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A member registered May 29, 2023 ·View creator page →

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A Dream of Iridescent Foam
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12 pixel font. Alien robot cowboys.
5x8 pixel font. Cool vibes.

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Nah actually really neat concept. I think with a bit more polish this could be a fun way to waste some time. Unfortunate control scheme though hahaha

I would have loved to see more of a integrated usecase to holding the lanter tight, currently I would have preferred just to see more of the level at all times

Alright since I never got past the second moving platform, here are my thoughts: Being able to tap the direction you want to go speedy in a for a short window of time after leaving the wall would be a nice quality of life. Since that’s a core mechanic (I assume), adjust the level design to reward moving fast for long distances and make it fun to do so. Especially the beginning of the game should not feel this hard. A tad of Coyote time (of course!). Now the reason I did not play further xD WHY ARE THE PLATFORMS SLIPPERY?? Don’t have slippery platforms, please. That’s almost worse than platforms you have to move along with because the character is not moved along with them. Idk, sorry for not getting further lmao. I really enjoyed the character walk cycle and visual effect for moving fast though!

Neat little game! I would have loved for the gravity to be stronger as that would have made the inversions feel more snappy. Also I would suggest having fewer mechanics in play, since it’s a side-scroller, make the player auto-run. Then stick to the main mechanics which are gravity inversion, slide and breaking barriers. I’d also remove the slowdown from sliding as that came a bit in the way of my enjoyment of the movement. That one mode in geometry-dash but with an attack button and slides—essentially. As for the sound, the music was great! The art communicated the game well. Work a bit to simplify the cracked texture so it has no isolated empty pixels on the inside of the sprite.

Very nice entry! Here are my notes on what I’d spend time on. Sounds like you already have sounds in the works, so that’s great.

  • I would tone down the post processing filter a tad by default or at least make it an option
  • Since we’re always going up, I’d default the camera as leading up and center the player smoothly when falling.
  • Level design funnily enough. For such a movement based game it should be even more tight. I’d make sure the main “intended” path is obvious. The speedrun routes felt distracting at times like they were tacked onto an existing level and were distracting me as a new player. Just as an example I would argue that the wall in level 1 is unnessecary noise in the level design.
  • More particle effects, for instance on the bounce pads and level exit flags. Of course also sound effects here that match. I feel like the bounce pads could do well with some rainbow shimmer.

Movement notes, since that’s what we’re here for!

  • Coyote time should be added.
  • More player movement friction would probably improve the feel a lot. The jumping up walls is already quite chaotic (but fun!) so it kinda takes me out of the fun when I nail that and then hit a random spike because the player slid a bit too much.
  • In tandem with this, I’d take a pixel or maaybe two off the side of spikes which are on the ground (fine to still have spikes which are ledge-adjacent kill you so that you are unable to stand on the outermost pixel of the ledge). I died a few times jumping over what should be very easy jumps because I pressed too late and it felt like there was slight input lag (probably not the case but it’s simply gameplay feel).

Enjoyed it a lot though I don’t think I finished it as I never saw a timer (which… there may be judging from other comments?). Got to the seemingly empty level with a platform above you and a bounce pad on either side and figured that’s the end?

Not sure if I should have pressed all those elevator buttons. Well, I stopped my venture on floor 35.

Funny premise. Some funny dialogue, maybe add more variation to the floors or some sort of sense of progression? Or the ability to unclick floors? Dunno

The shooting made it quite chaotic and due to the level design I ended up just ignoring the enemies to get out because that worked better than trying to clear them strategically. So dunno, I’d try to rework either the enemy behavouir or level design so that it supports your mechanics!

BRUH! This is hilarious. It has no right to go this hard. It’s like getting over it … but with checkpoints, and bees! And.. flowers! And the flowers and the bees, you know… so speaking of jokes, hard mode joke and initial narration got me chuckeling xD

So I guess this is to “Getting over it” like “The looker” is to “The witness”

I was about to write:“Though there is the issue of missing collision… which causes… well you can’t get the dash power-up :/ “Then I checked the main page, lo and behold I could have not wasted my time finding grill-skip speedrun tech because I wanted to try to get that power-up despite the missing collision. It’s possible though to get to grill from down below using only the first two pinks… barely.I have to say I kinda found that even with the broken collision, that section feels a bit too frustrating imo, I wanna hear more narration. Not miss a pink blob five times and ragequit xD

Oh and the music. Remixed classics, love to hear it!

Ah gotcha. I thought that warning meant I was doing something wrong… Welp, we live and we learn xD

I’m not seeing how you got to this game based on the Theme… But good on you! Feels very polished and that weird telephone weather effect scared the crap out of me—and then I gave up because that level was brutal lmao

Oh no! Aw man, yeah I really gotta find out how to port to MacOS at some point…

What I mean to say is: Go find a windows machine!.. or your local Linux server!

The second level was trippy. I really enjoyed the visuals there, and the fact you could skip the enemies to get to the boss hahaha

And maybe this is because I didn’t have to correct program to unpack your game. But I had to change the extension from .rar to .zip before unzipping it. But that might just be on my end *shrug*

I found the art-style quite charming and the sound decent too! It was a bit frustrating that it was set up as a puzzle which was not too hard but then you die from the magnets and have to redo everything. And the way to defeat enemies was also not really adding the the charm of the game. Somewhere closer to a pure puzzle game is where I think this game would shine. Collect colors in the correct order and move through the correct barriers in order. Manual reset. One-screen puzzles. That way you optimize the thing which was most appealing about your game. I did like the wobbly bubble quite a bit. But I may be biased on that front :b

Aw shucks, you.

Can’t wait hear what you have to say on my ga—*checks notes*—mode of transportation

I suppose Idid channel my inner Narrator voice while recording that ;)

Heads up: You uploaded a godot project, not the exported project

This is nice! Really annoying and challenging in a good way.

The 45 degree slopes should not prevent you from jumping imo. They should simply not be possible to go up forever, and then correct the level design accordingly. That way the movement would feel more dynamic because I actually quite enjoyed how the character felt to move after getting used to it.

Another minor thing is that it would make the first area a bit more enjoyable to be in if you added like a .1 or so delay between hitting an electric switch to the platform beginning to move. That way you could hit the switch in driveby and still get on the platform:P

Ooooo very neat. So far the best take on the theme imo! Cleanly implemented graphics too, no nonsense. I like it!

“Don’t worry about the blue ones, throw ’em anywhere” got an actual laugh out of me. Nice xD

Delightful rope physics!

For me the playable space was somewhat too narrow and it would have made it more fun if you could see a bit more while at the same time the patterns you have to avoid are more complex. This would also allow for more visual interest as it currently is a lot of looking at an empty screen and quickly reacting when something does show up.

I suppose you do have some great music to listen to in the meantime though:D

Well thing is, I did not yet get sick of it! Which is why it was the perfect length despite the song having such a short loop ;)

I tried to say you game did NOT overstay its welcome, which is a good thing!

This feels like a love-child between the cell stage of Spore and that one insect resource gathering evolution war-game I played in my young internet days lol. That kind of power progression is always satisfying. I see that kind of potential in this game too since the promise is kind of the same, you just need to deliver in that promise. The promise being: Eat food, get stronger, avoid those stronger than you until you can defeat them. It’s like “there is always a bigger fish”, but I am also becoming a bigger and bigger fish if that made any sense at all.

I agree with the others. Tightening up the gameplay loop and fixing the loading issues would help. The shop is a bit unintuitive and you do not feel a progression. You are somewhere in between a puzzle game and a progression based game. Because you do not decide on the resources (things to put in the tower)–which would work in a puzzler where you have to figure out the optimal location for a specific wave (it needs to be more challenging to be fun then), and you do not manage your resources gained which is what would make a progression based game fun. Also just a minot thing, the click sounds needs the top end cut off with a low-pass filter, it’s just kinda jarring when you spam click to hear that repeatedly.

All that said, I did enjoy the game for a bit and I hope you can use some of the feedback:D

Yo, the winning/losing?? music is an absolute bop! Imma lose the game on purpose now to hear it again lmao.

Anyway I feel like an in-game tutorial would have been beneficial because I did not understand the purpose initially although I had read the description. No matter. Artwork could use a bit of work imo to make it look more… less noisy perhaps? Probably the background which would look better as a darker less contrast-heavy texture so that you focus on the layout of the rocks and water. Perhaps an animated texture for the water would be nice to make it shiny and “ooo i wanna go there”.

Also then I got blocked by the game with no way through the rock across the whole map. So that’s a thing where the generation algorithm should be tweaked to ensure that there is always a possible path?

Edit: RIGHT THE AUDIO! Not sure it matches the exact mood of the game, probably my best critique? Good job having feedback on all the actions taken in the game:)

Also maybe tweaking the water-metre so it perhaps pauses for just a while (need to dial this in for balance) after picking up water, that way if you go fast enough you can go as far as you can, if you can keep up the pace. You could even add in a combo system if you pick up more water while paused!

A small particle effect flowing from the water to the water bar could probably futher improve feedback as it links the action of picking up water directly to your water metre. As well as giving more focus on the water metre as a player.

I appreciate that the ding sound does not clip if it is playing already when you lose, good detail! Again I think some feedback on what the hitboxes are and feedback for when you hit an enemy would vastly improve this game. I stopped when I got frustrated on the floor with the two chimney sweeper guys lol

I feel like we could join our games into one and get a really neat horror game out of it hahaha. The elevator you chose probably fits the horror aesthetic more than what I did xD on on Facebook
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