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A member registered Mar 05, 2015 ·View creator page →

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Ping pong game where movement controls time flow of balls
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A game made for the 1 hour game jam Rigid Jam 5
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Lux Jam - 2020
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Hey, thanks for the reply! Im kinda looking for all around skills, just someone to share the workload with and have fun. I actually LOVE doing pixel art so its hard to take that out of my workload haha. Thanks so much though, your artwork is awesome. I love the bonsai tree!

Found that late game it bogged down HARD. Thats the only reason i stopped playing. Very addictive!

I can do a little bit of everything, I can code, do art, make sfx, music ... etc. check out my main page for stuff i have done in the past. I usually get 10-20th place on the area i am focusing on in jams. Just want to pair up with someone who is half decent at game making and try working in a team for once instead of lone wolfing it.

Lets get real.... flying machines are always the solution :P

wave 27, great job guys! everything is very polished

damn, made an interlocking spaace ship that made me so many levels and then one of them where i had to fit into that 2 tall and like 6 deep space ruined it LOL

So, not sure if its intended, but jump, attack, block cancel, dash, repeat with the arm knifes basically kills any enemy i have encountered so far lol wasnt sure if that was intended or a bug.

Yeah, im not going to lie, i wasnt sure what the theme was because its not on the main page but i was so upset that i missed it. it really does match the decay theme though, i think you guys are looking at the literal translation of decay and not at the the decay of time... like, it still fits, kinda.

I will upload a windows build later today so you can completely destroy it lol. To test it I put a input on down in the process function and it could handle like 10k balls on screen. It's ridiculous lmao thanks for the feedback!

Haha thanks I played your game right when you submitted it it's HILARIOUS. Awesome contradiction on the speed factor lol I will head over and rate it when I get a chance to sit down tonight!

Thanks so much guys! I thought about an AI possibly in the future, but with the time constraint and trying to figure out how to translate 2d to 3d I just didn't have time to include it for the jam

Thanks guys, i think i used a track that changed its bpm or i guessed the bpm incorrectly... if i had made my own music it would have lined up perfectly but 3 hours isnt alot of time haha! And there is a bug that is stopping you from going back to the title screen where the high score was :/ 

Thanks guys! I am a little ashamed of the clock spawning system tbh. I realized in the last little bit that you couldn't keep playing with the system I had implemented with the clocks so I spaghetti coded a seperate clock spawner system and threw it on top.... It wasn't my proudest moment, but it worked enough to submit the project. If I continue I will be overhauling the entire spawn system to be a little more cohesive. Again thanks so much for the comments! I am so proud of this one. Good luck everyone! 

if that is what all Australians sound like, im leaving Canada immediately  lol

So, i really enjoyed the concept. As i was playing it i was realizing how a wave defense game to defend the line has not really been done before. so 5 stars on innovation. My one issue is that the bullets fire as entities , which mean that most of the bullets were not hitting the robot and as soon as the robot touched the package, it was GONE lol Great job though! If you continue to work on it I will for sure be back to check it out!

The game felt very complete, the simplicity with the art and gameplay made it all come together nicely

Now add a shop, where you buy more stuff for your house and you can also paint it. but also decorate your house .... already a better concept then animal crossing

I love the idea, and the gameplay is awesome

You guys did great! It reminds my of the old hill climber games! 

I completed this work of art. i pissed on every individual, and it felt refreshing.

Great Job! Good Game all around

Was not able to submit my game in time or you would have gotten 5 stars across the board! this game was so well done.

Thanks for the detail! Thinking now, i should have threw up a score quickly, i had more then enough time.... I will check your game out when i have a moment, im sure its great!

That was awesome! The movement was SO smooth and the animation for when he hit a wall cracked me up lol. 

Loved the concept, it was quite challenging at times! also the art was awesome!

Great job! I can see you were trying to learn as you went and thats what the jams are all about! everything that you did, was done amazing!

LOVE the art in this game, it brought me back to salad fingers days lol!

Good job, the music really suits the gameplay and art style!

Awesome game. love the art in it lol that meow sound is going to haunt my dreams now though

Yes i absolutely agree, I had other concepts in mind at the beginning of the project but kept on EAing it and removing planned features to meet the deadline lol.

Well .... Not a single thing found that i would complain about. This project was A Grade! good job!

Yeah, i am super new to godot so it was a learning curve. I learned so much trying to make things work though so its an instant win for me! Thanks for the feedback!

When do i get the Amulet of Yendor ? lol love the turn based style! great job!

This could be a really decent game with some polish. I was thrown back when it wasnt a rougelike peggle but actually a pool style game. really good concept and i would pay for a polished version of it for sure! Wait time killed me though for sure.

Thank you so much! I am new to godot so i figured i would put my all into the art to make up for it lol on on Facebook
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