Ohh I like your approach as well! I think that changing the impact of the roll is an interesting solution!
For me, a regular challenge is something a hero is roughly equally matched with (two equally skilled warriors fighting),
A tough challenge means they are a little outmatched (a human warrior competes with an elven archer at target practice)
An epic challenge means the hero is not favored at all, but it is still possible ( a warrior trying to arm wrestle an ogre)
Hey Jammers,
Unfortunately, I never heard back from the team at Itch.io about getting this bundle together, so I am going to scrap that part of the project. I will be mailing out the prizes to winners by November.
Thanks to everyone who joined, and perhaps next time I will get the bundle working sooner!
Happy Gaming,
I like that you included a section at the end of multiple ways the story could end, giving GM's a "starting point for a finish line".
I love the osr commitment to open-ended adventures, but I think texts like that can help GMS prepare a mental picture of some of the potential outcomes- because sometimes a totally blank canvas can be a little daunting :)
Hey Heroes!
Congrats to everyone who joined, but it is not time to announce the winners!
Best S3 Lite Content: 2 More Archetypes by xiombarg
Best General Hero Content: 1980 LEGION by Blondin
People's Choice: Supertables by Xander Hinners
Winners, great job. Send me an email at Templarstabletop@gmail.com with a shipping address, and I will mail you a copy of S3-Lite! NICE JOB!
Here are the deets on the game bundle and sale:
1) I have reached out to support to ask that they create the linked bundle, it should be ready sometime next week!
2) Once the bundle is ready, all creators will need to 'Approve' their entry in the bundle page. I will try and share the link whenever that is available.
3) The sale will start and we will all become insanely wealthy.
Let me know if you have any questions!