The problem with the splash poison combo is the you are still FORCED to use one of the 3 attribute slots on direct damage.
If you could get the flask to do AOE damage, poison, and heal or shield, it might be more useful.
Also, since, from what I can see, there is a max of 2 enemies, the AOE is sorta wasted, if you could splash poison 3+ enemies it would be cool, but since the moment the first enemy dies the aoe becomes useless, it's just not worth it.
Although I'm personally stuck since there's no realistic way of getting 'infinity' soulstones, I can say that you can get the following things by:
Soulstone: Killing the last enemy over and over, it doesn't seem to get any stronger as you kill it.
Infinity/singularity: They are one and the same, except that w/e infinities you got transform into singularities when you destroy the heart.
Infinites are basically you getting a Quintilian of any resource, with it counting up to (I think) 16 times for all resources other than flint and fiber. You can get 16 singularities per reset if you max out all resources other than those two.
It's pretty hard to get more than the food infinity for the first reset unless you are super determined, this 1 singularity can be used to get the ability automatically spend the proper amount of various resources to get w/e you click on, assuming you have enough. This allows you to keep maxing out masons without having to go through the whole ordeal of getting all the right resources to make up for it.
Great game, but I assume that there's some kind of hidden or bonus ending with the extra items? I wanted to get it but the grind is just too much...
You can get like 25-ish sticks from a run, but you need like a thousand to get all the end-game items, not to mention all the mushrooms, berrystone, and stone etc.
I might have missed something, but otherwise, maybe consider adding a way to get more stuff, like an upgrade that multiplies your gain from certain items. This would be a good way to allow the player to use resources that otherwise become useless after a point.
The tutorial doesn't seem to include HOW to plant seeds. the info on the soil says I need a pot, but I have no clue how to get one other than from the box, but that just needs me to wait to get boosters and HOPE that I get a box, then HOPE than it drops a pot... Maybe starting with a single pot would help, with extra pots gained slowly as you buy more boosters.
Edit: I was able to get a pot after my 3rd basic booster, but are they not re-usable?
I feel like I must be stupid, I can't seem to complete a simple one patty burger I can cook a bun, I can cook a patty, but I guess I
'm too dumb to figure out how to make it into a complete burger.
I tried Putting a cooked bun under a cooked patty with a cooked bun over, but it just gives me the lower half.
The game is both cute and scary, it's pretty nice.
It would be nice to have a more 'casual' game mode, one where you can save the game at the bed or something, everything else would still be there, but maybe as a penalty you would get less money per crop, forcing you to play for longer, but without the threat of losing everything and starting over, only losing a bit of progress or money or w/e would be balanced.
Or you could even have it become a rogue-lite game, where the character is basically stuck in a loop, forced to experience the same horrors over and over, and only leaving the island might end it.
Make upgrades be 1/25 or 1/50 instead of 1/10, and more expensive for the higher levels, but make them and coins permanent, allowing you to slowly progress further, but always being forced to suffer a horrible fate over and over until you eventually succeed.
Either that, or keep the upgrade system the same, but add a skill system where you get better at doing things as you keep doing them. This seems pretty hard to make and balance though as it would need to implement a whole new system into the game, especially since it would 'force' players into grinding certain skills instead of simply playing the game as was intended without proper balancing, but well done can add an extra layer to the game, where the player can rush certain upgrades in order to maximize EXP gain for certain skills. You can also go the inverse route, where upgrades are permanent, but skill reset each run, making players get better over time every run, possibly grinding some skills for the best effect early-game in order to give them an advantage mid or late-game.
In the end it's up to you if you want any of these changes, just some ideas to help you decide. The 'long term' gameplay mode would also help you add more things to the game, since once the first goal of getting a boat is achieved, you can re-use the same map and add some new things, giving players a new goal since the boat didn't solve the loop problem.