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A member registered Mar 16, 2023

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What happened with the game? Where did it go? Was it a limited time thing?

Not to over react over here but. HOLY SHIT THAT WAS A GOOD CONCLUSION TO CHAPTER 17!

If you are thinking of reading this virtual novel. Do it.. now...

And to those who thinks that this vn whas great, think again. This vn is beter than great and you can't deny that..


 Have a good rest of your day ^w^ 

A- (disappears into thin air)

For me it seems fine (I am on android) so I dont realy know, maybe you have the wrong version installed? Idk

Mm, i think i get it now. Though i still want to go to that guesthouse even if it isn't real ;-;                                       it just looks so coasyyyyy especially the comonroom. Thou going to that place would cost thousands of (Swedish)kr if it was real and in norway ;-;

it doesn't really seem like there is any directly in kvalöya, and i think the name of it is morgensong (björn said so in the game).  i think we mostly need the creator of dawn chorus to tell us if there is one or not ;-;,18.3375895,10z/data=!3...

thank you so so mutsh for the help ^w^ i figured out the tromsö part but i moastly checked the northen outskirts of tromsö LÄL

yo, dawn chorus or any one who knows, i would really want to know where the hotel is or what is called. i would really like a google maps link if that's ok?

i'm sorry, but the new sprites just look... wrong, too me for some reason... the old ones had more life and where more expresive. i do kinda like the new sprites but that's it... i'm sorry but they just look downgraded... i love the old ones more is what i am trying to say...

 is there a way for me to change the new sprites into the old ones in the files?

Thank you, i will try to find it, oh yeah may I know when he says that or what day it is? ^w^

a litle heads up, we will get 5 days for every route, and they can end early if you chose the right options. updates come every month or two too ^w^ 

hey dawn chorus, may i know the name of the guesthouse that they are visiting, or is it a fake location that you made up ^w^? (it seems so nice there =w=)

Idk why but apk's doesn't work on my phone 3:

I forgot to bring my laptop with me to nice, i guess i will have to download the Torulf update when I get home on the 30th ;-;

the Torulf update is gona be relesed on my bday :3 yipeeeee! 


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm fucking crying rn ;-; dude it's 1:30 in the morning why did you do this to meeeeeeeeeee! mikko's route is so fucking cool dude ;-;

HOLY SHIT! the ending for chapter 16 tho... i can't expres enouth how mutsh i loved and hated the cliffhanger and the whole chapter (i realy loved the whole chapter, pls don't come after me). i love this VN dude <3

he said that on the 30th so it should release on the 7th :3

Pls pls pls read this vn because it's a beautifully told story or story's should I say. Pls after you have finished a route play the song Plant by Kasper Lindmark on Spotify, it made me think of this vn immediately.

question, how do you get Klaus route? nvm i found it

like dude i have never cryed reading a book or watshing a movie but this vn... it did that. chapter 9 dude why did you have to do this to me? i'd give a hug to Jericho as a thanks for making sutsh an intresting, fun and sad story this is. 10/10 vn dude i wuld recomend (i'm still teary eyed ;~; oh yeah i have dislexia so i maby did a speling misake here or there)

At least 4 NSFW scenes and maby more to come. 3 with Torulf (end of day 1 and 2 and one at the begining of day 2) and one with Bjorn (end of day 2 if you say yes to the alcohol)

I love the music for this game, it gives me the vibes, question, when will the music from day 3 release? Remember too ceap up the good work and to take brakes sometimes. :3 

Hi! I wanted to point out that in Bjorn's route after Bjorn walk's out of the bathroom and you and him start talking there is a spelling mistake. It says -Didn't he said he might fail. Isn't it supposed to say "Didn't he say he might fail". Just wana help :3

Lake route is a vibe man idk how to describe it otherwise 

sorry but i have looked in to the folders but i found only one text doc that can help (dialogue.pyo in folder translation) but i dont think you shuld touch it like i did. but for now you have to play with english dialogue. sorry if i didn't make any sens but i hope i that this anserr helped. remeber don't touch the text documents like i do.

Yes! Another Bjorn liker to the fam

I have a character idea if you wana intruduse a new one. If there are mixed breed's then maby a shy timid liger idk and it can maby be non-binary. Ther clothing would be bagy but elegant. Ther fur could look ruf but it is actually kinda smooth. Idk it's just an idea that popd in to my head while playing the game. 

idk why i post it here but i like that the main character also like's taking photos of things

I love this one to

 it's Boba tea if you want to know what inside the  cup

i love this photo i took idk when but I still love it

I love this GAME!!!! It's such a vibe and i end up listening to the music. There will be a day 3 rite?  Sorry I just love the game and i realy want day 3 Mikka on on Facebook
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