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A member registered Aug 19, 2020 ·View creator page →

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The majority of Quest standalone games work great with resolution tuning - though some benefit more than others. 

Quest Game Tuner includes a list of vertical and horizontal resolution options that are known to work across most titles.

I am unsure what benefit is gained from this approach (do you not trust your users to navigate a file picker?), but if the demand is there more power to you. I'm also not sure how installing an additional application via ADB is supposed to make installation of your other app easier.

If your schedule is really so busy, it might be a better use of time to direct users to an existing application or contributing to an open-source application such asSAI.

60FPS has been known to cause issues and is not supported by some headsets. Many guides and tools you find online are incorrect or out of date.

All available options inQuest Game Tuner have been tested to work
with Quest 2,3, & 3S on the latest OS versions.

If you know what you're doing, you can directly modify properties files in `android/data/com.threethan.tuner`, but unlisted values might not work as you'd expect.

I received a number of requests on my discord server for help with development of a closed-source application withthis exact feature set a few days before you posted this.(Update:Seemingly unrelated)

In case this is related(update: seemingly not - was someone else with unfortunate timing), I would like to give a reminder thatLightning Launcher's license does not allow for any portion of its code to be used or redistributed, even if modified, without attribution.

Requesting access to the user's filesystem is also a strange choice. The same functionality can be achieved without sensitive permissions by using a system file picker.You're welcome to reference Lightning Launcher's implementation of a similar feature, which does not require file system access.

I've played through the entire game on mobile. This is one of my favorite puzzle games experiences in recent memory, and translates brilliantly to different platforms.

The puzzles are incredibly clever, and expand well beyond what you'd expect from the initial concept. If you enjoy puzzle games that require a bit of lateral thinking, do give this one a try!

This is a message which shows up the the competing QGO app. This is because you cannot have two different apps tuning your games at the same time.You can learn more about the difference here.

Open the "Quest Game Tuner" app to useQuest Game Tunerinstead.

Это сообщение, которое показывает конкурирующее приложение QGO. Это связано с тем, что вы не можете иметь два разных приложения, настраивающих ваши игры одновременно. Вы можете узнать больше о разнице здесь.

Откройте приложение «Quest Game Tuner», чтобы использовать Quest Game Tuner вместо него.

You can easily change stabilization options withQuest Game Tuner, which effect the recording FOV. You can also customize the recording aspect ratio.

However, you cannot increase recording FOV beyond the level of disabling stabilization.

The key is on the purchase page which comes up immediately after purchasing. It can always be recovered through your purchase email or account.

Please refer this support page for specifics: 

The key used to anonymously activate Quest Game Tuner will display on as an "External Key". You may need to click a button to claim it.

Yes! Under recording, set "2D Capture Eye or Capture 3D" to true.

You can install it with just the headset, check theinstallation guide.(Trying to install to your headset using phone would just overcomplicate things.)

You can purchase it wherever is convinient. If you want to access the purchase on multiple devices, you can create an account for free.

If you can, please reach out ondiscord for the fastest response!

You can also get support on thesupport thread if you prefer to keep things on

This can happen if your device is having trouble hitting the target FPS. 

Open the tuning settings for "Home Environment" and select a lower setting, or set the profile to "Don't Tune (App Decides All)"

There have been improvements to this feature in 1.5.0 - please give it a try!

The game does not run correctly in Firefox (seems to be a problem with the engine)

It worked fine in chrome. Very cute and I love the little animations!

This issues is now fixed in 1.5.0

Update: The duplicate comment has been removed from the main thread, but feel free to follow up here.

UPDATE:As of 1.5.0, the accessibility service is now optional, and can be disabled from the settings.

Do you also have flickering windows when this issue occurs? (The more detail, the better)

I've gotten some more info from users on discord and am actively working on a solution. This issue is especially annoying to replicate, so it may still take a few days for a fix to be ready.

I'm a bit late with the reply, but a fix for v71 startup issues came with 1.4.1.

There are now occasionally similar issues on the v72 beta, but a fix for those in on the way in the next update.

I'd be happy to help you with any trouble you have had if you message me on thesupport thread ordiscord!

If you want to disable tuning, you can turn it off in Quest Game Tuner's options.

To uninstall: Find it in the unknown sources list, press the three dots, then click "Uninstall".

That's really strange - the latest github and releases are bit-for-bit identical. (Might have been an old download or some sort of issue with the download)

Still, glad you got it working. EnjoyQuest Game Tuner!

You need to install it to secondary accounts using the Mobile VR station method shown in the installation video. 

Installation via SideQuest does not work correctly on multiple accounts, and ADB installation requires additional configuration.

Don't hesitate to reach out onDiscord if you need one-on-one assistance!

Note: I've removed your two duplicates of this comment.

For your privacy, doesn't let me view transaction numbers, only the email associated with the purchase(and your email is not associated with any purchase)

If you would like further help from me, you need to contact meprivately.I can't help you more without identifying information, and this is a public forum. Please go to and select "email the developer" to get in touch with me,or contact for help with the payment.

You should only having to do pairing once! (On some devices, you might need to click 'Allow' to enable ADB-wifi on reboot - but that's just a single click)

Please get in touch onDiscord, so I can help you with this issue. handles the distribution of keys. If you're not getting an email from, you may need tocontact them. Still, I can try to help you and/or refund the duplicate purchase if you get in touchon discord.

Your email seems to be publicly viewable as your username.(Is this intentional?) I just checked, and that email isn't associated with any purchase for this product.

Yep! Most of the files will clean themselves up, but you can clean up leftovers once the process is complete.

The relevant files are AES encrypted with your device's unique ID and the selected password for every step of the process, so it's fine to leave them there as well.

Hello, I am open to discussion, and would like to thank you for taking such interest in my tool.

I've done my best to accurately describe the difference between our products. Unless I've misread, nothing you've said contradicts the content of this page.

Quest Game Tunerisn't just a copy of qgo. It serves a similar purpose, yes, but it was coded from the ground-up with many additional features and more to come.

I actually tried quite hard to set the two apart, but you updated your page shortly after my launch to mimic the marketing of my tool.QGO's page before Quest Game Tuner was very different.

Tuning:My AI is not perfect, but feedback from users has generally been positive. It generally achieves much higher than stock settings, but requires dynamic FFV / dynamic FPS to smooth over performance bumps.

Security:I'm not sure why SideQuest would treat you like that(they've always been very nice to me!)I trust Ellie (Basti564), so I'll add that info.

I didn't"copy" Ellie's code. I forked DreamGrid, which forked PiLauncher.The original creators of both now recommend LightningLauncher.

As you said, there's nothing nefarious about an accessibility service(it's a well documented feature of android) however I'm looking into making it optional as well.

Privacy:This matches what I said exactly. Thank you for confirming your use of personal emails for registration and profile sharing.

EDIT: As of 1.2.0, all user accounts are supported!

If you've just completed the initial setup, you might need to restart your headset. If that doesn't work, please get in touchon discord.

Resolution doesn't make a noticeable difference in the Home app.

Every other tuning setting applies immediately when it's set -No restart required!

Good eye on the typo, will fix in the next update.

I'm not going to give guidance on how to replicate a tool I've spent countless hours on, but you can join the discord if you want to discuss general development.

If you have a question that's not answered here, don't be afraid to ask!

I've added some info toFrequently asked Questions. If you want to discuss further, you can join the discord.

It's not possible to do that through adb alone.

That's whyQuest Game Tunerexists: It automatically applies settings the moment you open a game, and reverts them when you close it.

You can click where it says "on sale" to check - it's currently scheduled until Friday.
Discord link is now on the page :)

From the few games I tested on qgo,Quest Game Tunergenerally achieves slightly higher settings, and is more consistent across titles.

qgo is also more aggressive in reducing settings for battery savings, while Tuner just increases them less.

To answer your second question, the performance and clarity profiles will improveboth FPS and clarity. 

Performancetypically grants 20-40% higher resolutions and 40-60% higher framerates.
Claritytypically 40-60% higher resolutions and 20-40% higher framerates.

It varies by game and device, of course. I'd generally recommend performance for the best balance.

Quest Game Tuner's auto tuning is actually per-game as well!
You pick your preference of performance, visuals, or battery, and the rest is filled out automatically.

I'm a professional data analyst by day, so I decided to fully automate the process.(Technical stuff incoming!)

I collected a ton of my own data for profile apps and games on my own devices, then trained a Torch model which can evaluate a game's performance profile based on info from it's metadata and store page, viaoculusdb. The AI's outputs go through additional post-processing to refine it's outputs for your device and preferences.

The result was a tiny model that can generate dozens of high-quality tuning profiles per second, and can figure out the best settings for a new game before it even finishes opening.

Unlike qgo, it's totally on device and doesn't rely on user data.

Got a few people asking for a discord, so I set one up! It's currently pretty simple, but feel free to get in touch there as well: on on Facebook
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