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Charles Reverand

A member registered Aug 09, 2016 ·View creator page →

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Explosions that are bigger than ever! Oh, and a new voice too!
What do you mean? Playing games is the job!
The Short Fuse factory could use a few... new employments.
Play the first three installments of Short Fuse in one package!
With a partner, even a penguin can fly!
It's pool, but with an extra 'o'!
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Idle games meet turn-based combat in this sea adventure!
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What's up with the person on the other side of the intercom?
Experimental Game Design Project 1
A 3D Puzzle Platformer where you use abilities provided by spirit companions to escape to the surface
The fate of Christmas is at stake!
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A hamster? In a ball? Going down a building!?
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Do you believe in the luck of the draw?
Card Game
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My homework projects for Intro to Game Programming
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Act as an overlord, controlling the rotation of cubes!
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Puyo Puyo recreated in p5js!
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Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Good to know about the projectiles, definitely something we can improve on.

Reminds me of the "Learn to Fly" games, but in 3D. Great work! Flying around takes a bit of getting used to, but it is enjoyable. One remark is that it takes a while to get started since you need to wait for the paper airplane to get folded before starting each run.

It took a little while to get a hang of, but I can see how the game could be interesting. I liked the strategy of choosing where to place your rolls to optimize your score and prevent the opposing player from racking up points. On the other side, the game seems to rely a lot on randomness, which makes the game feel a bit cheap at times. Great job!

There's a lot of neat touches in this game. The camera in the corner tracks you, the fan on the ac unit is spinning, someone keeps neglecting to restock the vending machine >:(, and the sound effects of the cases are really nice. You can really tell that a lot of work went into this game. In terms of improvement, I would try to to add some variety in the cases. I could see this game becoming quite fleshed out with a more comprehensive story, increased weight to decisions, etc. Great job!

it's a fun puzzle game! It seems like this style of game (control two characters at once) was popular in this game jam, so it's been interesting to see the differences in each entry.

The choice of landscape is very unique for this jam and pairing that with farming was a great choice. It definitely makes you feel alone. In terms of gameplay, the core was nice, but there was little variety. Maybe if there was a reason to plant certain crops?

I like the dynamic between the key and the player. The only thing that was annoying was that the player moved really slow.

I really enjoyed this game. The snapping between office spaces was very satisfying. It would've been nice to see some sort of expansion with the ending scene (red vs. blue?)

I like the idea of the game but it seems a little bare right now since the ground character has little to do other than move around.  The more static grid-based movement is interesting, but it was easy to lose your way as you turned. Maybe this would be fixed if the camera wasn't first person?

Spooky! The intro cinematic was really well done with the news segment. It would be cool to see this game expanded to add more development to the story. What happened to the rest of the main character's family? All of the other bedrooms were empty.

Nice small game.

If you're trying to play, you need to upload the scratch file (.sb3) as a Scratch project

I really liked how the camera leaned into turns and the cutscenes were really well done.

I wasn't quite able to figure out how to play. I collected a bunch of slimes and they followed me. I don't think the bombs did anything other than knock me back a little bit. It's a fun little relaxing game though.

Also, I wasn't able to play the game right off the bat. InsideGameJam-2022.2_Data is another folder of the same name that I had to drag out first before I could start the game.

I really like the unique concept, but I'm not sure how well it fits in as a game on its own. It definitely feels like it needs something more, like what Max-Inc said.

Interesting game, definitely plays better on the downloaded version. I like the spin of using clones in an eerie, portal-escque environment. I had some issues with the controls and sliding, it seemed to make me fall of the edge of platforms a lot.

What a good brother Luigo is...

A really funny game and deceptively challenging.

Really fun, I enjoyed talking to everyone. I was able to get through everything except the code of the lockbox

Making your game multiplayer is quite a risky choice, but I think it works pretty well for this type of game. Though it'll mean that it'll be hard to find other people to play with as time goes on. If you want to improve on the game, I would suggest looking into a different camera control system.

Really fun game! I fumbled the keys a bit in the beginning (Space/W), but I got the hang of it quickly enough.  Some of the jumps were a bit difficult (I think because spikes spawned at/near the edge?). Also, the sprite work was really nice. Even though there weren't a lot of frames, you could easily tell the motion and intent.

Fun little story. Were the  babanos programmed to run away from you? It seems like they were flying across the map. D:

I like your take on the theme. The later levels start to take advantage of moving both characters in interesting ways simultaneously while also featuring alternative paths. If you had time for more levels, I would've loved to see more of that sort of style. 

Really interesting game! The graphics and texturing work really go a long way to give the game a unique feel. I feel like it would've benefited from some more puzzle aspects. My biggest complaint is that the camera wasn't always positioned the best. Great game!

get them interested with potato with a gun and then hit them with the 180 of brick with a gun. much fun.

I was a bit confused since you need to hold x for a while and I got stuck on a few edges. The game is nice though and the aesthetic is done great with very fitting ambient/ball sounds. 

Currently, the game needs to be played in browser with JavaScript support and can't be run locally without some additional setup. I'll look into supporting some sort of easy-to-run offline version though!

Looks like an interesting concept, but I was confused on what to do. There is so much information on the screen and so many possible choices that it's hard to tell what I'm supposed to do in order to make a snowman.

Really enjoyed the dash mechanic! I got stuck trying to get past three of the boost pad enemies.

Hi! It seems like you forgot to include all of the files when you built the game with Unity. Without them, nobody can play the game.

To run, the zip uploaded to Itch needs to include: the EXE (for Windows), the UnityPlayer.dll, Data folder, and Mono folder.

Interesting little game. Apart from some small issues (mostly collision), which is expected from a game jam, the game played well! I liked the story you were building around the snow boy. I was unable to get the key to the house, though. I saw the small island, but couldn't figure out how to get over . I tried using those twister things, but it didn't work.

Confused on how to make more snowballs (or if it is even possible). I really enjoyed the graphics for this game! My high score was: 130.

Yeah, I waited for the secret hidden text... And then kept waiting... and kept waiting. Acutally, I'm still waiting and I'll keep waiting because I will see all of the dialogue. Even if the game tells me its over, I know that its not over... :)

The sea moster is really cool. I was really surprised to see it in the game. I know it said it was in there, but WOW is it in there. The graphics, while limited make good use of animation (those hearts especially). I think some sound would've gone a long way for this game. Good job!

The cutscenes were a high point and, no spoilers, but there may've been a top 10 anime battles of all time (watch mojo style thrown in there). There were some issues, like how the mouse constantly left the screen if you have more than 1 screen and the camera randomly moving with the second weapon.

Reminds of the Spy Fox and Freddy Fish games in a parody sort-a way. I really enjoyed all the animations and the intentionally reduced movement, which sells the game for me.

I think that the puzzle concept behind this game is interesting. It's like a bunch of mini-quests from an mmo, but structured in a "math circus act 5" sorta way (if that makes any sense). Though, in my opinion, it suffered from lack of variety and consequences. For example, I can go up to the dog at any point without the bone, and nothing happens. What if there was no bone for one of them, but the dog chases you? Then you could go up to the wizard with the dog chasing you and have the wizard run away in fear.

Played online via hamachi, really cool how everyone controlled a different direction. Would be nice to tell the player what direction they're controlling so it isn't a guess at the beginning. Some more varied on-screen powerups would go a long way for this game!

Interesting take on the modifier! The animations were great and the final boss was something else!

My entire hand is falling off and yet I can't stop pressing the button... I think space bar + left click  is the way to go. The duels are a super interesting take on the "auto-clicker/cookie clicker" type of games. 

The implementation of the modifier is brilliant. The camera made me a bit dizzy when falling off of platforms. on on Facebook
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