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Sasha De'ath - {The Eldritch Tomb}

A member registered Oct 09, 2018 ·View creator page →

Creator of

A One Page Rules - Age of Fantasy Story. For OPR Writing Jam #10
A revision for bootlickers and loyalists. Compatible with Cy_BORG.
Immortal heroes from a thousand worlds drive back the forces of order and conformity.
A cosmic prophecy from the father of all dead gods.
A faction of sinister saviors from Galgenbeck (for MÖRK BORG)
d8 Supernatural Hirelings Fallen From Grace for MÖRK BORG.
A twice-living, once betrayed character class for MÖRK BORG.
Enter into one of Nechrubel's secret vaults, where madness and psychedelia await. An Album Crawl for MÖRK BORG.
Alternate Miseries for a funkier apocalypse.
A pair of skeletal legs and a thrashing spine with a skull that makes fun of you when you miss, statted for MÖRK BORG.
A game of dark fantasy, grim prophecies, bad manners, cold tea, and constant rain.
A tale of household appliances and body horror that has nothing to do with the proper application of verbiage.
Ever wonder what kind of flesh you get when you cast Stone to Flesh? Well wonder no more!
A karmic horror game based on classic anthology comics, shows, and movies.

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They're specifically an avatar of the War Gods whose big thing is the sadistic cruelty and inherent masochism of neverending war.

I'm super big into Faustian bargains so I figured I'd explore that theme as, you know, a Consequence! Thanks  for  reading.

Hahaha! I appreciate the honesty! If your friend reads it you can let me know :D

If I were to expand it, it would be a narrative campaign like Darkness Within that encourages use of the Ally rules and feature Human Empire + Chivalrous Kingdoms vs.  War Disciples and Daemons of War. The War Disciples would be led by the protagonist here running a campaign of vengeance.

So the main character is a disgraced Chivalrous Kingdoms noble whose territory was seized when the Rift opened and they declared independence from the Human Empire. She chose to turn to the Rift Demons for revenge, and, well...

Really cool interpretation of our favorite space-rats. Great work!

Arrogance, ambition, and alien warfare abounds! Ever thus to traitors.

An eery tale of man vs. machine, and the grim consequences of war.

Excellently spooky. Lots of craft on display, ominous and portentous dialogue, and a chilling ending to boot.

Awesomely told! Colorful characters, cutting sarcasm, and a  show of how sometimes it just doesn't pay to be clever.

Gosh thank you! It was highly stream of conscience so I agree that I could have afforded a few more details, but the gist is that essentially when the Rift opened and the Human Empire's holds on the Chivalrous Kingdoms' lands slipped, the narrator's property was taken by other nobles in a coup on easily-trumped-up heresy charges, and they were spared as a "mercy".

This is super cool, I'm gonna run it with some friends soon!

Just fyi this was #666 in my primary RPG Collection.

Honestly the best OSR game of 2022, possibly of the 2020s. Very original, very unique system, feels like Vagabonds of Dyfed but  more concrete. LOVE IT!

Could be worse! Just got something out of editing - now the part where I lay it out (BLEH!). I've also got a Kickstarter primed to launch tomorrow morning. Wish me luck?

Hey! Long time no see. I couldn't find any other way to contact you (Itch is kinda silly like that) so I just thought I'd drop a comment and give a little howdy-ho. Hope you're doing well! Great product and will five star for wasting time in your comment section, I just hope you're doing well. If you wanna add me, my discord is Sasha "TK" De'ath#6616

Recommended this to a friend because, and I quote, "It's got some great fucked up guys who are way too tall."

Hey gang! I'm curious, what're y'all workin' on!?

I've got a book of Nobody Professions comin' up, I'm thinking of doing something else kinda small, and I might do a "The Eldritch Tomb Presents" on a setting writeup a friend did the other day but doesn't super have the means to produce on his own.

This was so stupid fun to write and reactions like this keep me wanting to write more :3

The whole album is wall to wall bangers and it took me this long to realize how much of a fan I was. I'd have loved to do it for CyBorg, but it's limbo. :P Besides, I love the idea of mud-covered fantasy murder tourists walking through a disturbingly clean and mostly-empty mall, contending with warped  faceless drones and rambling interdimensional travelers.

And they actually helped Yes transition into the 80s, with Trevor Horn's production work on Owner Of  A Lonely Heart!

Update: Am now doing a dangerous and sad mall crawl to the tune of The Age of Plastic by The Buggles on on Facebook
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