From a gameplay perspective, I love the the interactivity of being able to click on a name, and getting to read its lore entry; which is something I don't think I've seen on RenPy before.
WWCG had one of the best atmospheres and vibes I've ever felt in a visual novel, and I can see this also has a very specific tone it's giving off, intentional or not. Though it definitely seems to be considerably less dark.
This is such an unbelievably wholesome and sweet game. I remember you making a post talking about how you're uncomfortable with your characters being talked about in an NSFW way, so I assume you channeled much of your own experiences with this subject into the game. All-in-all, I'm really surprised at how profound this is, and how touched I was by it.
A damn shame nobody's commenting on how visually appealing the UI is. I absolutely adore this game, especially Grim. My only real complaint is that whenever your character only has one line, you still have to manually press it. Not a big issue, but could get a tad repetitive. Then again, maybe I overlooked a setting that changes that.
All-in-all, fucking fantastic.
While I've never been particularly into Yandere stuff (I honestly thought the concept had more or less died out), I found myself very entertained by this game, and incredibly interested in its story. This and Our Life gives me quite a bit of inspiration to create my own Visual Novel, if by a miracle that ever happens.