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A member registered Jul 19, 2022

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Dark, but I like it enough to be invested in what's going on. It seems like it would be too challenging if it were any harder, but I do find it to be a bit too easy. Even on my first run when I didn't know what I was doing till halfway through I didn't lose, and while repeat playthroughs have had closer victories than others I don't have a sense of danger. If possible, a version where you play on the Red Team would be nice. For players like me I'd get to earn the lewd end rather than throw the fight for it, and his position is just sympathetic enough to be tolerable taking the side of.

I like the game, your art style works great for close-up action. However, there is something I do not understand which Ero did not explain outright: what is "Percentage Chance"? Also, suggestions:

1. Make it so that the player can replay the tutorial in case they accidentally skip it over. Whatever information saving going on made it so that I had to start it up in an incognito tab to get it back.

2. Give the option for the player to select what variant of dragon genitalia they're working with. While this can be dictated through adjusting the sliders, since this the finale and purely aesthetic having the option appreciate the variety on the way to reaching "your" dragon would be nice.

3. The ability to map to a keyboard button for preference.

4. The ability to pause, and/or a clear indicator of how to pause.

I see. During my first attempt I actually bought a light stone in advance, but couldn’t figure out how to use it. Then when rereading the patch notes thought it might be an item you have to find by chance. I would recommend you allow the player to get the Spirit Protect in advance of the ceremony, as during it I thought I was already too late.

Would someone kindly inform me as to how to get the new Spirit Protect item?


1. Give the player the option to 'Ask' how to protect themself during the ceremony. Probably asking the spirits leads to a recommendation to ask the great spirit tree, who will either give you the answer or offer a hint to it.

2. Unlock a spooning position for sex by sleeping alongside a spirit the player is intimate with.

3. Have a chance for generic spirits to wear clothes, particularly the tribal outfit. Possibly with more colors so clothing can fashionably pair with the spirits' hues.

Is there (or will there be) an option for English?

They can. It’s in one of the update posts, but you can test it out for yourself. In that same playthrough Sean confessed to me no problem. I think Ori's might be locked until you complete the Ku event, but I hope it isn’t event-locked since the idea that there needs to be a push for a confession would already be covered by the affection gain. At the very least it should be the event itself in which the confession takes place, rather than an event such as Ku's which has alternate dialogue depending on the player’s relationship with Ori.

Can you explain to me the exact requirements (and possibly odds) for getting a spirit to confess to the player? I have Ori maxed at 200, but nothing has triggered the spirit confession no matter how many times and ways I interact with them.

Is the holiday event emulating something that exists, or an original concept? Also are there any misc features you would confirm?

Latest Build Bugs or Possible Bugs

  1. Cannot back out of target selection.
  2. Cannot progress dialogue using keyboard.
  3. Cannot activate quick menu for items.
  4. Hideout Backrooms event does not give gold (text implies would).
  5. Being imprisoned in the dungeon as a non-dragon form breaks. Player can exit cell but not regain allies.
  6. Surrendering to the encounter with 2 Jellyfish and a Clam skips over the animation.


  1. Grant more gold or lower prices or introduce a convenient chest/pot grinding spot. Had to skip all equipment items in the hideout and the kobold village because they were 10000 or more greater than my spending amount. Would rather not have to spend several hours grinding or whoring Hero every time I needed to upgrade even a single character.
  2. Grant the option to have clothing removed during Surrender Scenes.
  3. Implement the various forms in the tavern/backrooms scenes, possibly with unique dialogue.
  4. Include Game Over scenes in the animation viewer. Possibly include a graphic which shows which scenes the player has acquired or missed.

You can have sex with all of them. Just get them to love you and the request should go through. If you don't notice the way the greet you, complimenting them also hints at the temperament, and once you know it winning them over through chatting is easy.

Ideas inspired by playing through the current build:
1) Visiting Ori's house, or at least a background art when relevant. Possibly art for the houses of other characters as well.

2) Introvert Mode: An option for the spirits to interact with the player on their own. This means that in addition to visiting the player's home, they may interact with them while in the same area, and may engage in the various interact options and even ask their own questions to let the player flesh out their own backstory. They can also end conversations like they do when at home/night, portraying how the player cannot simply monopolize their time. The final feature would be influenced by affection, though should not be possible to eliminate outright. For the random spirit encounters, they will offer something random weighted towards the highest tier. The purpose of all of this is for a player who wants the relationships to develop naturally according to their own pace, rather than just going Gift×2+Play×2+Romance×2 every day.

3) The option to save the customization of random spirit encounters. For the times when you find a spirit that looks good, but don't want to go through recreating every feature.

4) If I remember right you already said you wouldn't, but in case you're willing to reconsider after much time has passed: Survival Mode. While not outright lethal, considering you can eat food, having a reason to would be good. Failure to do so will cost time as a spirit ensures you have a hearty meal, same as not getting enough sleep. Speaking off, even without collapsing you can still be fine with only 5 Hours every day. A build up of fatigue as your overall energy diminishes would be inevitable. And finally, running around on rainy and stormy days is just begging for illness, which could also be an opportunity to be taken care of for a day.

5) Spirit Stone lets you find unique things in the Overworld. Essential just, it's revealed by your cursor, you click, you get. Could even be quest related.

6) Event: Spirit For A Day. Find a magic item which gives you the appearance (and only appearance) of a spirit only for a day, and allow the player to use that to have unique interactions with the characters both in seeing what they think of the new you and/or pretending to be any old spirit to see what they say about you behind your back.

7) Random chance to find clothes in Search. If Sean can do it then let the player get lucky as well, as they already can when fishing. If it is already possible then I'm surprised at myself for not having had that experience.

8) Multiple-character interactions. For those times when characters are in the same area as each other. These would not be anything special and would be repeatable, but would show more of the relationship between characters.

9) There is a chance that if there is a character in the area when the player is engaging with a generic spirit, if they have sex in such an encounter the player may be confronted for being a horndog. The nature of this confrontation would be different for each character and level of relationship, and they player will have different options to influence the interaction positively or negatively. Perhaps this could be related to a general acknowledgement of the player's sexual interest. After all, a Flo that knows you wouldn't mind getting into her nonexistent pants would perceive you differently from a Flo as innocent as flowers, unless she suspects that the entire time in which case please put that information in the game because that would be some significant to understanding the character.

1) In the settings, the clock reverts back to 24 Hour mode if the game is ended.
2) The chest tuft is not visible in gameplay.
3) Blowjob with Haru, the auto-mode for Position 3 did not function.
4) Chose male for the Moki "Kiko", text said "When you came back to your home, Komi is drinking water from the stream." and "He tells you about the moki and how happy Komi was to see another spirit helping the forest."

1) Clarify the specific abilities of the Spirit Stone (helps find rarer items/internal view during mating) since the former I didn't realize until rechecking the patch changes. If the item description is kept the same, the discovery of a rare item should be specified in text as caused by the Spirit Stone, at least the first time you use it.
2) An explanation for how to use the Piki Mushroom. Eating it and giving it away haven't had a noticeable effect.
3) Also trying to figure out how to get the rope bondage to trigger. At least simply giving the vines away does not work.

It’s all alright man, we patient. Hope your writing anxiety gets better, never a fun thing to deal with.

Definitely hope this project is expanded upon. You make great dystopias, and it would be engaging to play through one and explore its facets to the fullest extent.

Of Note: You do not lose virginity during grappling, even if said grapple involves fucking the enemy in the ass.


  1. Option for Sexual Preference, which will disable encounters of certain genders. Perhaps in the event of mandatory bosses for certain genders, enemy teasing will always fail. To prevent abuse, this option can only be selected at character creation.
  2. Unlockable Races/Classes, to encourage replay value. These races/classes would be particularly specialized, such as offering penalties in addition to the bonuses.
  3. Race/Class specific content, also to encourage replay value. From unique dialogue to side quests (if there will be such a thing), with the most obvious being only being able to squeeze through cramped spaces/reach high objects at certain sizes.


  1. Presuming they are supposed to have been implemented, sex animations are not working for me.
  2. Having sex with Clair does not increase her relationship value, or give vitamins.
  3. Sex with Gossip did not lower Clair's relationship value.
  4. Travel to Stud Sunday Arena does not function.
  5. Winning SSA causes the fight end scene to play while in gameplay afterwards.
  6. Might just not be implemented, but you have to confirm prostitution with Dax, but this is not an option with the others.


  1. Consistency in how having sex affects relationship values. Having sex with Gossip and Pizza Boy affect relationship, but having sex with the gym hyenas, or the landlord, or her sister she hates (and while Claire's in the house to boot), or Vito (outside of opening), or being an actual prostitute, do not. At the very least there has to be an explanation how you get caught sometimes, but not others.
  2. Less punishing omega status. Alpha status needs to be pushed up one point at a time, and you're only an alpha when you hit the top, but you lose it all in a single gay/femdom sex scene. Either it should be easier to reach alpha status, or harder to become an omega.
  3. Alpha/Omega preferences. Primarily in relation to prostitution, but characters react differently depending on if Paul is alpha/beta/omega, and the player receives payouts in money/affection accordingly. This could include characters who refuse to have sex unless Paul is a certain status, characters who specifically prefer subbing to omegas/domming to alphas, and switches who will ask different things of Paul depending on their mood.
  4. Since having sex with most characters gives vitamins, include the prostitution characters as part of those gains.

Thank you for the English, I will definitely be following this now. Hope the User Interface is also translated in the future.


Unable to extract the 7z download to access and play. I suggest creating a ZIP version, though automatic conversion resulted in an error. (  无法解压 7z 下载来访问和播放。我建议创建一个 ZIP 版本,尽管自动转换会导致错误。)

If you would like ideas: For the janitor job, since the spouse already has a job there, they would introduce the player. Though how they don’t have to work the whole day yet earn twice the cash would have to be explained. [P.S. Alternatively that could just be because the spouse is in charge of buying necessities. But if not…] Perhaps due to an under-the-table agreement with a condition not to complain about any sexual harassment, and of course the option to receive a on-hands demonstration of what such harassment would entail~ [P.S. Come to think of it, the entire job itself might be best as under-the-table, since it doesn't make sense to be able to go in/take days off whenever you feel like it.]

As for street work, if the player has a pimp then it could be as simple as meeting the character and being given the offer. If not then there could be a scene of them thinking it over, having to buy and put on the outfit, and find an alley to “set up shop”. Though since both spouses claim to bring in money in the intro scene it could be the starting profession, in which case the first time they player goes to work a brief internal summary what happened would also suffice. That would also go a ways in explaining why the player character can accept being promiscuous so readily.

As for connection requirements, as things stand sharing the spouse's job would require a high enough affinity which you will not have if you take up Vito's second offer in the intro. And if not already unlocked, for street work a requirement might be for the player to engage in sex with anyone other than their spouse, thereby reducing their inhibitions enough to be willing to make a profession out of it. Though unlocking the specific clients would be a different matter.

Questions: Do you plan for there to be introductions to the Work options? The intro does state that only one of the couple managed to find a job, but the player can work as a janitor or prostitute from the start. Also, will Build 4 be balanced between the characters, will it be content completion be focused on one like how 3.5 is?

Confirming that Biggs has indeed been fixed.

Like how the ending of this one went, curious about if you'll be expanding it like you plan to for the bar. Also found it funny how Timothy was talking about "Leeg parties", since I had named my kobold "Charity" which made it just sound like, well, charity events. And it looks like we're out of the tutorial phase, will Day 3 start the time to hit the grind for stats and relationship points?


  1. In the bar, in the bathroom, kept hitting an invisible wall. Also for the bar would recommend changing the keybindings since it is easy to accidentally bring up the settings menu or take a screenshot.
  2. Socializing with Azuzu, there is no dialogue (including a non-dialogue response) for selecting the Regen character topic.
  3. Trying to Rapport with Biggs brings up his non-dialogue response. Also couldn't end the socialization with Biggs despite interacting with every available topic (including those unlocked on Day 2), reasons unknown, but it is possible that it is because I skipped Day 0.
  4. Day 2, trying to Chat with Yon immediately cuts out.

Question: With this system do you know how to delete saves? Running into this with a lot of web novels using this system where everything's so cluttered with old saves of previous builds with no way to erase.

Alright, tried modding and I do not have the talent for it. Here's some ideas for anyone that wants em, let me know if you've taken enough of an interest to start working on any. Also feel free to put your own mod ideas in the replies. Let this be the suggestion box for lack of a better option.
1. Combat Overhaul. Tested debug to max level 300, upgraded no stats, went into a fight against a Level 17 character, and won without issue. Upgrades and items only make things easier, so let's implement a "Hard Mode". Also a few quality of life.

  • Enemy stats are 100 at base same as the player, give them the ability to defend themselves (limit so they won't exhaust themselves unless not doing so will result in defeat).
  • Encounters begin ranging from 0-Max Level from the start, weighted towards the middle (perhaps based on temperaments). After all a prisoner wouldn't be given the grace of only fighting opponents at around their strength all the time.
  • Smart enemies. Kick/Shove to topple-->Bite to bleed on toppled player, Punch on bleeding player, continuous Punches/Scratches (seems to be the most efficient way to win anyways), topple-->rigging attacks, and continuous lust attacks.
  • Replace stretching/licking wounds with item consumption (because stamina will be in much more short supply and them having such a convenient way of removing pain is the envy of the player), including items to manage energy and lust.
  • Replace enemy shiv/baton attacks with player equivalent, include an equip-item requirement for both (with perk to not use turn on first turn), and a disarm option (upgradable to then wielding the item yourself).
  • Evasion goes through before defensive action so that the player doesn't have to worry about dodging attacks that'd miss anyways, allowing them to conserve stamina with risking the (much more annoying to get rid of) pain.
  • Enemy attacks that have a consumable component in descriptions (such as gas grenades) have limits, and those consumables are also available to the player as loot if not already.
  • Topple provides a -60 to attack accuracy as it does evasion, since it doesn't make sense to be just as able to attack while prone (especially things like shove and rig) as it does standing.
  • Lust overhaul: Enemies have the same lust attack types as the player, and player has their own interests which the enemy can learn to capitalize on. Player current lust and enemy known effectiveness affects enemies chances to prioritize lust attacks. Additionally molestation is available for both the player and enemy to use to circumvent bad interest match-ups (slap tits being one of the available options).
  • Give the player lust resistance when at high lust. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  • Clothing damage is a thing. In addition with the lust overhaul the ability to strip (with chance to ruin clothes) opponents to shame them and/or make molestation more effective are possible.

2. NPCs. Some minor changes, some additions for quality of life.

  • Most if not all NPCs (particularly the bouncer and arena combatants) need to be tougher, perhaps with stats matching level in accordance to the player's own progression combined with the overhauls above.
  • Bullies guarding the workout needs the option to leave the encounter, and possibly offer body choice. Fighting them requires defeating them all, with them having access to team attacks (such as one restraining the player, giving topple status and removing arm attacks). Once beaten they will not challenge the player again.
  • An NPC officer can be found that buys and sells bondage gear, and an NPC inmate can be found that buys and sells contraband.
  • Nova, Rahi, Tavi, and Risha all move about in a traceable way. Fixed locations give the option to wait for their return.
  • Nova's petplay has some more setup instead of being completely spontaneous. Be it by her suggestion or a generic inmate to set a precedent that she's into it.
  • Generic NPCs may throw you into the stocks upon defeat as Nova does. Guards are most likely, inmates second (and may use the slutwall instead), engineers may use the sybian before moving to stocks as Alex does, and nurses may string you up or make you a test subject.
  • NPCs have highlighted compatibility for fetishes, such as Top/Bottom match-ups. Consensual generic sex will result in the NPCs favoring actions that please both participants.
  • NPCs may lose stamina and gain lust and pain throughout the day as the player does (starting with that encounter, odds based on time of day, reset each night), with NPCs being rendered unavailable for a time after defeat by pain.
  • NPCs, particularly slutty ones, may be encountered naked, bound, and/or cum covered. It should also be possible to encounter NPCs mid-fight, mid-copulation, and mid-masturbation.

03: Quality of Life, New Scenes, Etc. Note that some things may make standard gameplay strictly more inconvenient to play into the simulation aspect.

  • Consensual generic sex will result in the inmate derigging the player after sex, primarily because it's annoying to risk being rigged up and just left there whenever you submit to a new NPC. Also the option to remain rigged-up anyways.
  • Negative fetish for rigging may result in NPCs assisting in removing bondage during sex (can be refused). Cannot undo stocks.
  • Leveling overhaul: Stats now each have their own XP bars. Strength is leveled up via workouts (large XP) and physical attacks (tiny XP), Agility is leveled up via yoga (large XP) and defensive maneuvers (tiny XP), Vitality is leveled up via mining (small XP) and taking damage (moderate XP), and lust is leveled up via public masturbation (tiny XP) and lust attacks (tiny XP). Overall level increases by 1 for each three levels in the stats the player has, and these stats can be decreased or increased to the available max point for an Effective Level.
  • On the Main Platform, Prison Yard, Medical Lobby, Your Cell, and Lilac Cellblock the player has the option to rest on the furniture for stamina gain and time equal to the amount gained from showers. Since having to go to them all the time when benches are around for that very purpose is silly.
  • Can purchase rags to wipe cum off and out of the body, for players that want a quick way of getting rid of cum without removing tally marks. Can be used during sex.
  • Fetish for sloppy seconds, with NPCs avoiding used holes or wiping them clean if its a negative fetish.
  • Generic sex may result in torn clothes during beating up or failing to resist being undressed. Being undressed in sex unequips clothing at least when trapped in stocks. Generic sex in public may result in observers and follow-up propositions. Finally falling unconscious during sex will result in waking up in the infirmary (or in the care of nearby favorable NPCs) after sex has ended.
  • Areas are given different degrees of openness and activity throughout the day. Encounters may increase and masturbation more quickly spotted (possibly immediately so) depending on the area. You may look for trouble after all, but who's to say trouble shouldn't find you?
  • Showers and changing rooms are no longer safe. Because why would they be?
  • In relation to above points resting or showering may result in encounters with generic NPCs, as well as the work-outs. Showering is public exposure after all and you can already have encounters with Tavi and Rahi, yoga can be quite enticing, and Risha's encounter shows how lifting weights can go sexual. Also resting in the lilac cellblock, though those encounters should be heavily weighted towards receiving and giving prostitution.
  • Price increases on everything since credits are easy to come by and looted items give little reason to spend, so at least x5 on everything and maybe a lower loot rate. Also able to purchase additional (and higher quality) meals in the cafeteria. Also able to sell items with normally 0 Credit value for at least 1 Credit.
  • Engineering can be accessed without needing to go through Tavi's quest or any other future escape route.
  • You can watch sex occur with both the stocks and slutwall, and participate yourself.
  • Cafeteria, cell blocks, and showers are expanded to fit the scale of the rest of the prison. Use Medical Lobby as a reference.
  • Able to gain dom/bitch status with generic NPCs in addition to Tavi/Rahi. Includes the option to have them sleep in your bed or you sleep in their's, as well as events such as to protect your sub, be protected by your dom, petplay, receiving and giving gifts, etc.
  • In the arena able to observe matches (possibly with rank shiftings) and being challenged by lower ranks. Arena combatants will have their own schedules though will be called in when challenged. Player can also be called in, though may decline or delay to prepare. Declining too much though may result in being attacked by the combatant outside of the arena, and if beaten dropped from the rankings (with the possibility of public humiliation in the process or required to rejoin).
  • Lust over 50 (aka aroused) will result in exposure as inmates notice you're horny. Lust at 100 (debilitatingly aroused) will result in even more exposure for the same reason.
  • Option to unify stocks punishment event pools. Higher exposure is more likely to result in encounters along the lines of "Be Loud".
  • Body clothing category changed to Top/Bottom so that the player can wear the shirt or shorts without both at once.
  • Secret sex club to contrast the secret fight club. Includes easy access to all the toys you could play with (stocks without locks for example), dates with doms/subs of which the player can determine some preferences, massages with optional happy endings, and exhibitionism practice including pole dancing. Possible to establish yourself as a whore (able to demand payment in generic encounters) of increasing reputation.
  • Also attacks by pimps if you choose to attack prostitutes.
  • Third club, this one for card-game gambling. In addition to credits you may bet items for their sell value, and naturally there'd be at least one table dedicated to strip card-game. Being caught cheating will result in a harsh punishment, but there's always a chance you can catch someone else cheating as well.

Mostly. Windows works fine. Using an Ipad, well, holding the Ipad in the upright position cuts off the text with no way to scroll horizontally, and trying to scroll up when in fullscreen exits fullscreen, but aside from that it's fine.

Any changes on the undefined release date from the last update? Said 4-5 months if not later, and it’s been two months now, so is it in the ballpark of 2-3 months or has it definitively been pushed to “later”?

- Mixer breaks the moment you get inside the bar, the avatar sprite disappears and while it can be moved it does so inconsistently. Loading a save beyond that point still works though.
- When talking to Kenneth some of the text runs off the screen. Also noticed at that time the History is a bit of a mess with the text overlapping and running off the screen, but don't know if that's a general problem or caused by that conversation.
- Day 2, Yon is a Chat option, but it immediately cuts out.
- Battle Tutorial, opening the item screen and trying to exit it triggers "An Exception Has Occurred".
- During the dungeon crawl for a moment it triggered "An Exception Has Occurred", but it went back to the game after a split second.

Thank you for responding, I will address each paragraph in turn. To begin, would you be more specific? There are after all more Hard Times than there are ambushes, so do you mean to say than one should be used for any particular encounters? Seeing as one of the big fights is just a trainer fight is that a situation where Hard Times is intended to be used, since if so in my initial playthrough I did use one for each ambush and those fights. Though further elaboration leads into the next paragraph.

You cannot prevent it from backing you into a corner and forcing a loss if you cannot avoid it. This is why I was asking specifically for the "rate" you expect the player to go through. I would absolutely recommend playing the way the player does. To break down the combat from my experience:
1) For standard encounters you have one turn before they start building up submission (sub). If you defeat none that means they can catch you as early as that turn, but that is not usual. If you have 180 TP for three Hard Knocks there will most likely be one or two sub triggers on you, but the enemy will be down to one injured, and you can defeat them before they provoke a serve. If you can only afford two Hard Knocks (or miss multiple times with three) then one or two will survive and they will provoke a serve during your Focus or the following turn.
1.5) Either two or three standard fights are hard-coded to cause a stun on the beginning of your second turn, or its on some sort of invisible encounter timer. Didn't experiment much so don't know. Importantly its on "your" turn, interrupting your attack while all the enemies go as normal, and you take two turns to recover so that's three turns the enemy can do as they please, and since its the second turn that's when they begin building submission. Fortunately they can't hypno you even at 100 as long as you're stunned, but since you use a turn to lose daze they can just hypno you immediately following and provoke a serve. Either you use a Hard Times and take out one or two while you can, or you take the L.
2) Strikers, easiest to deal with since two basic mobs can't usually build submission faster than you can clear the encounter even with the Guard delays. Ideally you take out the basics since the striker never builds up.
3) Trainers. If you do not defeat the trainer on your second turn you will be made to serve. This requires hitting four hits (3/1, 1/3, 2/2) which is at a guess and incredibly low percentage chance. Hard Times reduces the odds considerably, but since that can miss-target or just plain miss as well it's not a guarantee.
4) Ambush. You will need a Hard Times to avoid serving, but from what I've experienced it's mostly safe after that as the subsequent Hard Knocks will take out enemies easily.
5) The final mob fight. If you do not have Hard Times it will be difficult to beat serving or otherwise, if its even possible (untested on my part). I used my Hard Times on the trainers and forgot to collect the one in the fridge so I was one short, though that wouldn't have helped much because...To avoid serving if you have one Hard Times you will need to reset many times since you absolutely need to defeat one of the strikers the first turn, low odds even with the extra attacks due to the extra spread.  The strikers cannot do their combo a second time or it will be two late and Hard Knocks is too unlikely to finish them in the one turn you have to attack. With two a second Hard Times can decimate them.
6) Final boss. If you have somehow saved two Hard Times as I did through liberal resets then you can beat the boss without the musk item. It's possible that the final boss functions by HP thresholds so save your Hard Times until you hit 50-75% to maximize their value. With only one the musk item was used, but it came down to the wire.
Theoretically it would be possible to calculate exactly how many defeats the player will on average take based on mobs, but that does sound like a hassle. I wouldn't say it's excessive much since I was only on my second sub defeat in the soft lock.

Do you mean to say that regardless of my submission stacks it would have resulted in an instant defeat? If so I would say that's just going to far. You say its for players who "screwed up their item management", but from my experience it only takes a single mistake, which is a mistake the player has no way of knowing to avoid. I can go through the first game reliably without being defeated once. Conserving Hard Times I cannot see going through this without liberal resets and/or being pushed to the absolute brink, so even with item management the room for error is practically binary.

Seeing how this game is much less forgiving than the last Mezz really needs either a different or accompanying initial attack ability that lets the player to attack specific targets with at least comparable amount of effectiveness to the random hits. Trying to save the Hard Times had to restart over a dozen times for each trainer fight just to get the RNG to line up and prevent a submission, which are so rare as to practically needed to be saved for specific fights 1-1. It is a good thing that you provide so many moderate heals and max out TP after fights because you need to clear you need at least 180 TP for three Hard Knocks to have a chance to get out without a submission for just the regular fights, but that chance isn't very high and you'll need a Hard Times to get through the ones with stun. All of this combined with Hard times also being RNG makes the game far too luck-based in my opinion.

Also, on the first playthrough ended up getting soft-locked due to reaching the final mob fight on a final submission and lacking a Hard Times. With that in mind I'm curious what fights you designed to have the Hard Times in mind for, and the rate of submission stacks the player is expected to go through.

If by “fairly difficult” you mean “literally impossible unless somehow all of your random target attacks hit single targets every time, and they still miss more often than usual”. I have tried to ‘wait it out’, but once the debuff is applied their damage in between trigger phrases is more than healing can keep up with. Also even if that is the intended strategy I feel like it goes against the spirit of rejecting the offer in the first place.

Well that’s good to know since it doesn’t look like I’m making headway on winning that fight anytime soon. Ironic though considering the scene for accepting the offer goes on about how it was an experience that would never leave Mezz.

Will how the player handles getting to the boss be a factor? If so I remember reading in the comments you saying that beating the guard is possible, but I've never gotten close. If I’ve not misremembered would you kindly tell how so an uncorrupted run can be had? Despite the skins they seem to be elite boars going by their damage and durability, and those are tough enough in just the standard encounters.

About the daydream scenes, will those be only with the other kobolds? I imagine quite the possibilities if given the option for solo acts, the least of which is seeing what Leeg is doing while in his fantasies.

Fighting even under-leveled (within reason) isn’t that tough if you focus on draining his mana first. As long as you’ve got good defensive equipment on the squishies to prevent one-shotting and apply regen you won’t even need to use much in the way of items.

Ye got me hooked man. There isn’t a single part of the game I’m not looking forward to.

The checkmark notification is indeed for lunch with Yon and Swolis. Once unlocked it will play after each dialogue action taken to let you know how to end the conversation again and again.

I for one like the card battle system. While it is confusing to figure out once I had done so I was able to win the turnip fight efficiently. The only thing I’d recommend would be clear dividing lines for where to put the cards to attack what sides, and perhaps the ability to meld cards to clear up the battleboard when there’ll be a lot of cards on the field. If you were to overhaul it I’d suggest making it a single lane and removing the overwhelm mechanic, making it so both sides attacks hit each others defenses every time, though the lane mechanic could still work in the context of multiple enemies.


- After unlocking the checkmark the notification appeared through the rest of the conversation.

- During the dream sequence in the turnip fight, an asset for the map was a layer over the creature art.

-In customization changing the color for tight fit bottoms also changes the color for loose fit bottoms.

- Not exactly a bug, but during the Day 1 lunch conversations each segment removes all check marks even when the result of selecting the topic would be unchanged. Would be good quality of life to keep the check marks.


- I'd suggest a tutorial for the combat system, making a turnip fight mandatory or finding something abouts in town. For example sparring with a dummy at a training ground next to the watcher HQ, perhaps as a flashback to when Leeg first learned with Yon. As for the "how" of the matter just play it step by step with darkening the screen outside of select areas to explain what each part means, give a few fixed outcomes and forced decisions to make sure everything goes, end with letting the players try it for themselves, and most importantly include an option to skip.

Also, depending on how grindy you expect the combat to get an auto-play might be something to consider implementing.
- Rapport has potential, but I question its necessity. My concern is feature creep, which has been the downfall of many a game development. With the expanded conversation and character customization systems from the last updates and the assumption of more complex dungeon crawling in the future I worry that trying to take even more mechanics into account will spread you too thin.

We are not in disagreement in this regard. When I said “usable” I meant that as something that provokes a unique response, so those ideas would fit under that umbrella. What I’m talking about are the options that result in a generic response to show it doesn’t add to the conversation, such as “What?” or “Sorry, I didn’t hear that.” on on Facebook
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