunes and for your support!

Awesome! Can't wait! Thanks for your support!
Love your passion for games. Congratulations!

Ah, I remember this - it was fun!
Love the detail of the main character!

This is great! Love the BIG sprites!
Sweet animations!
Fun game!

Hey! Thank you! Glad you liked them and you put those songs to a good use.
Will check out your  game!

This is a sweet puzzle game!
Just wanted to say that I think I found a bug (.gb version)...?
Not really a showstopper, but you might want to fix it?
I played Arcade mode using blocks type 3 - I eventually lost the game, and once I reached the results page, I press A to reveal navigation options - pressing B to cancel returns me back to the results screen...if you keep doing this - press A, then B, press A then B, the game strings start to mix with the statistics and looks glitchy XD.
Anyway, no harm is done at all, and the game works fine :)).

How about an English translation? :)

Thank you!
I'm glad you liked them - and thanks for your support! :)

A fantastic delivery as always.
Can feel the improvement over the first one - this definitely feels more balanced, and now it has a more intelligent replay value.
Of course, and, as always, music and graphics are, majestic.
While I understand the mechanics for food and felt a little annoying going back and forth between the rooms and the vote is to have automatic food consumption. The use of potions can be left manual as it still works for the strategy.
Just thoughts...
But overall loved the game!

Any chance you could provide the sountrack?

Simply amazing.
And I'm so glad it still runs pretty decent in my old machine.
Thanks for this fantastic experience.  Immersive, original,  and galactic. Loved the atmosphere.
A very well designed and balanced game - finished on basically the very first run (though I ran  a  couple of quick tries just to figure   out the first town).
An unexpected and touching ending.
Great work, and definitely worth the money  - would love to see more of this universe.

Hello Jorge! Thanks for  using my tunes!

Fun game! Thanks for using my tunes!

Thanks man!
Send me an email,   if you ever  need custom music! on on Facebook
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