Gosh thank you! It was highly stream of conscience so I agree that I could have afforded a few more details, but the gist is that essentially when the Rift opened and the Human Empire's holds on the Chivalrous Kingdoms' lands slipped, the narrator's property was taken by other nobles in a coup on easily-trumped-up heresy charges, and they were spared as a "mercy".
Hey! Long time no see. I couldn't find any other way to contact you (Itch is kinda silly like that) so I just thought I'd drop a comment and give a little howdy-ho. Hope you're doing well! Great product and will five star for wasting time in your comment section, I just hope you're doing well. If you wanna add me, my discord is Sasha "TK" De'ath#6616
The whole album is wall to wall bangers and it took me this long to realize how much of a fan I was. I'd have loved to do it for CyBorg, but it's uhhhh...in limbo. :P Besides, I love the idea of mud-covered fantasy murder tourists walking through a disturbingly clean and mostly-empty mall, contending with warped faceless drones and rambling interdimensional travelers.
And they actually helped Yes transition into the 80s, with Trevor Horn's production work on Owner Of A Lonely Heart!