Here is the link to the official discord server. We can share information about the jam there (like the theme, once announced) or connect with other people that we get to know during the jam.
As others previously said. The game's idea is quite unique and cool. Personally I think the movement is quite nicely done as well. But I am not exactly sure if there is some feedback coming from the game itself. When these slime covered sword enemies are defeatable or it's at least visible that they are defeatable within a reasonable amount of time then I would say that this game is really nice. Otherwise it's already quite nice.
Your game looks pretty awesome and I think personally that your space theme is goddamn nice.
Sadly it crashed once in the tutorial but my roommate says that it's Unity's fault.
About the real game, it ran apparently too fast on my PC. At least when I compared it to my roommate's one. When it's fast then it's almost Dark Souls in space :). But on their's it's much more enjoyable and makes fun. All in all a nice game :)