It isn't very much likely, because there weren't any reasons to have a choice in the story right now. We have 4 romanceable options, so I'm sure we will have options to choose, not to mention that the story feels like its genre is mistery or thriller and these genres has a high potential for a non-linear story. So don't worry about it, it's not linear in my opinion, it's just the first build anyways. :D
Yeah I'm kinda curious too. He definately reminds me of one of my friends, beard with beer-belly xd (we call that stomach image like that in my country)
Although I love Michaels personality, but his appearance didn't win me right now. I don't have a problem with his body though, it's just his facial hair is what makes me concerned. :D
So I just finished reading it, obviously I must leave my analysis over here, not because it's a must, but because of I'm kinda hyped.
So far, the story is real good. I WILL DEFINATELY MOVE INTO BRETT'S HOME. (I hope he's a top, I mean surely he is...) The visual elements are especially good, like the backgrounds and the illustrations. I often experience other visual novels that have a brighter story, a more positive path in the story, but they are kinda ruining that idealism with lethargic backgrounds. Imagine it like this: "It's a hot summer day, and I am finally reuniting with my friends! The flowers are blooming near the countryside road..." and the background feels like that it's gonna be raining there. But this visual novel has that kinda mystical, suburban-ish vibes. The colors are all tainted, kind of more on the monochrome side and the writing is really fitting to it. It's a really good balance and I really like it.
As for the characters, I am kinda concerned, if you ask me, I will probably date only Brett and Joshua. I like everybody's personality, (Mc is a little too clueless though, but I can live with that) probably my preference is speaking here but I just really can't do anything with Michael or Ty. Although I like Michael's attitude, but describing him muscular is a little off for me with that belly xd Although I'm not a fan of him with that beard and mustache, it can look really good, but I feel like his appearance somehow doesn't fit it. I really can't pin-point it out, so it's really about my preferences probably. I'm sure others like him the way he is. Anyways, I imagined him as a sort of athlete, but with a little more bulk than what Brett has and with no beard. About Ty, hmmmm... his personality is fitting to the character, but with that hair, the beard feels too thick and the colors doesn't blend well enough compared to Joshua. Joshua's colors are more on the complementary side because of the black and white, but with those two colors everything goes pretty well. Dark royal blue with a really dark brown can too, but they are kinda too vibrant in my opinion. Also his hairstyle can go really well with a beard, but I think it's too thick. On the otherhand, I really like how the characters in the story represents realistically a proper body-image. That's really good. <3
The music is really well balanced too, you are using it efficiently to boost the mood, then making it to slowly fade away as we progress, it feels like you are building up the atmosphere with it, which is perfect.
The menu, UI and the phone has some problems though. The menu isn't really clear to understand at first sight, it's not a big deal, but I was a little confused at first, like where is the load button, etc, the phone sometimes hide words on the rights side, first row, and the dyslexic font is way bigger for the size of the placeholder for the chat on Android version. In over-all, the menu needs a little design and simplification, but gosh, I can already imagine how rich and big this visual novel can be, it's rare to see a project like this nowadays, and I am really, but really excited to read more!
My rating is ☆☆☆☆☆ obviously! I hope the next build comes soon! <3 Amazing first build though, a really nice job!
It looks quiet creative and innovative from the pictures tbh, I will definately add this to my "read next" list. I used to be an artist, I'm still drawing occasionally, but not with the same passion. I remember that I used to despise AI because I refused to see the tree by the forest. After a while, I realised how much of a big help can it be to be honest. Sure, it messes up anatomy like hell, but the proportions are partially always correct. If I can't draw a bended, a kneeling or any pose, I just generating it as many times as I want and I will be like "oh, so this is how I draw the chest from that angle". So you can have very specific poses and even if the generated pose feels off, your eyes will probably see it because now you have a fully visible image of that what you want to draw, so you don't have to force the stimulation of the image in your brain. It helped me with my aphantasia too. And not to mention that I don't have to feel shameless for using reference pictures. I doubt that AI will take over stuffs, because it will be either deformed or way too "plastic...". But a human-made animation will always have it's own feeling. I just decided to use it instead of being mad, so I'm kinda curious to experience this vn.
(And I'll give it a 5☆ rating right now to have my support! ♡)
Awwwh I already need the next update 🥺 There are currently two visual novels close to my heart, first is Repeat, my very first visual novel I ever read and Lust Shards. That world is just so fantastic and idealistic, I want to escape there. It always hurts so much to go back to reality after a Lust Shards update. No body problems, no existential crisis, no panic attacks, I can be "normal", the way real life should work, a world that's not cruel about your persona, it is in fact, a dream come true. It always make my soul ache.
If it's stated that the project is on hiatzs, but the patreon page is still working in the present, updating with at least sketches and stuff, you are basically buying the atmosphere, like going to the coffee shop. Why do you think that a coffee is so expensive? Because you are buying the atmosphere to taste it. This statement also applies at here too. It's stated that the project is on a hiatus, and if you don't want to read a project which is on hiatus that you already know, but paying for the patreon membership nevertheless, it's like puting a twig in your own bicycle's wheel, yapping around "why did it happen?!". Also do they look like professionals to you? Like literal companies or what? They are only humans, doing their hobbies and earning a little reward. The only problem with the furry community is your unpatient-ass types who are complaining 24/7 straight and trying to do a war against creators because of jelaousy or because of something doesn't work out in the way you wanted. And to be frank, I assume that their patreon page is still working.
by the way, do you even know their age? Haven't you considered the fact that they might be young adults who are attending high school or even having a job? Or maybe about their emotional states?
If they were already talking about a hiatus and they have already declared it, you have absolutely no right nor reason to act like this.
Even so, it's really admirable that they are trying the best out of their own capabilities as "freelancers". It's the process of making a dream come true and I'm here to balance the negative with positive.
There's also one more thing that I especially hate about the artist fandom, and it's that they mind everyones business instead of their own. If something occures that somebody doesn't like, they will literally start a life-ruining shame war against them, which is EXTREMELY disgusting. At the end of the day, no one's better than the other.
Wow, not gonna lie, maybe you were forced to take steps back, but you are dashing through all the obstacles with high speed! Even a new audio studio at home? It's crazy.
I remember someone yapped about stories being cancelled or on a hiatus, but I told them "I believe in every developer and I remain to have faith in them. Even if I have to wait years, it would definately worth it, no matter what!" And when I said that, The farthest view was in my mind. I'm just too sad that I'm unable to support this project due to my mental health issues. :/ This project worth more than money.
Thank you, that was precisely the answer I was seeking. :D I'm not a fan of being a bara protagonist, but as long as their personality is neutral, it's okay with me I think. I was reading many visual novels in the past 4-5 years and I have encountered many protagonists with questionable personalities, but neutral is the best choice imo. :D
Awwh, I also know how hard it is, but don't worry, only the first steps are the hardest.
Luckily, when it comes to coding a visual novel, many elements and codes are coming bsck to you, so you can always just copy-paste the previous using it as a pattern. You will learn it in no time.
Ren'Py does have a discord server too, they are pretty friendly. Gonna help you no matter what. :D
I also know some other servers, I could give you an invite whenever you need it.
(I haven't read your vn yet, but I'm sure it's awsome. I prefer to stack up the updates. :D)
Errrm, you are not wrong, but I guess they are still artists at the end of the day. Don't get me wrong, I also used to be one, this is why I know how hard it is to fight art block and being burnt out. Not to mention that they are maintaining their own life too, like working probably and the list goes on.
I'm also excited for an update. :D
Wow, the sheer audacity...
You really have flesh on your face, now don't you? Are you even an artist? As an artist I mean, writer or illistrator or literally anything? Can you even imagine how hard it is to pull more than 8 members together on a project, while probably half of them are figthing with art block or being burnt out? This is actually sadden me.
To be honest, when I read something like "free demo" I skip it automatically. Not because I'm ignorant, I just don't want to attach to something that I can't have at the moment. Also, I think demos aren't really working in the way people plan it, it's mostly because of my perception, but there are a dozen other visual novels with completely free updates, still having more followers on patreon. It's really about to find the middle golden way, so every party is happy. I would also rather give my money to someone who have a "writer-reader bond", like not being cold with updates, it would actually boost my moral for support.
I was also thinking about it when I worked on my own visual novel like years before and I would have also stick with the free updates. (Only if I had the ability to share it) Creating a "bond" with everyone instead of only with patreon members would cut the audience and other possibilities short. "Poor" people can be future supporters too at the end of the day.