Played and Rated! Left a comment too!
You can try my game if you want, AUTOMATON, a puzzle-programming game.
I'm starting to get a little bit of experience in jams so now I just try to scope things right from the begining, sleep normally (7h for me), eat quick but normal meal (like pasta or sandwiches) and being not afraid to cut features if I know I'm not gonna make it in time. Maybe some coffee to boost me up sometimes but that's all. I'm use to spend time on screen because of my study (Computer Science then Game Design), so I'm not really dead when I finish my jams, like of course you're going to work more than you do normally and it f up your week-end, but it's a good compromise to have something you are proud of at the end!
But when I started, I worked to much, was really stressed out, and the first game was quite bad, and I think quality improves when you are pretty chill.
Already tried your game, its probably one of my fav in this jam, really really good execution!
If you haven't you can try out my game:
Hope you'll like it!
If you like puzzle you can take a look at mine! It's a puzzle programming game!
To me comments are more important than rating when you're a dev, first, the rating doesn't really mean anything since it depends on everyone perception, but with the comments you can have a clever view of what people like and don't like and also they can suggest things you didn't even think of or confirm things you hesitate to put in your game.
As Elendow said, the rating is not the most important part, everyone here made a game in 48h, and that's quite impressive, and give and recieve feedbacks is the best part after that, so we can keep getting better and better!
Oh, I saw your game on the GMTK livestream! Congrats!
If you're into puzzle games, you can try mine!
Here's mine!
I wanted to test yours but it's a .exe, coundn't find any html version...