Ok, I think I can get used to that, now that it isn't being grabbed by the mouse. Having to go into move move first isn't really an issue, there was just no mention of PgUp/PgDn at all in the keyboard controls so I didn't know it was possible. I do have one other issue with the Windows version. Tooltips will appear for a second, and then disappear, rapidly repeating like that. Rarely, they are stable, and there's no problems in the browser version, so not sure what's going on.
I guess this is the best place to contact. I have some QoL issues, playing on the Windows version. I would like to be control manipulation of a group of code blocks better. In particular:
The mouse is really sensitive (at least my mouse) in conjunction with CTRL E/D etc, and the group tends to snap to the mouse unexpectedly. I'm not sure if you can some sort of threshold for movement over time on the mouse for it to trigger. (Or just have a way to disable snap to mouse unless your holding LMB).
Page Up/Down. It would be nice if these controls didn't require the mouse. It would be sensible to just rotate the group keeping the top left corner of the selection the same, and float the group in case it no longer fits (Eg, it's non-square and it's off the edge when rotated, or it's a non-rectangular/sparse selection and rotating would overlap other non-selected blocks.)