Do you meanthis? If so, there isn't really a source file (it's all drawn on one layer). If you mean the shore around the example map at the very top, it's also directly drawn around that map on one layer, but here is thesource file nonetheless.
Hey BlueCorvid!
Sorry for the inconvenience! :(
The tiles should work with HexKit. Also sorry for the cascade of questions, but I hope we can fix the issue together! Which tiles are you trying to make work with HexKit? With a border or without one? Flat or pointy? What do you mean with "empty borders"? Can you post a screenshot of it looking weird?
Thanks for taking the time!
The idea was to make overlaying images (like borders, locations etc.) easier and more consistent, especially in respect to some tile mapping programs where you have a fixed tile size. That means you could switch out tiles with different borders and apply location overlays without having to change anything regarding their size or positioning, as everything is 840x840px.
Do you need help cropping them or was it more a question out of curiosity? :-)
Sorry for the late reply, but I was traveling! Have you managed to get the Steam key and/or did you write to the support? I think there should be a "request key" button somewhere on the purchase page (do you have the email from the purchase with a link to click on to get to the purchase page, by any chance?). From my side, there are still enough Steam keys available and ready to go.
Hey! Let's have a look at this:
1. Depending on if you want to make a flat-bottom or pointy-bottom hex map, copy all the flat-bottom or pointy-bottom tiles from "HexMapMaker\Tiles\Isle of Lore 2" into a new folder somewhere. All the folders with flat-bottom tiles start with "flat." and all the pointy-bottom tile folders start with "pointy.".
2. Create a new map with "File > New" and choose flat-top if you want flat-bottom tiles (or pointy-bottom otherwise).
3. Go to "File > Import Tiles" and navigate to the folder you copied the tile folders into and click on the "Select Folder"-button in the bottom-right of the file dialog. Do not select or navigate into any tile folder!
4. A window should open up where you can adapt a yellow line. Change it in such a way that the yellow line is right in the middle of the thick black tile border. It usually already is when I'm importing tiles. Then click "Save".
5. In the toolbox window where you can choose the tiles from, select "Isle of Lore 2" (or whatever you named your tile folder) from the drop box.
6. You should now be able to click on the tiles in the tile palette and then place them on your hex map.
If you get stuck somewhere, let me know! :)
Thanks! The pack comes with 2 more borders (one thicker and one thinner) and together with myTile Builder tool you can re-export all the tiles automatically with a thinner border (or no border at all).
Not sure if I understand correctly, but the old version (legacy files with pale colors) has sprite sheets in a folder called "Sprite Sheets" (top level). But you want the new version (darker, more saturated) as sprite sheets, correct? If so, I would sadly have to refer you to sprite sheet creating programs (or texture atlas generators). Or did I misunderstand something? :-)
(There are also no legacy files (pale color palette) in the