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A member registered Mar 11, 2020 ·View creator page →

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I absolutely adore the graphics of this game, the simplistic pixel style is really really nice, especially for an idle game. I love that the sprites are so simple but clean, especially the wizard is super recognisable for what it is despite being so small!! The main palette is gorgeous too, the colour scheme has that sorta mystical vibe to it. The music is a nice choice too!

My only issue is that playing the game causes my computer to heat up over time, its gradual but I do keep having to scroll down to the comments to 'unload' the game to give my computer a chance to cool down. Now my laptop is pretty old and this does happen with some games, I haven't seen any other comments about this issue, but I figured I may as well mention it while I'm down here waiting again! :P

I did see someone suggesting a breakdown of the resources income, I can definitely get behind that. Currently I'm struggling a bit to decide if e.g. a druid is worth buying, since I can't see the amount of wood each individual one gets me. But that is a pretty minor thing! 

But yeah I really like this game!! I was surprised to see it was a prototype, I haven't finished the demo yet but it seems pretty fleshed out so far :D

Edit: Oddly, after prestiging for the first time, my computer seems to be heating up fairly faster :0 I'm not entirely sure why, might be a coincidence??

Edit 2: Ok no it's definitely heating up faster, that's so odd :0 Maybe I just have more sprites this time around(?)

Super cute game, I adore the graphics!!! Unfortunately something about the team/collection page makes my computer heat up a lot very fast, none of the other pages do that :0 But to be fair, it is a laptop and an old one at that!  

The sound design is lovely too, this is such a cute game :D

I have absolutely no idea what these little guys are yapping about but I lvoe them and would die for them. Also the end credit music is actually incredible

Why does the McDonnalds's theme go kind of hard though..

Also the sad human drawing was oddly touching. I love how silly this game is without sacrificing the ability to have sweet genuine moments. That's a real skill in storywriting!! You guys have a knack for this :3

I adore this, the art is genuinely so charming. And Cookleigh is best girl!!! 

Ohhh that was a spooky ending :0 Leaves me with a lotta questions!! Loved this game, the visuals are absolutely gorgeous <3


Sees the little yellow guy...sees the empty yellow star slot...sees the blender...

I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it

I absolutely loved this!! So many escape room games are a click-random-pixels type of experience, but this had logic to every single one of its steps!! Some puzzles took me a fair bit to figure out, but I always got them in the end :D Twas a real brain exercise!! 

Also love the graphics style, its super neat! I assume its assembled of flat pictures instead of rendering the actual models, which is a really neat way to do it and really lowers the loading burden (which is excellent for my poor old laptop who really struggles with unoptimised games, but didn't even heat up with this one!)

Spoilers below!!

I actually figured out the second half of the blue maze early, I saw it was on a window and flipped it and tada! It worked!! Made me feel real smart when I went outside and realised I'd done it early >:3

I then felt way less smart when I had to use a calculator to figure out the maths.. I thought I understood BIDMAS but clearly not </3 Alas! Tis the glory of the future that we can just use calculators instead! :D

A tiny hiccup I noticed is that when the robo-monkey is on the kite string, looking back showed the umbrella open and mystery blue marks on the chair, when I hadn't actually unlocked that yet. Not really a dire bug since I couldn't read the blue smudge! Just a consistency issue, but it's pretty minor, I'm not complaining just thought I'd mention it in case ya looking to squish bugs!!

But yeah I really enjoyed this, tis a very well crafted escape room with actual depth and I ADORe the scenery, the surreal gigantic purple planet on white sands just genuinely gives such cool vibes <3

Oo really neat game!! I love the super simple but nice graphics, and the management style of working out what is/isn't worth doing at the spaced out stops. I will say the wording for eating is a bit confusing, I wasn't sure if it also fed the dogs as it only mentions you eating, could do with a simple extra line saying "You fed the dogs.".

I am also a little confused as to why seeing bones would traumatise a dog? The corpses I understand, but the bones are just bones. But eh that's just nitpicking!

The red aurora was super interesting, what was up with that?! Happened right after I lost one of my dogs, wonder if it was connected or just coincidence :o

Regardless, I enjoyed this :D

Edit: Nvm just read the note saying the party are humans! That makes more sense now lol- disregard the food and bones comments!

Edit 2: Damn I just got 3 blizzards on top of each other, every new screen gave me another blizzard! Stop! Stop!! I'm already dead :'(

Neat little game! I like the graphics and the gameplay loop is fun! Though dashing gets laggy the more bees you have, have about 150 and now even the base game is laggy :P But it's still a fun quick game! 

Seems fun :D Love the music you picked too

Nice game, but I got softlocked unable to dig any deeper cuz every block was either rock or had a building on it. Should probably be able to demolish buildings to prevent getting stuck like that lol

Pretty cool game!! I enjoy the simple but clean graphics and the gameplay loop is pretty addicting. The audio is nice too, the music doesn't get annoying even after a while of playing which I do like. 

I did encounter a few bugs(pun unintended) though:

  1. If you restart on the halloween map, all the halloween graphics are switched to regular ones (so flowers instead of pumpkins for example). May also apply to xmas map, didn't check.
  2. Normally when you reduce an enemies size it shrinks and changes colour and you can eat it. Twice I shrank one who didn't change colour but did stop chasing me, so I chased it down to eat it and it hurt me :c
  3. Hard mode seems to be broken. I toggled it on but saw no difference in gameplay. Winning hard mode doesn't register, it still thinks I haven't beaten it (Did it a second time to be sure, still didn't register.)
  4. The 4th level doesn't unlock even though I've beaten the boss multiple times. Not sure if I need to beat the boss in a specific level or difficulty mode?
  5. Not so much a bug, but the dandelions and the webs (especially fading webs) are somewhat hard to make out on the xmas level against all the snow. 

However these bugs were relatively minor, I still had a lot of fun, really liked this :D

Love the style and UI, it's very crisp! Sound design is pretty neat too. There definitely was a lull near the beginning where income was very slow even at low price, and everything was too expensive to buy except auto-presses which I had no reason to buy as I was making paper faster than I was selling it. After the bulk sell thing came up I realised therewas a point in buying more autos and things started to speed up again! Though I would suggest bridging that slow point to tide people over until the bulk sell reveals itself. 

Had to stop playing before I finished it cuz my laptop was overheating (it's very old) but I did enjoy what I played!

Inconnu community ·Created a new topicFeedback

Cool game! I love the idea, I enjoy science simulation games like this :D I do have some constructive criticism though!

The way the tutorial boxes are constantly pulsing makes it incredibly hard for me to focus on and read, I had to try reread them like 3-4 times >.< I'd say the only things that should pulse would be the arrows! 

I quite liked the menu music, but not so much the very short nature noise loop for the actual game, and had to mute it quite quickly. I appreciate the idea behind it but it's just too intense and short of a loop. I'd honestly say to make that menu music the music for the game instead! It's nice and relaxing and fits the vibe. 

The quest system isn't very clear about when a quest is complete. It seems inconsistent too. For example, it asked for a Whirligig Beetle Larva, so I caught and sent one with 12 minutes left, and nothing happened for a fair bit. Suddenly the screen sorta flashed a couple of times, I check the quest again and the money symbol is highlighted in green,  the timer has gone down to like 50 seconds and the checkbox is scribbled in. So I tested it again. It asked for a Caddisfly, I sent one, and sat watching the 30 seconds tick down with no change to the quest bar, nothing to indicate I'd completed it (I closed and reopened the notebook a few times with no change). When it hit 0 I got the money though! (Btw I've found quitting to menu and resuming makes it mark the quest as complete)

So it is pretty confusing and hard to tell when the quest is complete. Sometimes it doesn't indicate anything, and when it does it's not clear what it means (the first time I saw the box scribbled in black I thought that meant I'd failed the quest! Might be better to swap it for a small box with a checkmark). I'd say for the timer to be set to, say, 5 seconds upon completing the task? With the box checked and the whole thing highlighted in green. 

Additionally, it takes a several clicks to get between the tables, I'd prefer for each table to be linked in the notepad like the other locations, there's space under the current links! (Unless that space is being saved for other links that is)

So far I'm not really sure what the point of testing on nor keeping & feeding the little guys is, I seem to just be catching and immediately sending the critters, but perhaps I just haven't progressed far enough yet! 

A little bug I noticed was I had a dead flatworm (oops) and packaged it. On the package info it said the status was "perfectly healthy" despite being..uh...dead. Lol. Another bug(?) is the chemicals sometimes not responding to clicks in the shop, and attempts to drag in the testing screen. 

Make no mistake though, I do like this game! I don't mean for this to come off as intense criticism, I just think this game has potential to be a pretty neat little simulator with some kinks ironed out! 

I Love the sound design of this! The game itself is quite challenging, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to beat it but I did in the end :D After that I poured all my critters into one base and ended up with over 800. Fun fact: Sending out over 800 units at once switches you from frames per second to seconds per frame :P

Unfortunately this isn't playable on a trackpad D: It's impossible to click and right click at the same time so I can't rotate anything. However! Even if I can't play I can still appreciate the very cute pixel art, I love the little animations they have <3 

Edit: Ah I see someone already mentioned it!

If you think just because you're a cute little mouse that I'll do extensive carpentry work for you with no payment'd be absolutely correct what a cutiepie <3

Seriously though this is so CUTE!!! I adorreee the art style so much, Cashew is so adorable <3<3 I love how you did the crafting process, it's simplistic enough to be short and easy but involved enough that it's not just click click done. Though it would've been cool to be able to rotate furniture, having the bed against the door wall is NOT feng shui Cashew, for shame. 

Ah but I can't stay mad at her, she gave me some pebbles she found!! :3 

This is so cute!!!!!!! I actually sort of figured out how to move? Tap several times to go up, and while floating, wiggle until your tail is facing right to go right, or left to go left, and press several times to go shooting in that direction :D Surprisingly fun!! 

I've seen this game before but never actually tried it until now, and I have to say I was missing out!! This is such a creative game, I love the slow dropping of the lore (which is damn cool lore too!) and the ending is so sweet :3

I got really stuck on the final one but FINALLY got it and almost facepalmed because it was so obvious in hindsight :P

My final score was 564 and my longest word was "Nighty", half tempted to play again and focus on getting points this time...maybe maybe

Super cute! Is there anything after hatching the egg or does it effectively end there? :0

Please add this. I've been annoyed at NSFW in results for ages and I go to check settings to see if I can turn it off and I cannot because I apparently uploaded NSFW. After some digging I realise it is because of adraft of a game that I tagged as not suitable for kids/workplace because it contains doing drugs...

Thankfully because it's a draft I can just change that for now and be able to turn of NSFW, but if I ever want to actually publish it? I'm screwed. Either I don't mark it for the narcotic mushroom use, or I'm stuck seeing voluptuous badonkers all over the screen whenever I try to browse games. 

And honestly even for people who have uploaded actual NSFW games, that doesn't mean they'd want their browsing flooded with tens of hundreds of other NSFW games. This as a feature makes negative sense lol. 

Pretty cool!! Love the minimalist style you have, the sprites are really neat. The colour-coded damage numbers are pretty helpful as well.

I did encounter a couple of bugs though. (I'm using Chrome for reference! Version 10.14)

  1. There doesn't seem to be any music playing for some reason.
  2. My game crashed :0 I was on the alchemy menu and bought Burn Reaction 4, however the button didn't max out and instead let me buy BR 5, where it immediately froze the game (all animations stopped, everything was unclickable, and some long code error message appeared in the BR description box). I reloaded the browser and my progress was reset. Ah well. 

Also some of the descriptions I found confusing. I can't remember exactly what it said, but the second upgrade on row 1 of the prestige menu had a very confusing description that I didn't understand. I also don't really understand Burn or Root Reaction.

It would also be helpful to have a little list at the top of the screen with a count of each type of unit you have. Throwers especially are hard to count when they keep running around :P

Please know I did enjoy the game though despite the hiccups!! I'll have to come back at some point and finish the war I started with that wall.. >:D

The game seems pretty cool and I really like the choice of background music!! Fits the theme quite well. 

Unfortunately though I keep having issues with the game freezing. I can still click buttons and the music still plays, but all bars completely freeze their progress. 

First had it when clicking menu, so I restarted. Then I had it clicking Quarry (I didn't have enough research to get one), but was able to reload to my previous saved state. Buuuut now it seems to have saved while I was frozen cuz whenever I reload it just freezes again c':

damn this was actually really fun!! i enjoyed the difficulty of it, it took me a few tries to win and i like that it wasn't just based on luck but rather strategy. it was pretty intense at times trying to keep everything balanced! 

i like the sort of choose your own adventure style it has :D the coding section vs actually playing the game is integrated pretty well imo

Ado survived the whole thing. Every other unit I recruited died, but Ado survived, nay, thrived! At the very end the rest of the team was dead, and Ado was up against like 6 units with but a fraction of health left, but managed to kill just one and leveled up, and slew the rest. I'm so proud. 

the graphics are simple and clean, the gameplay is intuitive, the music is nice, i really liked this! i would say to have a little circle at the bottom of your main beam to show its range better, but that's a pretty minor thing

also these humans have no self preservation instincts i love it

you can!! they sometimes find coins on their own :3 idk if its linked with happiness or not though like it is for strays :0

short and sweet!! the graphics are super charming, love their little bouncey walks. the music fits well, the theme is good! i like that the puzzles arent so difficult you cant solve them, but do make you think on how to get those three stars! so if you manage its satisfying, but if you cant figure it out then it doesnt stop you from playing. tis how most puzzle games should be i think :3

pretty cool! i really like the 3d effect of having the different angles drawn for the turtles head, its a pretty unique layout for a game and i really like it :D

the wiggle cooldown seems to be broken though :0 and i will say that the fish move away too fast when scared, making it hard to see what fish you ate and which got away given that they almost teleport off-screen :P 

the 4 minute time did almost feel a little long, but the fun facts helped to keep me engaged enough to keep playing! and i even learned some new things :D overall, i had fun!

oh and my final score was 44! 11/15/17 for the specific fish

nice game with a super fun artstyle!! i am curious if theres any use for the cactus? and the only thing i can seem to do with the oven mitts or cloth is pick up the pot but im not sure what to do with that :0

regardless it was a neat little experience and i enjoyed it :3

(p.s. mulk is my favourite beverage. love that stuff)

Can I just add I love these names??

"Sweet and Sour Lucifer Prime" and of course he's an orange. 

First played with my three adopted kitties: Ninja Scarlet who was black and white (not ordinary), Master Croissant, who was blue (lost in space), and Evil Wawa who was pastel (seeking the sun).

My fave was Croissant, Ninja was my second ever visitor, and Evil Wawa was such a good name I couldn't resist. But kitties stopped appearing so I reloaded, and my dear friends were gone </3 However I restarted and now have some new adopted friends :3

Super cute game though! Love the art style and the animations are adorable. Lots of little nice details, like the yarn leaving a trail, and the balloon popping (once had it pop immediately when I bought it lol). I like that the water is free, and that you can pet the kitties.

Of course it could do with a little more content to be more engaging, but it's good as a quick and cute time-waster as-is :3

Also I love how I splurge on toys for them and yet apparently my mouse is the most fascinating thing they've ever seen. Much like buying an irl cat a cat-tree and they just lie in the box it came in.

(Shoutout to "whiskers the consumer" whos status was hangry)

Short but fun!! I adore the art style, it's so clean and the two tone palette really works :D The concept art is super fun to look through too, the beeple are a really fun mix of bee and human and they're so fluffy I wanna cuddle them <3

It's also impressive you got that much worldbuilding in such a short amount of time, it makes me want to explore HIVE, especially that castle in the middle, the spires look so cool :0

Great work :DD

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