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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

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Something like this would be GREAT since it seems I can add as many love interests as my project needs! Kinda on the bigger cast size but point is, seems doable.

What I want to know is, before i buy, is this plugin compatible with visustella's suite of plugins?

I ask bc I use a lot of their plugins due to sheer versatility but they don't have a a dedicated relationship/faction system plugin for whatever reason....

But, being able to use items or notetags really does give me options.

I just odn't want there to be any compatibility issues and waste money, y'know?

Not to sound rude but investment and all that.

Again, thanks for the vauluable resources and hard work though! 

DAMN! Doubled the page count and it's STILL a page short to cover my needs!

Double damn!

Anal with the main girls! YES!


Thx! Huh, completely forgot this came out when it did...

But, I did buy the game to support though.. Too broke for Patreon, but a one time donation is doable. Hope that helps. 

Still can't vote for shit, but oh well....

Also, as a guy who has gone into a sex shop before... there's literally no reason to be that awkward about it... That was honestly more embarrassing to watch than being in the sex shop itself....

Congrats on the release! No worries, there was a LOT to do,but you stayed in touch so all good.

Can't wait to try out the new classes!

As more of an ass man than a breasts guy, about the only thing I can ask for is some boob variety of the slightly smaller persuasion cuz, I do think that more average sized breasts make for better looking figures overall in games like these. 

Devs tend to go way too hard in in the breast department which, thankfully, you are are at least more reasonable about compared to other games.

IHATEthe Ohro race! I just can't seem to get past it!

And it sometimes freezes... 

Currently using  v1.0.1 .

EDIT: It... took like, almost a dozen tries and a high level green potion, but I brute forced it... but...I STILL HATE IT!

... I love the game overall though.

As a lover of the female booty, I dug the patreon pic! Dat booty!

...Free member, too poor to sub atm... though, I did donate here to get the game.

Will there be a proper harem ending?

No worries. As long as there's consistent communication and visible progress.

Looking forward to the new update!

Also, kudos on the branching, alignment themed, vocation/classes! Lots of variety, but not bloated either!

I th8nk adding the core of game world's foundation first is the right call...

And that takes time, no worries.

So, to me at least, that'd be the basic gameplay systems, plenty of girls to interact with and lewd, and farming/foraging/fighting. That's already plenty of work.

As for addons, maybe do a poll for one or two items after every couple of builds when you think you can fit it in.

And yeah, I love farming sandbox hentai games! So good stuff!

Also, incest is wincest! The more family member heroines, the better!

The shy succubus is funny tho.

...Do you 'have' to buy all the droids in order after the first one, or can I pick and choose after that? Like, there are just some I... do not want to purchase and don't wanna feel locked into 'having to get them' just to get the ones I actually want.


 - Key mapping... Plz, key mapping! Not at all a fan of using the default controls without shuffling some buttons around.

- Let me rename the MC?

- Visual changes to mark the time of day and slow down how fast time flows just a bit... Ingame days go by a little too fast for my liking


- Will our sister be a heroine?


- I like the idea of a lewd Rune Factory-esque game, but.... it's WAY too unpolished to really enjoy for what it is without critiquing something every few steps.

- The AI art is fine for how it's used, so that's not an issue, and the girls do look cute.

- I do like sandboxes, but there's just... not enough yet to really say more than that.

...Yeah, I'll just be keeping an eye on this one until it's a few more builds down the line so that I can get a more accurate read on what this game will be like.

Gonna give this a try, but still hoping for that anal and group content.... It certainly looks interesting though.

Played what I could and... while VERY unpolished, it does have some interesting concepts I do like. Like turning the battle mechanic on its head by having you be the one fighting via the abilities they lend you, on top of the stat buffs it grants you when bonded. It definitely incentivizes capturing them... on top of the affection and lewds.

Nah. It's not related to Lust Doll storyw8se as far as I know.

It's just got the same visual and gameplay aesthetic .

Need more of these lewd pokemon-esque games.
Real questions though...
Anal and group scenes? Hope so.


Definitely looks interesting though.

- In the little town right next to the Nexus Forest, shop has a blank item you can 'buy' for 0G

- Druid Forest Training Grounds dungeon, dungeon area is bugged. Going down there will sometimes leave you as the only party member. Same happens when fall down the slope/cliff when you examine it.

Dialogue options would be a good midfle ground.

And I do understand ppl thinking silent MCs feeling 'lifeless', but I never personally felt that way bc they're supposed to be digital me, so I'm the one reacting... if that makes sense.

So, I actually like the more 'voiced' personality an MC has less compared to a silent MC.

SMT/Persona games have great examples of what I like most in MC expression myself

And yeah, take your time laying down your foundations before adding extras.

A yandere inserting herself would be great.... and hilarious if she banters with Cephe over the MC! I can see it now.

Ngl. Cephe being an utter pervert, pyromaniac, hot, and kinda batshit crazy was honestly hilarious!

I'm actually more a fan of the 'silent protagonist' style of MC myself so seeing digital me react so negatively to her kinda annoyed me tbh, but meh. Minor gripe.

Also, she makes clearing out mobs really easy early on, which is great!

I have mixed feelings about some characters just inserting themselves into your party but... i guess that's what save scumming is for.

The thing I do like is 'filling in the blanks' and creating character stories myself, so having a wide cast to recruit from is nice. Kinda wish there was a feature to write in character notes like what you can do in Srive 4 Power, but I feel like a lot of  lazy ass, modern gamers wouldn't have the patience for that, though I guess that's less a 'modern gamer' problem and just a 'general gamer' problem... Ugh. Nobody can appreciate genuine roleplaying nowadays....

Though, this is why I do hope we get a party banter system, if for no other reason than to see how our party reacts to being blindly led around by our dumbasses. Like, Cephe... I just wanna hear her say more off the wall stuff that can be easily misunderstood. 

Oh well, not a high priority, but yeah. I do plan to add in something like that myself for my own projects, but I have yet to find a kind of 'notepad' plugin to  let players write in notes/character bios though. 

On the underground lake bit? Yeah. The 'walk on top' kinda lack of collision.  Kinda sensitive to those cuz I run into them all the time when mak8ng maps... Ugh.


Did not spot the m8ne cart soft l9ck! Ooh! Thx!

Yeah, nothing happens when checking the 'exit' of the room in the church. Luckily I saved just outside the door.

As for the other areas? Nothing game breaking, just weird lack of collision. 

Oh, I found another area with collision issues. In the Southern SeaSide Forest hidden mine area.

In the section by the underground lake in the bottom right has some lack of collision by the lake.

- Tutorial zone, top right area of the map.

...You, uh... can walk out of the building through the wall between the bookcase and the desk and kinda walk around the building.

Not game breaking, but weird. I had the same thing happen in maps I made was testing out last night so it made me chuckle.

- Starter town, church(?), in the room with the 'magic bell' x1. You can't exit the room, soft locking the game. 

- Castle area to the right of starter town, jail area. Map is kinda broken with its pathing/entrances. Starting from the top leftmost cell area.

Nice! I'm amazed you remembered my interests!

That means a lot!

Ups my suppirt point gauge!

Having followed your game after finding it by accident many moons ago, I must say that... it's inspiring as someone who wants to create worlds and tell stories.

All I ask are:

Quality, communication, and the ability to create a badass harem bc I'm an utter pervert. Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible as far as most other variables are concerned.

I'm digging the branching specialization from the starting classes! So yeah, cook away. Some dishes can only be prepared in a slow cooker anyway. Just, stay in touch when you can to let us keep the faith.

I played awhile ago, but I'm waiting for the next update since everything is gonna be built from the ground up....

Likely gonna play what's here again tho cuz... the need to wander calls.

Best of luck tho!

Give us morons a step by step guide to unlock the farmable garden.

Talking to Ellen isn't doing anything....

And, no. I'm not starting all over just for the farmable garden....

Cool, coo.

I'm just not a fan of girls don't do X bc of Y.

Just give us options and right from the get go and let us pick the hole is more my speed.

Gonna wait for the next update before hopping back into this.

No sense starting now when I'm must gonna have to start over then. 

looking forward to the next update then. on on Facebook
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