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A member registered Sep 09, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Short puzzle game about unicorn, princess and hunters
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Hello!CanIuse therules ofgameas thebasisfor aretrocomputergame?For non-commercialuse (possibleexception ofparticipatinginretrogamescompetitions)?

Great work! Thank you!

But it looks like some of pictures are missing in pdf's :(

By the way, the simplest way to fasten the pages is to simply paste a strip of sticky tape over the spine of the booklet ;)

For example:

I understood. The concept was changed in the process :) BTW, the initial idea may be was interesting.
I haven't played yet, but it seems to me that it would be more convenient and familiar with numbers. At least with numbers, it's easier to search than attempt to remember the alphabet.

But this game seem be interesting in any case.

But... why letters instead of numbers?

Treasure table says need d6, but it contain 8 positions

Description of action "Darkness" for Demon:

You evade evade the attack

Dragon attacks:

2     Tailwhip     Side attack, 4 damage

3–4     Slash     Side attack, 4 damage

have same effect.

Dividing havn't any kinde of sence. Look like copypaste typos.

Guess too many gold is here $)

"You start with 15 HP, 10 energy, 10 gold pieces (gp), two health potions, one energy potion, one camping gear, and 10 gold pieces (see the consumables table for details on all of these)."

"Spreads" and "Print friendly" is bad joke and oxymoron :/

Request not spreads, but print friendly :/

Thank you

Request normal (non spread pages) version of document

But table 16 still missing in the book ;)

Blood and Ore community ·Created a new topicOps

Attached pdf's looks broken :(

Nope. It's bags in Unity or your code :/ Win version (under WINE) showing same things. BTW, after playing a bit game showing empty grey screen again.

Oh, wait! When press BackSpace and select Title it show main menu!

After a title screen splash just a gray screen, "Dogma" at left top corner, "DiaLive(Dogma v.0.1) at right bottom. Space - remove this worlds, BackSpace - config. L for empty log. Is working. Other keys don't show any visible effects. Mouse clicks is useless at any area of screen.

Linux version don't work :(

Attached files is not .pdf files. Please, fix it.

Too many separated files for download. Can you make one archive for all of this files?

Need add descriptions for commands and options on cards for teaching by play :)

Fine idea :) But why other side of pieces don't look as back side? Will be fine to redraw back sides!

Look adorable, but... Do you have English translation? ;)

Yet another one question :) You can use scouting several times in a row, so only best tactic is scout all new squares around current position before doing something else. Looks like kind of lack of rules. 

Also one question: by using Hellgate can I teleport into unknown squares?

One more question. Do Demon's clan get angry if I run away from the fight?

A few questions about v2:

In Flame Palace needs to fight against Demon Knight, but we have 2 different versions of Demon Knight: Mountain's one and Deserts's one (both number 4, but different max. power). What kinda of Demon do you mean?

Other question about moving. Let me make sure, to move I can choose any ortogonal direction and move pawn for any numbers of open squares, counting water squares for damage, and then I'll make roll for event just for last square where I stopped?

Thank you.

Original Loom computer game was my favorite adventure :)

Good news! I'm looking forward to seeing new version! :) on on Facebook
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