Hello, sorry for taking so long and thank you for the Linux build!
The only problem I've encountered so far was that the tutorial level doesn't load, it just displays a black screen, but I could navigate back to the menu just fine.
I've managed to talk with the NPC from the third mission with talkable NPCs just fine. I'll do the next missions and I'll keep you posted if anything goes south.
Thanks again for making the Linux build!
Hey, this game seems cool. Any chance you'd consider making a Linux build? I've tried wine but when I pick up a weapon its texture fills up the display.
Edit example:
Edit: I've managed to run it through Wine using "Quality: Fantastic", absolutely love this game, but there are still two problems: (1) when I leave the screen's focus I lose all keyboard input, which doesn't allow me to record gameplay; (2) on the third mission with talkable NPCs, when I try to talk with the NPC the screen freezes and only mouse inputs work, making it impossible to achieve some of the story endings.
Hello, how is the linux build supposed to work? I tried downloading the windows version and running the linux executable inside the windows executable's folder, running it outside, changing its name, etc. (I've also tried using wine but the game was all black except for the esc menu)
I'd really want to give this a try, it looks amazing!
I get the following error:
./PenitentDeadLinuxV1.2.x86_64 Set current directory to /opt/penitentdead/linuxFound path: /opt/penitentdead/linux/PenitentDeadLinuxV1.2.x86_64no boot config - using default values (Filename: ./PlatformDependent/LinuxStandalone/main.cpp Line: 497)There is no data folder
And if I copy the windows or mac's data folder to the same place as the executable, rename it as "data" and run it comes out with this error:
./PenitentDeadLinuxV1.2.x86_64 Set current directory to /opt/penitentdead/linuxFound path: /opt/penitentdead/linux/PenitentDeadLinuxV1.2.x86_64Unable to load mono library from /opt/penitentdead/linux/Data/Mono/x86_64/libmono.soFailed to load mono
Thank you!
Works like a charm! Thanks for making the build! ^^
Btw, I spotted some weird things:
Do units lose health after they attack?
I killed an enemy king and reached game over.
If I end turn before the explosion animation plays, the unit doesn't attack at all. Maybe delaying the passing of the turn until all animations played would solve this.
Other than that, congratulations on the game! Nice twist on the chess genre. ^^
Nice game. Took me a while to understand how to pass the blue puzzle.
The only complaints I have is that the ressonance's center is a little bit upwards (if you ressonate below a wall nothing happens, for example) and that I had to restart the puzzle all over again sometimes, moving all the pieces again, maybe having the pieces reset after some time and having a cooldown for the ressonance would work better.
Anyways, had fun playing it! Congratulations on the game!
I made a new year resolution to participate on a Jam every month, and this month I'm trying to finish a chess game for TIC80 that I started last year. If anyone can check if the AI is too dumb or if anything is going too wrong, I'll be hosting the game on the official TIC80 site while it's still WIP:
If you could be so kind as to tell me how many you've won/lost against the "medium" (face) and "hard" (angry face) and how good a player you are, I'd be very thankful (so that I can decide whether I should stop improving the AIs)
(The TO-DO list is there as well)
Hopefully I'll finish it this time and finish many more this year!
Thanks and good luck to everyone!