I am super happy to see you adding a few morsels here and there to my fave visual novel - or tied for fave (Chasing Shadows, Second Chance - a three way!). I'm determined to be busy writing on my own novel for about a month, but after that I'll be making another dive into Skalan. I'm hoping to see an update on CS soon too!
By the way, I love the depth of the story! It does make it tricky sometimes, like finding my way into Izzy's second date.
Something told me I should check on Chasing Tail when I was lounging around Saturday, when I didn't expect anything, and lo and behold! I need to listen to my instincts more often! ;D
I miss Skalan and the group quite a bit so I decided to give the game another visit last night, and it was like coming home again! I hope Chasing Shadows is the same way. Maybe I should wait till C.S. is finished and play them back to back, but we'll see if I can hold off that long. ;P
Something told me I should check on this yesterday, and got it within a few hours of you posting it. The story is coming along nicely! And considering how soon our character looks to be set on getting home, it seems that things won't go according to plan... ;D
I hope something comes of that burning wreck stuck in the hillside.
Hopefully I can be more supportive in the future than pointing out a few typos and misplaced dialog others no doubt have spotted already.
One thing I was going to edit in above is, I really really REALLY hope you don't write it so that it's a matter of
I'd really prefer something like
LOL! I'm such a sentimental sap... ;D
By the way... do you really eat the most horrendous food combos in scaly history?? XD