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A member registered Feb 22, 2017 ·View creator page →

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Crabtastic arcadey enjoyment for Crab lovers everywhere!

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Sorry for late reply. Can look into it, bit busy next couple days though. :S 
However it is available on the Play Store if that helps.

Hey there! Thanks for showcasing good ol Crabby Catcher in your video. :D
High fives!

Sorry for the late reply! Mileage may vary but afaik it should work as long as you can access the Play Store. Hope this help! :)

Hello great to hear you are loving the game! That is actually Ol' Popahkays Hut, a Legendary Witch Chook that was temporarily available in the game for a Halloween event along with a few others.
The bad news is we had to ditch the idea of timed events.
The good news is we came up with something much cooler, which we are currently working on and going to release real soon. :D
If you join ourDiscord we make announcements about updates, and other cool Chook/Trilum related goss. :D

Thanks! You should check out the latest update, we added a tonne of stuff we think you'll love all over again! :D

Sorry for the late reply we have been busy as heck on the latest update (which you should totally chook out)! You can find your save files here:
C:\Users\...\AppData\LocalLow\Trilum Studios\Cheeky Chooks
However in the update we literally just pushed out Steam Cloud Saves have been added to the game, so once you have updated it should automatically move your saves! :)

Ohhh thanks for the bump! Also for making this site, creating content and publishing on is so dang simple and pleasant. Its almost as if you WANT us to upload our games here, and its seriously appreciated.

Hey thanks! We have an update just round the corner, so keep a beak out for it!

omigosh... I think I updated, and forgot to save. :s 
Thank you for pointing this out. :D

There is NO MAXIMUM! Whaaaa? Ultimate cash sink! Thank you so much, we have it out now on Steam also with achievements and such and hey, why not check out our discord if you feel so inclined. :D

Not yet! But its on a bunch of lists. :D

Hi! We really underestimated how much people would want to play the game in a sitting (we have so many people asking just this!), and have some cool ideas on how to fix this. Right now the only way is to go in and manually make back ups of your save files. It always saves to the same place, so just reinstalling the game wont fix it.
We have cool ideas on how to add new game+ or the ability to make new farms/profiles but it would be for at least another update, NEXT UP RACES! If you want to keep super up to date why not jump in our discord? Were super friendly/active and love feedback!

Oh ho ho! You are going to be so excited when you go check out our dev logs or jump in our discord.
Chook Races, coming really soon! Along with 3 more Legendary Chooks with more on the way!

Thanks a tonne for the feedback! We've had a lot of people say the same thing, and we've been smashing out some updates for the game to solve those issues. Whats fun is that we are making exactly what you are asking for here... :P We have some stuff coming up that we hope will flesh out the game a whole lot. We have added more interactions on the farm, you will now get attacked by pests/predators at night, as well as new buildings and chook types that will mix things up a bit. We are going to have a spooky event any day now that will start to introduce all this stuff... as well as the first Legendary Chooks.

THEN we have Chook Races coming. You will be able to train a chook (and eventually a team of chooks) to compete in races. :D
Ofc the races will have a bunch of cool rewards and progression and all that cool stuff too. And even more Legendary Chooks!

Hey there! Thank you SO much. Its so cool seeing content like this pop up, peeps like you are the best. :D We have lots in store, so chook a look back soon.. in fact any day now, things gonna get spooky up in here...

We are working real hard on some really great updates, as well as a spooky Halloween Event starting next week! Thanks for the love, and keep a beak out for more chook action.

Hey! Thanks a lot for the feedback, its stupid late here but I will watch that vid first thing. :) 
We agree with the points you make here, ultimately we only had about 10 weeks to get it done (it was in partnership with RSPCA who are using it in a educational campaign).
HOWEVER after we got so much love, we decided we needed to smash out some content and smooth out those rough edges. We are adding minigames, more direct interactions with the chooks, as well as unique one of a kind Chooks. So hopefully we keep you chookin until we can get that out... we HOPE end of this week, alongside an iOS version and Steam release.

Do you mean that when you loaded you only have 9 left, or did they all leave after you loaded?

We're looking into it, but this is the first we've seen of this bug. They cant leave unless you are active on your farm, the only thing we can currently think has happened is some sort of corruption or editing of the main save file.
Again, massive apologies you've had this experience, and Im happy to sort you out with a boosted save if you contact me directly via contact@trilumstudios or join our disc and hit us up there.

Ahhh yeah that will do it unfortunately... 
You can also remove chickens from your farm if you run into something like that again.
If you go to the chook menu, click an individual chook, you can use the garbage can icon to remove said chook from your farm.

Be careful with those gold chooks though!

Oh no! Sorry about the late reply its the weekend here. Golden Chooks are a lot more upkeep than the other chooks, at least -5 per chook. If you hatched a lot and then got unlucky with a rainy day, or low food this can really affect your happiness level.

The more Chooks you have, the more unhappiness you create due to crowding. If they get too unhappy Chooks will decide to leave until you bring the happiness back up. 
Or was there some kind of bug do you think that stopped you/made too much unhappiness? 

Either way, it sucks you have to start over, if you email me at or join our discord I may be able to help boost you back up!

Hi! The listed file sizes are the compressed download for the game!
Once installed and uncompressed its 83Mb. :)

Thank you so much! Be on the look out for a big update coming soon with a lot more to do and unlock!

This is something we should hopefully have fixed in an update coming soon, along with a bunch of new fun stuff to chook around with. :D

Wow thanks a tonne for the feedback! The tutorial is something we really want to go over in our next update, mainly by splitting it up and clearing up little bugbears like the ones you've mentioned. 

There is even some stuff that could be a lot clearer or are simply not covered, such as moving buildings after you've bought them with the spanner tool/customise button. 

Our disc is the best place to get us but I will check back here regularly, as a small team feedback like this is super useful. :D

What platform are you on, and what happened when you lost your save file?

Would you be able to provide me a model number of your laptop so we can try and track it down? We will see what we can do. :) We will check into some other things too.

Just to clarify, by mousepad do you mean your laptops trackpad? If so then yes, you should be able to use a pinch inward or outward, or use two fingers at once and swipe up or down, or whatever you usually use to scroll using your trackpad. Let me know if this helps. :)

Hey no problem!
Hopefully some of our updates can win your heart back to the chook way.. but also thanks for dropping by and trying it out. :)

We will be posting some updates that hopefully move it further away from being an idle game(which it kind of began out as). So if you liked the general chookin, be sure to keep an eye out. :) 

We got so much more love than we anticipated.. waking to people playing your game on youtube and all the feedback kinda took us by surprise, so were definitely going to take all of this on board and smash out some updates. Which you best believe will drop on itch first. 
While we want to tweak the progression, and definitely polish the tutorial, we want to make a real push to add more interactions and events with the chickens.. I think its gonna be pretty rad.
Also.. just respect most high for this incredible community. Itch rocks.

They have to be literal about the think different thing huh?
BUT ALSO! We haven't forgotten don't worry. Still hoping to launch it to iOS alongside the Steam release, with a bunch of cool additions and quality of life upgrades.  :D

Woop! So this got lost in some follows so sorry for the late reply.
We can forgive the odd bit of fraud.. ;)  Thanks for the feedback, the bug in the picture is something we are tracking down, but also maybe they are just hanging out? No its a bug.
Most of the stuff people have said we couldn't agree more with, and it was literally a matter of not enough time. Over the next week or two we will be pushing a bunch of smaller fixes, and a major content patch that will hopefully smooth out that progression and just make the game overall a lot more interactive.
If we somehow get really lucky/create a temporal loop, we might even try and get something extra spooky out for the end of the month.

Hehehe thanks! This was from so long ago, we will never forget the Crabby. <3

We are! This was a super early release but we will have some cool updates, and be coming to Steam as well as just iOS devices. So fingers crossed and with the grace of the Games Gods we will have it on Macs and Apple phones in the next week or two.

Oh sweet! Sorry only just saw this, still getting up to speed with.. a lot of stuff. Thanks a heap!

I can totally take a look at it for you, but from what we can deduce it is probably gone.

Still, email it through to 
In the very worst case scenario I could sort you out with a save that would get you back to where you were. on on Facebook
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