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A member registered Jan 24, 2017 ·View creator page →

Creator of

Electronic music for HALLOWEEN projects and others.
Royalty Free Music for Games
Royalty Free tracks for your projects.
Royalty Free Music for Games
Audio tracks for all tastes and tastes
Collection of a variety of Christian pop/dance music
Collection of retro style songs for your video games

Recent community posts

Thank you, I have been able to buy it.

Good luck with the game and thank you very much for including my song in the intro.

The game looks amazing! I tried the demo, and it looks fantastic and plays just like Mega Man. 

I tried to buy it to support you, but it wouldn't let me. It gets stuck when I try to pay with PayPal.

A game that, although it brings basic ideas in the purest Game & Watch style, is incredibly fun to play and also features very good graphics and an excellent soundtrack. It has nothing to do with the fact that I composed it. Thank you for the work, and good luck with the game.

Para ser un juego desarrollado en PICO-8, se ve realmente genial. La estética retro tiene un encanto especial, pero lo que lo hace destacar es la increíble calidad visual que se logra dentro de las limitaciones de la plataforma. La banda sonora también está muy chula, con melodías pegajosas que acompañan perfectamente la acción y el ritmo del juego.

Una de las características que más destaca es la gran cantidad de enemigos, lo que puede resultar agobiante en ciertos momentos. Sin embargo, este desafío añade una capa extra de emoción y tensión, manteniendo al jugador siempre alerta y comprometido. Es un juego que no se debe perder de vista, ya que es increíblemente divertido y cada momento está lleno de sorpresas y retos que lo hacen adictivo.

Es un juego muy agradable de jugar, que combina mecánicas de acción y plataformas de manera excelente. Lo que lo hace aún más interesante son esos pequeños elementos de tipo acertijo que atrapan a los jugadores más experimentados, desafiándolos a pensar y a resolver problemas mientras avanzan. La banda sonora es descomunal, realmente impresionante, y aporta una capa adicional de calidad a la experiencia de juego, sumergiendo aún más al jugador en su atmósfera única.

Thank you for leaving a comment. I do what I can; even so, there are people much better than me who really know how to make the most of PICO-8's sound capabilities.

¡Qué decir de esta maravilla que nos deleitó en la epóca sagrada del "gomas"!

Una experiencia que PICO-8 no podía perderse gracias a la incansable labor de OscarBrainDead

It is an honor for me that a designer of his prestige and quality in creating Pico-8 games has used my music in one of his projects. I am truly grateful to you.

Thank you very much. Your game looks like a lot of fun. Good luck!

It's a very interesting idea. Good luck!

Thanks to you for giving the opportunity to my music.

We have an interesting skill game here where we control a little ball that has to collect a series of objects. For this, we rely on our jumping ability and some extras that will help us in the task. The game is a very interesting idea that provides pure fun for short sessions.

"Well, the truth is that I'm quite bad at drawing and graphic design. My thing is more music. AI gives you the possibility to quickly obtain designs inspired by other high-quality human works."

These strategy games are the best because they offer straightforward, uncomplicated fun. They go straight to the point, to entertain.

Oye, la idea me parece una genialidad. El Pacman de toda la vida pero con estrategia por turnos. 

Coincidences do not exist; they are situations orchestrated by destiny for a reason and with a purpose. Thank you for commenting.

I know, thank you also for getting them. It's clear as day that you're a talented author. It's a shame that the market is so saturated and it's difficult to stand out among so many thousands of games.

The game looks visually very good. It's original that it has horizontal scrolling and JRPG-style battles. I like the idea; it looks very promising. Thank you, and good luck with the project.

Cosmonator community ·Created a new topicCOSMONATOR 2

COSMONATOR 2, you're taking too long. It's one of my favorite games on STEAM. Thank you for such fantastic work. If a physical edition for Nintendo Switch or PC comes out, I'll buy it right away.

Thank you very much for your words, they encourage me. Let's see if I get to work and come up with another batch of new music sequences.

A very well made action game. Very reminiscent of the classics. Loaded with action.

If ever there was a time of real need, this is it. We must try to raise as much as possible to send to those countries that are suffering so much. Not to participate as a creator in the Bundle, but to help the hundreds of thousands of people affected. We have to do our bit.

One question, the game has no music? There is no melody.

The number of victims both dead and injured is almost infinite. I would like someone with experience in organising BUNDLES to organise one in the face of this international tragedy.

A great game. I've been looking for something similar for a long time and I was pleasantly surprised. I have it on STEAM

I like the second part very much. This one has more imprecise control. But hey, it was the seed for the next genius.

Very good work.


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