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A member registered May 01, 2024 ·View creator page →

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Kid, please don't interact with this subject material if you're going to be a homophobe polluting the comments.

Liev's backstory heavily reminds me of the Digimon Emperor from Digimon 02. A kid that was forced to be a perfectionist by his parents, and developed a dark side as a result. Overall, really enjoyed the game.

I liked the part when Doctor Anselm said: "It's Anselming time!" and Anselmed all over the place.


While coming up with their voices I ended up making Yuzuki British, Ichigo a surfer dude, and gave Haruto a muttering-rat voice which I ended up feeling bad for when I realized he was a good dude lmao.

That wouldn't be so much of an issue if that guy's review didn't sound like a schizophrenic, terminally online rant.

Dude, out of all of the glowing reviews, you listen to the single negative one?

There's an area above the comment section called "Development Log", where you'll see the post called "Full Game Guide".

You know I always feel worried when I make longer comments like these instead of comedic ones, because I feel like I come across as rude or snarky. Here's hoping this doesn't come across that way, because I loved this demo!

From a gameplay perspective, I love the the interactivity of being able to click on a name, and getting to read its lore entry; which is something I don't think I've seen on RenPy before.

WWCG had one of the best atmospheres and vibes I've ever felt in a visual novel, and I can see this also has a very specific tone it's giving off, intentional or not. Though it definitely seems to be considerably less dark.

Everything starting with the character creation IS episode 2.

"I honestly thought the concept had more or less died out"

Boy wasn't I just an idiot.

This is such an unbelievably wholesome and sweet game. I remember you making a post talking about how you're uncomfortable with your characters being talked about in an NSFW way, so I assume you channeled much of your own experiences with this subject into the game. All-in-all, I'm really surprised at how profound this is, and how touched I was by it.

Both choices in the True Ending made me want to throw up


Just out of curiosity due to the Spanish she occasionally speaks, what is Amelia's nationality? I also just realized she has a heart-shaped tongue piercing, so that's a cool detail.

Shiloh and Jeremy are actually from a previous game of their's, XOXO Droplets.

Hey, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I ended up getting the second Derek CG despite not having any of the DLC. I don't have any issue with it of course, but I'm just confused as to why it happened.

Also, congrats to the whole studio for having the top game on all of Itch.

This is a weird compliment, but the game is great for having the main menu open in the background so you can listen to the music while doing other stuff.

The game literally says it's just meant to be finished incredibly quickly.

I wonder what the Dev thinks about the absolute LUST people are feeling towards Jester?

A damn shame nobody's commenting on how visually appealing the UI is. I absolutely adore this game, especially Grim. My only real complaint is that whenever your character only has one line, you still have to manually press it. Not a big issue, but could get a tad repetitive. Then again, maybe I overlooked a setting that changes that.

All-in-all, fucking fantastic.

While I've never been particularly into Yandere stuff (I honestly thought the concept had more or less died out), I found myself very entertained by this game, and incredibly interested in its story. This and Our Life gives me quite a bit of inspiration to create my own Visual Novel, if by a miracle that ever happens.

I liked the part when Cove said: "It's Covin' Time!" And Coved all over the place.

Oh and I think Mr. Holden's characterization is very underrated with how believable it is. on on Facebook
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