The game is just played with the mouse; moving it around, left clicking, the whole shebang! The items on the top floor are your upgrade buttons. It's an idle game so the monkeys just kinda do their own thing. And by "own thing" I mean "generate surplus value for the bourgeoisie" (that's you!).
Hope this helps!
Great atmosphere and a solid concept. My only criticisms would be that I wish there was a preview of the red dot's area when it was deactivated. This definitely has a lot of potential though if you'd ever consider expanding on it - I could see this making areally solid puzzle game with a few more mechanics.
Oh yeah, I've been running into this with some games as well since Firefox updated last week. This fixed it for me, hope it helps:
Hey, sorry for the late reply! In fifth username is a pretty goofy spelling of "Goldfish": it has a '0' (zero) in place of the 'O' and a '$' in place of both the 'i'andthe 's', so the username is "G0ldf$h". Hopefully it was just a typo, since that would have given you the error you described, if not please do let me know. I hope that didn't stop you from enjoying the game though, thanks for pushing through and finding a way around it!