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A member registered Mar 19, 2020

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Will the updated versions only be available on steam or itch too going forwards?

Yooooo Faerie Afterlight is BACK!!!

200 deaths, 34minutes. There are a lot of really tight jumps

I'm glad this game is finally getting the recognition it deserves with the help of youtubers

Knowing Playables, this is gonna get hella unnerving at the end

Il filo conduttore means the conductor string in Italian in case anyone was wondering

I picked this game up during the quarantine sale, and finally got around to playing this game, and I regret not playing it sooner. 

Minor Spoilers

Super Skelemania is a short and sweet metroidvania. A fun adventure, and while not perfect, definitely worth your time. I really liked the soundtrack, and how smooth the animation is.

However, it does have its flaws. The worlds, while large, are barren, making it feel more like a jungle gym than a set of platforming challenges to reach a reward. Each world can pretty much be summed up with: find the map, find the ability, and find the gong. This game's groundpound also suffers in the sense that it isn't really used much aside from getting that one gong in the mines/jungle (I'm sorry, I'm bad with names). At the very end, it is unclear what to do with the final powerup, so I would personally suggest adding an arrow or an escape sequence a la  Super Metroid.

Strangely enough, what I really had fun with was messing with the movement.  You can gain crazy speed with jump canceling a dive from a short jump whilst running, and climb up ladders lightning fast and skip sections with a height boost by mash backflip on ladders. This made traversing through the worlds really fun as I blazed through everything. Heck, you can even kill the boss by only dashing and jumping as a nice challenge. I'm fairly certain that none of these were intentional, but it just was so fun!

Super Skelemania was a great experience. I found one or two visual glitches along the way, but nothing major. It took me about 2 hours to complete, as I (embarassingly) did not realise I could drop through platforms whilst headrolling. Overall, a great improvent over the original, and a game I can recommend to my metroidvania friends. 5/5 

(For the dev: A small nitpick would be the (Keyboard) controls, as you can't jump in mud with backflip(C). I would personally move head roll to X+DwnArr, groundpound to Z/C+DwnArr, and rocket blast to Z/C=UpArr.)

Hello, how did  you delete your games? I claimed some games during th quarantine sale that after trying did not enjoy, and would have liked them removed to clear up my library as a way of clearing clutter

First try story mode: 3120

First try arcade mode: 1230

This game was a fun simple experience. The game is very simple, but like some older arcade games there is a lot of fun to be had! It's enjoyable, and the controls are very intuitive.

However, there were certain instances where if some bugs were uncatchable, and to an extent, unfair. The bug net had some weird hitboxes, as do the bug's visions (sometimes they can see me from across the screen, and other times can't until they're right in front of me). 

But those complaints aside, this game is pretty great. I would suggest making it easier on the eyes by having a darker background, not less saturated by any means, as the player pops off quite distinctly even with out the black square. About 25 minutes long. 3.5/5

I just finished reading LYCC, and it was an emtional ride. Hear me out. Francis Bass, if you're reading this, I by no means mean any offense.

The art was not great, especially at the start. Hell, I wanted to quit because of how illegible the writing was at times. But then, everything starts to get better. The art has better shading, is clearer and more clean looking, and the writing becomes better. The ending formed a huge lump in my throat, as there was a certain charm/emotional toll to it.

I like how you draw. I can see you improve as you work on newer chapters. The shading and highlighting definitely add a lot, and are clearly worth it. The book begins to look like "ZeroCalcare", an Italian serialized cartoon. While there is no overarching story, I can still say the end really made an impact.

On the other hand, Last Summer felt unpolished and rushed. A lot of the time I couldn't even tell what was going on, especially with the writing. 

Overall, this feels like a work in progress, and could really be something in the future. I would suggest creating your own font to make the writing more legibile whilst still being personalized (Tom Gates is a good example of this), as well as getting a drawing tablet to make everything faster and look cleaner. With a bit of practice, I think you could be great! To Francis Bass, I wish you the best of luck, and hope you are settling well in Philadelphia by the time you are reading this.

Part of the fun is how every level you play is different, and how you lose all your progress when you die. This game is more lenient in the sense that each level lets you die twice, and rewind if you messed up. It's a bit like spelunky, where although the game is short it is extremely difficult, and the only way to ge past it is to get good at the mechanics. While yes, it would be easier to start from where you died, it can take away a lot from the core experience. Perhaps, you could take your time and plan out your moves all at once, as this game is very possible to beat in one go

This is a really great visual novel. The writing is fantastic, and the characters feel like flesh blood people. I don't think I've ever laughed this hard playing a visual novel, and it's great fun (with a bunch of memes. The memes get me, and the context works too).

Thatbeing  said, this game definetly has some weak aspects. A game like this is compelling, until they don't feel alive anymore. The poses, whilst sufficient, are fairly static, and don't show a lot of character. Compared to the larger than life poses of ace attorney, these characters can feel stiff, especially when you get deep into it. 

Overall, it is a great game with a few flaws, definitely worth your time and support to the developers. 5/5

Hey dude, 2 suggestions: 1, have an option to turn down the white flashing to indicate enemy hits (eyes can get tired after a while), and 2, is it possible to turn off the auto bomb once you get hit at the end of a life? I would often get hit by a single bullet and waste my bomb, or go into the boss taking 2 hits per attack because I blew all my bombs on the way.

Honestly though, this game is pretty fun

I loved this game! It wasn't that difficult of a metroivania game, but short and sweet. I loved that I could get lost and explore. Some of the collectibles are missable, but that's fine, as they are only there to boost the score. What really sets this game apart from other pico-8 games is its presentation. From the little exes at the end of each speechbox, to its well designed water physics, it akes it seems very professional. One thing I would add is something at the beginning to show you the controls, as even though this would be great on say, an nes, many beginners won't know which button is which on keyboard. Also, you could try adding a map, but then the game would be too easy for more experienced players.

The game took about 15 minutes, and overall was a solid experience, 5/5

I loved this game! It wasn't that difficult of a metroivania game, but short and sweet. I loved that I could get lost and explore. Some of the collectibles are missable, but that's fine, as they are only there to boost the score. What really sets this game apart from other pico-8 games is its presentation. From the little exes at the end of each speechbox, to its well designed water physics, it akes it seems very professional. One thing I would add is something at the beginning to show you the controls, as even though this would be great on say, an nes, many beginners won't know which button is which on keyboard. Also, you could try adding a map, but then the game would be too easy for more experienced players.

The game took about 15 minutes, and overall was a solid experience, 5/5

I see. I thought it was just another cashgrab clone of a clone. Sorry for being so harsh

Nevermind it works now, so it was probably just my computer. 

This game feels like a mobile game, and a really simplistic one like voodoo jump. It isn't really complex,  mostly a time-waster, and not exactly the kind of game I would like. The game will likely get a positive review from the general public, but then again, the same game seems to have been done many times over. 1.5/5

This was an absolute blast, and I really loved it! I normally don't play card based games but figuring out the strategies on this was really fun! I beat the demo on the third try, and whilst the game didn't get stale, it sure felt slow. It may be better to add a permanent fast forward button as your pinky can hurt after a while. The summoning guys were kind of annoying in large numbers, but it was nice how they can only summon one beetle at a time. I would love to see the game's pace be a bit faster, as this is quite a nice strategy game

Overall, has a lot of potential and was really fun, 5/5

Dude it's glitching really hard, and won't let me open. Might want to check your code

I got this game a while ago while it was on sale, and I got to say I absolutely loved it! It feels like an innovative game that plays out like a movie and I really enjoyed it. The game is short but sweet, and while I can't say it's the most intricate or exciting or the most advanced game out there, it definitely is something else.  It took me about 2 hours to complete, as I was a bit confused at first, and struggled with the shaky hands part (because I myself have fairly shaky hands). Overall, it was a great experience. I hope you can get the recognition you deserve, and I hope you are doing well with settling on the change. Thank you

It's fairly easy in my opinion, and I had a lot of fun speedrunning  it, but the leaderboard doesn't work.

(Serious)Curiously, is there anything different mechanically between this and regular solitaire? I don't wanna stare at something like this for too long as I have fairly sensitive eyes

I really loved this game. It felt a lot like Crypt of the Necrodancer (which I played for hours on end), but also had its own identity. It was short and sweet, and am kinda wondering if there's a secret medal for completing this game perfectly, or at least clearing the rooms perfectly. Anyways, my only nitpick is that there's no calibration, so I would often miss beats when I shouldn't be. 

Easy with a heartwarming story 5/5

Nice, I didn't even know other characters existed until I read the description

Oh thanks! I didn't realise you could do that! Do you need to beat it from beginning to end for a true run/ending?

Hey man, great game! It's definitely one of the hardest games I have played lately, but it's also pretty fun. Whilst I'm not too on board with the art style, it has its charm, and is overall a pretty great experience. 4/5

Also, the bullet detection can be slightly off, you might want to check that out. It might lso be better to have an option, hidden in the menus perhaps, that lets you retry from each zone. That may lower the overall difficulty, but would be a fun "assist mode"

I love it! ...but always seem to end with unfortunately. There is no winning, is there?

Also, I forgot to include this, I really hope that you guys can make the animations more fluid in the full game, as the jump can seem really jarring. I also found 2 bugs: 1. You could basically double jump if your parter was higher than you and you have a wall near you; and 2, your partner will start spinning in the area with the ropes unless he moves or you go down with him.

Note: Was replaying this game a bit like a speedrun and just found out the blocks at the end don't have collision. Cheeky.

Thanks for responding! I absolutely loved the game's art style and think it would be a great game to play with friends (when CoVid-19 ends)! I really wish that it could possibly have a mobile port, or have controller support. I am full-heartedly looking forward to what the game will be like after release!

Game physics are the ways characters move around and interact with each other. They are already in the character when programmed, and can be toggle at times. You cannot activate them. In this post I meant that the game's physics were weird but fun to play around, such as how you can spiral up a almost perpendicular column by mashing a direction and jump on both characters. Some other physics-based games you should check out if you found this fun is "I am bread", "Octodad", and "Grow home" (a free one on flash is "qwop", but you need to enable flash to play it).

This definetly feels more like a physics game than a platformer, and that's ok. You can use it to your advantage, as I found messing  around with the weird physics was quite fun. I may or may not have found some weird movement options, and I may or may not have gone to places where I shouldn't have gone to, and I overall found this to be quite fun. I was never able to see the proper ending, because I had trouble with precise platforming, but nonetheless this feels like a very enjoyable experience. 4 out of 5

I didn't enjoy it that much, as the characer felt stiff, and there wasn't clear indication whether my attacks actually did something or merely collidedwith an inanimate object. I also found a problem in the tutorial where the hunter models don't respawn, potentially causing you to soft lock if you lmc instead of rmc. The quality of the effects are also really bad on my screen, but I don't know if it's just an issue with my computer.

Overall, I'd say it has potential, but seems somewhat lackluster compared to other alphas, which are also shorter. Currently, it is only a 2 out of 5 for me, but it definetly has room to grow

I got this game whilst it was on sale, and I got tto say, it was a great game! I would have definitely paid the full price, but yeah, I love it! I'm not a huge fan of metroidvanias, but this game really got me hooked! The game was unique, the puzzles were challenging but gave a point to start with, and I really like how the lzers actually kill you (something often overlooked by other puzzle games). I was not able to complete it because I could find the red key nor the last bunny, but Idefinetly spent waay more than 2.5 hours on this game. Solid 5 outof 5 on on Facebook
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