I finished the game in about 15 Minutes, but stayed a little longer to enjoy the little forest atmosphere you created. I liked thelittle particles floating around and thought to myself that it would be awesome if these were fireflies and the setting in nighttime. I definitely stared a bit to long at floating pixels. Anyway... it is nice that you don't necessarily have to wait until things respawn to finish it and get access to the little island and the minigame. My record: 40
If I may suggest one thing it would be toadd a way to know if there are any carrots missing in the area you arein (might even add a number if you want to give more details). My boyfriend also played it and was not as diligent in completing an area before heading to the next. I knew there must be 15 carrots and didn't proceed without them. So I could finish it fast where he had to search everywhere again. So that might have been of help.
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
But even so the game is great as it is and a successful little project!
I think you meant the solstices. The only thing you can actually observe here while looking at the sun/moon on the screen is that it appears higher up/lower in the sky.
To get the necessary data you will need to note down the shadow length. When the shadow is the shortest it's the summer solstice and when the shadow is the longest it's the winter solstice.
I just watched the video and the game idea intrigued me. So lucky that the game got uploaded already.
I will update this comment after playing it. :)
I am a qualified Astronomer from now on! No, but for real. A few days ago I was thinking about how interesting a sundial actually is and how people back in the day came up with this idea so seeing a game with a concept like this just a few days latermade me really happy.
It took me 30 Minutes to figure everything out in the end (definitely not because I had to google translate what a solstice actually is haha... not that the dev actually gave us a hint in the tutorial).
Even though the game only consists of note taking and predicting, I genuinely enjoyed taking my time and get the information I needed tocall myself a genius now.
It's asolid game for me!
I love Frogs, awell thought of story and playing Detective. The latter might be the reason why this game isnot a favorite of mine. There was not a lot of investigation work I had to think of and therefore the game wasnot really enganging in the Detective Part.
I might have expected something here the game did not even promise. But still I was hoping for something that required more from the player.
Needless to sayif you are in search of a short story game with a beautiful art style. That's your game!
The Mix out of2D and 3D was a surprise, butwell executed. I was just glad that it was not too difficult for me and therefore it was not frustrating at all. The lore telling was quite nice too.
If you are interested onhow to get all the endings, read ahead.
Sandtastesgreata commented on that already:
"Thedifferent endings are tied to the score you get in the first half of the game! For the??? though... let's just say you'll see something interesting when you pay extra attention to the other endings."
Ending 1: Fresh Ingridients (let Bonnie catch you)
Ending 2: Escape (score medium)
Ending 3: Waiting (score high)
Ending 4: Fear (score low, but not zero)
Ending 5:Bingus score 0
??? (Free): You can get the secret code by watching all the endings in the right order. Pay attention on the lower left hand corner of the screen. Only in the fifth ending the number is on the lower right-hand corner hidden in the Bonnie-Animation.
The code would be:51322
I really love this game and highly recommend it!
The gameplay itself consists of someeasy puzzles and apretty good story. Even though the gameplay is not that challenging, the variety of what you have to do in order to pursue your goal makes it fun to solve those puzzles.
I played the game multiple times in order to findall of the endings and therefore I appreciate that you can skip through the dioalogues by holding the space bar.
I recommend saving regularly! There are someminor bugs when entering the item menu. At some points the game gives you an error and you have to restart it. But even so...
I'd really like to know more about the lore and the secrets that were mentioned.
What the game gives us and what I think about it:
Ian Davis and Ares Petrova are siblings, but she is only his half-sister.
They at least don't share the same mother. I assume that because the woman in the photograph with baby Ian is not the same as in the family picture.
The other person on the telephone tried to get information about Ians father and asked why Ares stays at home. Maybe the school called and tried to get further informaion.
Before Ares kicked us out of her room she mentioned her father. I'm not sure, if he is really just travelling or rather just dead. For two reasons. First: It sounds like he has not much contact to Ares or the person on the telephone, which called twice in a short time because of that. Second: One of the heads in the basement was a man. Because of the missing eyes and the shorter looking hair it might not be him, but it could be the fathers head.
Anya Petrova died because of suicide days before her wedding.
Anyas birthday is 11/12 and the password for the parents bedroom.
A Wedding date is 12/20.
The picture in Ians pocket with his mother (probably) dates 06/17.
Anya Petrova is probably Ares mother. They at least share the same name.
If this was Ians mother than they (Ares mother and Anya) must be related, because of the same surname. Like sisters for example. And there was no clue that would let me think that it is so. The only thing that makes it plausible is that Anya as Ares mother died 50 days before her wedding day, which contradicts the newspaper article a little. This doesn't seem like days before her wedding. Nevertheless, her being Ares mother sounds more plausible right now to me.
My theory about the story behind Ian and Ares is that Anya Petrova didn't kill herself as mentioned in the newspaper. She was killed and I think it might have been Ares who did it. At least Ians line 'Now your little secret is safe with your big brother.' lets me think she might have been involved. It could have been an accident. Even so either intended or accidentally it would explain why she seems traumatized. (That or maybe because her brother seems to like collecting heads of his guests).
I was quite relieved that it wasnot as sad as the comments mentioned. I didn't want to cry, but still wanted to play the game. It's quite the opposite actually. I had tolaugh at the homework part. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
For the art style I think it was beautifully made.
It would be nice, if there was a button to drop what you are currently holding. I know that you could just go outside and press Z, but maybe it could be more convinient.
For some it might have been cool tochoose a name for the doggy. Especially when they lost one themself.
Hi! I'm the girlfriend. :D
We are playing Moen today with another friend and we found somemore Secrets.
Here a nice feature, which is not exactly a spoiler:
With "L2 + left on the control pad" you can change your hair colour. Right now there are 9 different colours.
At first we found theSecret Passage to the "Ball Room" and threw everything outside. (You can access the roomnear the soccer field when playing with two or more players. You have to crouch to go inside. With two players you need the air bug that I explain next in this comment.)
You can "fly" / bug yourself in the air, when opening the emote menu (with right on the control pad) without choosing an emote. Then jump and while in the air choose an emote (press right again).
On the left of your spawn point you can find a place to playbasketball and apink crytal.
On the right from your spawn you can find a (let's call it) "golden coconut". It makes some sound when being kicked. Further to the right through the water you can find atunnel / short cut.
What Bacon mentioned above is a prettyhuge cavethat you can access through climbing from the left side of the island or at a point somewhere in the middle of the course where you have to make your first crouch jump from one stone to another. Through the short cut fom the right side of the island (through the water) you end up exactly at that point. Inside the cave there are two stone figures.
Some of these were things we already knew yesterday, but I wanted to sum them up somewhere so others can find them too.
Well. I hope that might be helpful to someone here, but I hope you could find these secrets by yourself or at least read these spoilers after accessing the highest point.
The game itself is awesome and I (/we) enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work!
Same. I looked forward to a warm cozy meal at the bonfire with all my newly made friends enjoying the pumpkin pie together. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Now to the actual gameplay:
I expected that the body will not be there anymore and chase us or something like that. Maybe the dead cat was the former owner of our little home.
I really enjoyed this shortEscape Room Game. I liked theart style and the game mechanics were easy to understand.
For the next game of this kind I have only one suggestion.I think it might be better to be able to only mark one item at a time. Otherwise it might be confusing bc you might think you'll need to mark multiple items at once to solve a riddle.
The game, the town you can build and the art style areoverall super cute.
But I wish the little gourdlets wouldinteract more with their environment. For the building itself it would be nice to have anundo-button and the ability to save your creations.
I saw that some of these suggestions are already in the planning.So keep up the good work! :)
The idea is nice for playing ashort game with your friend but it would be even better if we could save our progress.
I've played the game with my boyfriend and unfortunately we hadsome issues after the second work day. In his screen he was carrying a pitchfork but on mine it was just a piece of wood and when the wizard came he couldn't see him at all. Without the epic brofist we couldn't continue the game.
I had fun playing with a guild and doing some quests. It's a nicely made rpg but it takes you a while to travel from one place to another and there is not even a real goal. I wish there would have been more ways to individualize your character and maybe a home were you can store most of your stuff.
At some point the game gets boring. :/
I like theart style and the humor of the game! The mechanic reminds me of "little alchemy" but because of the possibility of hints from the customers and the riddles it's less random. Too bad the adventure part was so short. I enjoyed the dialogues a lot and especiallyKraft's sneaky face.
The only thing I didn't really like was that there were many recipes to discover that you don't even need.
- the ability to delete something you crafted out of the inventory- showing the result of what you are about to craft (after discovering a recipe)- maybe some generell hints you can collect through the game and use whenever you are stuck
I'm a hugeInscryption fan so naturally I was very interested in other card-builduing-games as well. I like that it has some (to me) new aspects like the "camping phase" between the fights or the "cooking mode".
I beat the game today and was kindasad that it is already over. At least I could finish that final boss. Especially after pressing escape by accident yesterday so that I had to start the run again.So don't press esc!
And I can totally agree with some others in the comment section that the scythe + if fatal increase damage by 2 is a winning combo!
I'm in love with yourart style! The gameplay depends on how good you are at remembering the recipes. So after a day or soit's getting pretty easy.
I think the game would benefit from some story behind that cafe (e.g. maybe different events at night like a dialogue or an actual endinglike you need to save money for college or so). But those are just suggestions.
A real issue for me is that you arenot able to save the game (at least I couldn't find out how). So it's only hard to see your progress.
All in all it's acute short game you can play and while doing so just enjoy the cozy vibes it gives you.
---------------------- spoilers ahead -----------------------
I refused to give the cat thief it's money and hoped to see some easter egg :D But sadly there wasn't any... :(
The beginning of the game definitely reminds me ofP.T. so my anxiety already went up. The atmosphere, the sounds and that little delay of the flashlight all together already made it a good horror game.
What got me the most was that you feel uneasy and you prepare yourself for everything that could scare you.But in the next second you start to feel safeand then it gets you.
I knew it was about triangles!
I think the game had a few horror characteristics (especially the sounds), but I did not get scared at all. Maybe because I haven't played it alone in a room (that's probably the reason), but I think the game would benefit from more story telling. In comparison to "The Blair Witch" or with this in mind the game is definitelybetter than the movie.
--- spoilers ahead ---
I love the art style and the weird fish species (especially their description). Hopefully the game won't remain incomplete. For a full version it would be nice if you couldadd a few more sounds for Ranita (like small jump sounds or whenever he is railing in a fish) and maybeanother fishing mechanic. It would be even enough if it's a bit more like in Animal Crossing. What I mean with that is that it's set to random when the fish will bite (between 1 to 5 in AC) and not always at the third time.
By the way: Grandfroggos friend reminds me of "Kroko Doc".
Keep up the good work!
Such abrilliant concept. I like to be creative, but most of the time I'm too anxious to draw. What if it doesn't look like what I want? Your gallery gives the opportunity to fix or add something to other pictures. And sometimes you just have a nice idea or a vision of a drawing. So instead of forgetting on this you can write it down on a painting as a challenge for others (as I did).
we, the chonky trio, rejected the sussy baka. This picture poses as a proof for our victory.
(we don't now why our third crewmate didn't appear on the ending screen)
You're welcome. (✿◡‿◡)
I am a huge fan of Among Us. So running through Skeld and exploring the 3D map felt pretty satisfying to me. At least until that"ugly" violin sound started...
Those sounds... >︿< Everytime i heard him vent, my heart stopped beating. Nevertheless I had to laugh whenever he ran against walls and felt glorious after searching for clues in the kitchen (and survived).
My record as your officialPro Detective with all the clues was at 3:39.
Despite being created in two days the game waspretty fun!
It's kinda frustrating when your boyfriend has to rush while you're in the back trying to predict when the witch is getting triggered again.
BUT! It's still fun. It might be more rewarding if there was an actual ending like walking on a pressure plate thattraps the witch in that same cage you have to start all over again. It is also problematic that you can't open the cage at the beginning from the inside because otherwise your friends have to go the whole way back just to open it.