maybe you didn’t realise I was this community’s moderator when you reported my own post as:
“blatantly attacked another user though a comment, insulting what they assume is their personal life at am attempt to force them off the platform”
which it clearly isn’t. Obviously. You’re wasting my time, I told you not to do that. So you’re banned here. (And again, this isn’t censorship: you’re free to go be annoying elsewhere, but not here. I’m not even going to delete your posts, but frankly you shouldn’t consider this a favour- they make you look very foolish. I advise you find something else to invest your time in.)
okay so first of all, this is not censorship. If they deleted your comment then you can post it elsewhere. You are not endangered by doing this, nobody is threatening you or anyone you care about, there are no consequences for your critique except maybe it getting deleted, and nothing is stopping you posting it again elsewhere.
secondly, I have to assume that since you are putting so much energy to an issue so trivial that either having your comment deleted is the worst thing that has ever happened in your life and you have nothing else to be concerned about… Or (and, to give you some credit, I think this is much more likely) you actually have some shit you’re facing IRL and feel you have no control, escape, or way to deal with it. And instead you’re doing this.
If you need actual help, I beg of you to seek it out. There ARE people that will look out for you, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
otherwise, don’t waste my time. I genuinely do not care that your comment on a game got deleted.
I thought I had implemented this feature already, but it turns out I haven't. I'll try to make it work in the next version.
For now, I think dice expressions are the closest thing. When you create a new expression it will by default match whatever roll is currently out, so that might save a little time but obviously this is probably not ideal for you. Sorry!
the images that the app loads are all from a single folder, so you can just put your images there, but when you’re editing the die faces you’ll still have to apply them one at a time.
Detailed docs are here:
I don't know of any automated way to do it and I haven't implemented that myself, sorry. You'll need to do it manually by copying the files betweein the dice folders:
This is a bug, sorry! If you test the die after closing and opening the app it should work properly.
The bug is that edited dice have several hundred faces (that don't get used), and loaded dice have the right number of faces. So any time you make or change a die, it will do this when testing (until the app reloads). I keep meaning to fix this issue but I've not been able to get round to it yet, sorry!
After running the app, there should be a "Sophie's Dice" folder in your documents directory, put the divination dice in there and they will be loaded the next time you run the app.
There's a little more detail in the app documentation here:
if you go to the settings and then “Results”, you can disable String Stacking. This is ungrouped, but not necessarily unsorted, because they will be in the order that the dice spawned. If all the dice are the same type, or you spawn the dice in an arbitrary order, then the order of results will also be arbitrary. Hope that helps :)
Yes! This is part of the idea behind the “Dice-Type Swap” variant, though having the extra difficulty of determining which die is which piece for which player might make it more of an obstacle than an aid…
Hmm, perhaps instead, a kid could roll “with advantage” (roll twice and take the higher value)? Something I’ll have to test!
dropped/disregarded dice are not counted towards dice sums, though I am not familiar with Wretched and Alone mechanics - if you need to completely remove a certain kind of dice from a pool so that they aren’t included in re-rolls, you will need to do that manually for each individual die (though it may be simpler to just have an expression that counts the 1s, and then you can roll a pool with that many fewer dice next time).
I hope that helps!
The reason for that is actually mechanical! If the last wheel is correctly placed when the cam is at a certain angle, the lock can jam. The number range isn’t the same on all IRL locks, because the dial can be rotated differently to the cam - however it is common for real locks to not have the final number be set in some specified range to prevent any problems.
In the simulator, the contact points are always the same relative to the dial, and so the final number in a combination will always be outside of the same range.
The app won’t ask you specifically, but you can specify which dice you roll before rolling by using roll expressions (the button between the dice bag and the X buttons).
You can enter your expression like this for two simultaneous rolls:
5d6, 7d6
Or if tunnels and trolls uses opposed rolling, you could subtract one from the other like this:
5d6 - 7d6
You can view full documentation for notation that expressions can usehere.
I’m not 100% sure I understand the behaviour you’re describing, but it can’t be done with current roll condition syntax alone.
I think, it might be doable with a customised d100 however (though the actual d100s take a long time to roll).
Though like I say I’m not sure I understand exactly, since this can mean alternating additive and subtractive explosion on the lower rolls, and it doesn’t incorporate any rerolling.
Either way I think that is as far as you can get in the app right now without doing things manually, sorry!
This one is actually pretty tricky, so it’s probably easier to just roll the dice and work it out yourself, but here’s my best attempt at a roll expression to do this (you might be able to do better with a good understanding of maths and the availabledice notation:
roll=2d8, doubling=((roll-8)*2)*roll#, max(roll,doubling+(roll#*8))
This outputs three results, “roll” which is just the 2d8, “doubling” which sums any doubled values as a result of rolling 8s (roll# is the number of 8s in the roll pool, using the ‘count’ condition). The final result is greatest value; either the roll, or doubling plus 8 times the number of 8s rolled.
The final result will work as the value you want unless both dice roll 8, in which case you’ll need to use the ‘doubling’ result (or just remember that it is always 32 for that roll).
Like I said, it’s tricky! A lot of roll logic is deceptively complicated even when it seems simple in English (the ‘other die’ is the main complicating part here. If you wanted to just double the value of both dice for each 8 it would be much simpler:)
roll=2d8, roll*max(1,roll#*2)
Anyway that’s the best I can do for now, sorry. Hope it helps!
Hey so first up:
You can make a dice bag that includes all the example dice at any time by selecting the '+' button on the hotbar and choosing the dice bag icon, from there toggle the 'Example Dice' option and then select 'Create Bag' - the new bag will have all example dice in it, including the Lancer dice :)
A "Copy from tray" option is a very good idea, especially since I've been thinking about how to check the dice other people roll when I add online play. I'll add it to my notes and think about how it could be implemented for a future version.
Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry I didn't reply before recreating a die the hard way (though I respect your love for ensuring a die's preservation!)
You could definitely explode a d20 into a d8:
but the d8 will be added to the d20 result because it is part of the same dice pool. To sum the damage pool with the exploded d8, you would need to look at the dice and do the sum yourself.
So whilst it is possible to roll both attack and damage at the same time, I would recommend rolling the attack first and then rolling damage afterward if the attack hits (this saves good damage rolls from being wasted too ;p)
Yeah I know what is going on, it's not easy for me to change the app to get macOS not to do this, but you can still use the app.
The solution is to enter in the terminal:
xattr -cr “/path/to/“
sorry for the awkwardness!
edit: Just to be clear, the app isn't actually damaged. But macOS considers any unverified app to be "wrong". It's ostensibly for security but it seems more like a racket to me.
the trick is to usemultiple results, this will let you use the same dice pool more than once in an expression.
For your example, I would use:
a=5d10!, a#{>5}-a#{1}
This will roll your 5d10 with exploding behaviour and call it “a” (you could call it whatever you want), then we count the number of dice that rolled over 5 in “a”, and then subtract the count of dice that rolled 1 in “a”.
Hope that helps!
sorry about this, it’s an issue with me not jumping through all of apple’s hoops to verify the app. I’ve been told that entering this in the terminal fixes the issue:
xattr -cr “/path/to/“
Sorry again, I know it’s inconvenient. I’m hoping to get the app properly verified once I’m no longer updating it every other week.
That definitely sounds like a bug, though given it doesn't happen on other platforms it is almost certainly a unity bug and not one I can fix myself. The next update will have audio volume controls so you should be able to mute the sounds if they are annoying, though obviously that will have an impact on your ability to play the game (the spectrograph display is based on the in-game audio. I'll look into alternatives to that though).
Sorry for the trouble, but I don't think I'll be able to stop the squeaking.
Yes it’s only the one kind of lock (a group-2 style safe lock), although it can be modified for difficulty. I have thought of adding other safe/dial lock types but for the time being I have no plans to add anything else. Ultimately I’m limiting myself to keep the scope of the project small, and also fun - it might be fun for me to simulate manipulation resistant locks but it would not be fun to try and crack them (afaik many can’t be cracked without drilling!).
Other styles of locks may be possible for me to simulate, but I know less about them so I’d need to do research to know if I could simulate them well and make them fun to overcome.