In case you're wondering, I scaled to absolute insanity by taking every single "add 2 to prairie each time it scores" and "add stars to terrain" option I could to build the GIGAPRAIRIE. I also got lucky and collected some "if the size of this terrain is greater than X..." added on.
One tip to make these strategies less busted. Make reroll cost scale rapidly per round. I got to a point where I was racking up crazy amounts of money to the point that I could reroll and buy everything I wanted a dozen times, increasing my power level and chance of getting what I needed super quickly. I basically bought every prairie and prairie buff to the point I could guarantee they'd appear first draw every round.
Overall, I love the concept here and there's definitely potential for a solid full release. The detail I like most is the flying money when you get hit. It makes the damage feel impactful.
The W to accelerate in space lanes either wasn't working or lacked any visual indicator that it was working. The ship stayed in the same spot on the screen and the enemies kept coming at the same speed.
The shooting mechanic is a bit clunky. The bullets either need to be bigger or faster to make it feel satisfying. As it stands, it's more optimal to just dodge enemies than try to kill them
Here is a little tip. Your game doesn't actually scale up with the full screen button, so I would go into your game settings and find the button that says to allow fullscreen and turn it off.
You also need to put the directions in the description below the game. You can still do that now. I couldn't do the second level, because I don't know what button I need to change characters.
All of this is stuff you have to learn when you first start uploading games to the internet. I see that you're new, so no harm no foul. It'll just help your ratings for the rest of the jam.
Good job making something that works. That really is an achievement you should be proud of!
The game totally violates separation of power, but I’m working with this as more of an alternate universe ethics sim rather than a civics sim. The scale is basically an unquestioned god in this universe, and the detective is merely feeding it information.
I appreciate the feedback. I did worry as I was making it about the time it takes to complete.
You’re also not the first person to dislike the hidden words mechanic, but I stand by the choice. I didn’t want this game to fall into the detective game trap where you’re just clicking buttons without thinking.
As for clicking back through whole conversations, you may have missed it, but there is a back button that backs you up from your current page. That makes it a little quicker to navigate and take a different path. I did consider a “journal” that takes notes for you of places to come back to, but I ended up cutting that for time.
All in all, you’re not wrong that the writing was ambitious, possibly to my detriment here. I underestimated how much time and work it was going to take, but once I’d concocted this story it was hard to slim it down any more than I did. I already cut two characters entirely, but I needed Dylan to be responsible and Lena for motive. At the point I realized it was a bit much for the time limit, it would have required starting over to remove any more.
Lastly, on the UX front, that footer was supposed to contain a settings menu with audio sliders and text accessibility settings. It ended up only containing the exit button, which I agree I probably should have just scrapped. That’s getting fixed in the postjam release anyways.
I think the thing that's confusing people as far as tile placement is concerned is how to connect doors and how to determine what rooms contain. Your doors aren't clear enough for people to naturally understand them and line them up. For an idea of how to solve this issue, you can look at Betrayal at House on the Hill as an example.
Each door has a bright yellow rectangle, making it easier for players to see them and understand them. In addition, the square is labelled with a symbol (also bright yellow) and text describing its function. Using these tricks in your game will make it more functional.
If I could, I would play this for hours.
The reason I can't is because the CRT screen effect is making me dizzy and a little nauseous. If you end up releasing this game, please consider putting an option to turn that off in settings. It's cool for sure, but it's made the game unplayable for me within minutes and I'm disappointed about it.
I am actually very in favor of the pregame narrative. I think this game wouldn't be what it is without that. It's the secret sauce that makes this dish compelling, and if you decide to make a bigger paid release, that would sell people on it as a trailer.
Well done! Also, quick appreciation for the little sound effect of the beaver talking. I love it so much.