Thank you to all who tried Ghosts 'N Ghouls during that jam and gave me some really good feedback. I have released an update with many tweaks/fixes based on complaints of players. I have also added an installer version along with the download that will install all needed dependencies for the game to run (optional).
If anyone is interested I would appreciate some more feedback with the new update and hopefully some of you who wasn't able to get past the first level will give it another go.
Nice entry! I like the simplistic look with using shapes instead of character/monsters. Having a shoot mechanic using the mouse for aiming is a nice touch. My only complaint really is the lack of music and sfx. I did have issues with the game coming to crawl when changing scenes and had to restart but could be a browser issue. Great job!
Thank you for giving it a shot and the feedback. No worries I made some poor design choices with the first level which has prevented a lot from getting through and trying out the other areas. If you would decide to try again here is how to complete the first level:
The second false wall which contains the boots for double jump is down in the last pit close to the locked gate behind a false wall on the right side (jump from lowest stone pillar sticking out from left side of pit). Once you have the boots backtrack past the cave ceiling then double jump on top.
Thank you for giving it a try and the valid feedback! I wrote a little more detail about things in the other comment but the camera offset was an issue I caused after changing the player character out late in development and wasn't able to figure out and fix properly before releasing. I plan to release an update after the jam and fix a lot of the issues/level designs players don't enjoy.
Thank you for giving it a go and for the very valid feedback. After seeing others comments as well there is a lot I would of done differently and plan to change after the jam to make it a better. Hiding the double jump on the first level was definitely a flop on my part, I thought the pillars & the high ledge preventing to much backtrack would be enough to figure it out. I'm angry at myself for a few of the other dislikes you and others had as I questioned them too like the second level transition to the lower part of the cave. I know why you didn't find it as it has zero indication you can safely jump down except being the only drop in the level without water.
I also made the mistake of creating the weapons when my intent was just a basic enemy that would pop up from the ground and keep coming at you (kinda like the zombies in G'nG) and die with one hit but I thought it wasn't enough and kept adding more.
I didn't realize how OP the ring really was even with bosses but wanted to include it so I just nerfed the damage a bit but it still hits way to much.
The camera issues were another bad choice on my part, 3/4 of the way in I decided to change the player character out and it screwed the camera tracking up and I wasn't able to figure it out so I just changed a few things around in the levels but should of brought some platforms up higher into view.
I can fix the ceiling issue but I think I'm going to completely redo the first level.
The jump after pause... again my fault, I had planned to fix it but was hit with a save corrupting bug at the same time and forgot about it.
Thank you again for the feedback, I'm sorry it was more frustrating than enjoyable.
Ah ok I think its a VC issue, I wanted to create an installer that would do everything for you but ran out of time. Hopefully this will do the trick. If you are interested you can download it here: the .bat file it will install all VCs which is helpful for other games/software) if your leary about doing it no worries, I need to pull the ones PGM uses and keep them with it ( I think PGM needs 2010/2012/2013/2015 VCs. )
Great metroidvania game with its own unique feel. The focus on swimming mechanics was a nice twist and the platforming with timing the emp and lasers was fun and challenging in areas. The chase scene gave me a surprise since everything before had a mellow vibe lol. I did run into some of the same bugs as the others and had a few crashes though but still very enjoyable, good job!
Very enjoyable game, I liked the underwater theme and the harpoon shooting and grapple mechanics were fun. I struggled to hit enemies at the start but once I got the explosives I enacted my revenge >:) I did glitch through the wall twice, the first was after loading a scene and I had to replay the first part. Second time was random when hitting a wall but I was able to get to a transition trigger and load a different scene. Good job, I would like to see more developed.
Thank you for playing and the feedback! I plan to add a better visual hint for the first level and I can speed up the recover animation a bit to make it faster. The jump is slightly intentional, the second jump is a little less than the first to prevent to much recovery when falling into a death trap (sloppiness on my part with the way it was done) but sometimes if a player is jumping multiple times in quick succession the jump doesn't reset to default and you get the gimped jump. I think its because I relied on tile detection with the player for the reset to occur but also have a little input forgiveness on the jump commands.
Good job, its a fun metroidvania with a cute ghost main character. The environment reminded me of a Mario castle level and I liked that it had some sfx & particle effects. I plan to give it another go but I wasn't able to finish, I found 2 saucers, double jump and 1 health upgrade but couldn't figure out where I was suppose to go next. I also found sugar cubes in a few areas but assumed I needed to complete the cup/saucer before I could pick them up?
Thank you for the feedback! I assume it was the first level where you unlock double jump? Others have had issues finding it so I'll have to add another subtle indicator close by. I did prevent the player from backtracking to far so they aren't looking in areas far away. I also added a spoiler on another comment below on how to get past the first level if needed.
Great! thank you for helping me trouble shoot, I went ahead and added movement control for the left analog stick but I missed the bug fix upload window :/ I should of added it to start with but was going for old school feel with the dpad. When you mapped the analog in the menu did you happen to notice if it was labeled as an axis (xy) or just "left stick" with input direction?
Thank you for giving that a try its unfortunate it didn't work but as a last ditch effort would you mind try assigning the left analog stick to the up/down left/right controls and see how it responds to that? I put a bug ticket in for the game engine waiting to hear back with any info and going to see if I can borrow a buddy's PS5 controller to mess with.
I may have found a workaround for the PS5 controller issue until I can get more info. I've uploaded a build with mouse view and limited debug menu, when on title screen press F1, in top left corner click settings/operation settings then select your device and change the dpad inputs there. I just need someone with a PS5 controller to test it out.
A nice little 3d metroidvania with a boss battle at the end. I enjoyed the 3d aspects with the dark rooms and neon lighting, I would of enjoyed having some music playing during the first part but the boss music is good. I did have issues with the camera jarring to the left/right after defeating an enemy or moving to far from the boss and losing lock on which is disorienting. Also I lost all my health during the boss fight but was able to continue and finish.
I put in a support ticket to see if I can get some more info but in the meantime I may have found a workaround if you would be willing to try it for me. I've uploaded a build with mouse view and limited debug menu, when on title screen press F1, in top left corner click settings/operation settings then select your device and change the dpad inputs there.
Thank you for the feedback! I'm still trying to figure out the PS5 controller issue but I don't have my own to use for testing and haven't found much info on potential issues with PGMMV & PS5 controllers, (some say to add as non steam game and run it through steam) but it will work fine with PS4/One controllers on its own. I agree with the ring weapon I have a few ideas but for the time being I reduced the damage it does to bosses even more to hopefully push melee a little more.
Thank you for the feedback, I posted how to get past the first level below. I'll also look into working on the first level and get a better contrast between layers. Others have the same issues with the PS5 controller I'm trying to figure out, I have controls set up for PS/Xbox & K/B and have tested them with a PS4 & One controller but unfortunately I don't have a PS5 to use for testing. Do you know if it seen as a direct input device from windows? (if you go to gamepad settings in windows are each button numbered? If so could you list each number and button attached to that number?
The first false wall was for something I had planned but didn't have time to make. The second false wall which contains the boots for double jump is down in the last pit behind a false wall on the right side (jump from lowest stone pillar sticking out from left side). Once you have the boots backtrack past the cave ceiling then double jump on top.