I ran into this same issue. I only encounter this on iOS safari.I got the following error:
Blocked a frame with origin "https://stupidplusplus.itch.io" from accessing a frame with origin "https://y6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net". Protocols, domains and ports must match.
I absolutely love this! These lil puzzles are super fun! Like in real bouldering they require many attempts, weird bodily contortions and momentum to solve. The only thing keeping it relatively relaxed is the infinite amount of time you're allowed to take.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Super fun, nicely stylized, funny "AAEH" noises.
Alright got it! I'll make sure to fix this soon. I'll add an invisible wall on that side of the ramp and make sure races finish automatically if they take too long, in order to prevent any future bugs from fucking stuff up. I'll make sure to let you know when the new version is up. Thanks for showing me this. Never thought a ramp would make karts run off a cliff for 10 hours straight...
It's texture modding time!
Before we start texture modding you'll first need the texture modding template from the game's page (Under downloads).
Inside there's an example texture mod and a template you can use to make your own!
The example is this monochrome-looking texture mod.
If you look inside the "Template" folder, you'll find a bunch of images. These images are textures that the game uses for it's visuals.
So if you want to make your own texture mod, all you need to do it just modify these textures using your software of choice. I'd recommend the Lospec Pixel Editor orPiskel, but honestly MS Paint also does just fine!
Now that you've made some new awesome textures all we need to do is get them in game!
Just start the game like normal, then when everything's loaded just press "F12" on your keyboard to open the "Mods" folder. Here you can simply drop the images from your texture mod to replace built in ones!
Alright this is visually absolutely amazing. The procedural generation here is awesome and makes for marvelous worlds to look at.
It's a bit confusing to get into though. I'm still not sure what the goal here is either but I assume it's got something to do with this super neat planetoid I just got? Despite my confusion this is an absolutely beautiful ploppy townbuilding sandbox.
Great stuff Mate!
Alright. Initially I wasn't convinced.
But when you get to the later levels this is really a headscratcher. The levels are very well thought-out and although the plant system is a bit hard to get used to it does work quite well!
The only problem I have with this game, and the reason I just barely didn't reach the end, is that it's super unforgiving... All your progress is lost when you "die" and after a while it sucks to have to replay levels you've already solved in your mind. I think this game could really benefit from like a "rewind feature", something that preserves your progress regardless of deaths.
Overall a really solid entry though! The music was an absolute banger and really cool that you used SfxO-1!
Super original and shows serious promise!
I had somewhat of a confusing progression through this game though:
Either way. Super fun! Please lower the age rating so that actual babies could also play and really cool that you used SfxO-1!
"Truely an amazing concept ol' chap if I do say so myself, if only all televised shows were constructed as such..."
- Me in a tuxedo with my trusty tophat and monocle
Lame jokes aside this trash is awesome! It's super fun, well themed and a real masterclass in dithering. My only "criticism" is that I wish it lasted longer...