Nice game, interesting concepts. It also somewhat similar to our game. Also, I've found a bug on a second level, I've somehow managed tofall out from the level. And how did you manage to allow player smoothly slide on a ledges?
Pretty good game, inteteresting ideas. Would be nice to play with more types of units and abilities. There is bug, when you switch the level, some state from previous remains, so I had to many pinguins at level 3
Yes, we had four different meshes for snake's parts. Unfortunately, this technique makes it very hard to achieve smooth movement of snake. I do wanna try to make it smooth with some fragment shaders in post jam version, though
Cool game, interesting idea and great graphics. Sometimes orient button didn't work and character simply stood in T pose. Maybe I was doing something wrong
Really great game, I like games with mythology. Kinda odd, that no one else did a game with mythology. Update tree is great for a jam game. The only problem is that there is not a lot of enemies, so it's hard to earn money
Interesting concept, feels like like some kinda roguelike. I got a wierd bug, somehow I've managed to step on a snake, so her body as at the same cell as me. Also, when the game begins it lags for some time
Good game, snake looks really scary. Would be cool if the spawn position of next apple was shown beforehand. This way player will have more control of the situation