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A member registered May 24, 2022 ·View creator page →

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The man is currently experiencing distress in his life. Let's work towards bringing more joy and laugh into his life
Use your creativity to make your own combat moves, not me !
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Try to collect as many scrolls as possible. Beware of traps. Lights indicate something?
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A simulation of Dynamic Object Avoidance AI
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HAL 9000, lives in a broken spaceship where all the crews died from starvation. Help him light the core to return earth.
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Tiny, a spider, is passionate about playing music, but he is too small for the human-size drums. Help him beat the drum!
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Play by selecting true or false . Try to get 25 points with time attack!
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Sorry I cannot handle the control too. But the idea was good!

Thanks for reporting, I forgot to change the actual value to 2. 😊

I wish this had more levels. I just about to roll with the mechanic then that the end. The art is very stylish though.

This is a very polish game. It took me a while to solve the last puzzle. I wish you can change gravity when hitting the side of block 2, so I can double gravity change. Very enjoyable

I am sorry to hear that. I just saw your stream, I got the only big bug that make people confuse. Big mistake of my :'( . You can only do Ally Attack Enemy. Thanks for playing !

Very good concept. I like your art style. The fact that you can convert your enemy at the place where it spawn make the enemy cannot spawn any more. In the end, I block all your enemy. There are so many improvement in this game. May be the mouse scroll wheel can rotate the blocks. Or making this game a battle game like clash royale.

The visual is very cute, the game is very polish. You should publish the game

Thanks for reporting bugs. The negative attack was intentional, but I don't know how you got the negative big numbers, it looks fun! I glad you enjoy the game.

The game is really polished, I love the visual of the game. There is a problem with UI in the web resolution on my laptop. It is a bit stretch but it okay. The bomb is fell like a bit OP, really like its vfx.

The game is very enjoyable, I manage to beat the game with many tries. That only thing that annoying is the important object like enemies and player, should be a bit brighter to constrast with the background, they are a bit too blend in.

To be honest, the game could have many improvements, but since it is jam, I gotta say your mechanic is a bit too overload for this jam, may be you can make a more simplier and not too heavy on the UI, visual side. Instead, try to polish the game with art and music. And the most important thing is make it fun. 

Good luck on your stream. 

I love the mechanic of the game, it is very enjoyable, the puzzle are a bit hard at the end. The only thing that can be improved is making the game full screen on window or build in webgl. And also when the size of player is increase big number and standing next to a wall. It push the player out of bound! 

It's okay, the jam was to test and receive feedbacks so I don't mind it. I can see differents view of players rather than myself. Your comment is also very helpful.

Yeah I forgot to clear the buffer when the player put wrong input. Thanks for reporting

Very simple art but yet very great puzzle game. I take me some try to understand the mechanic of the game. I would suggest some music for the game to be more interactive.

I glad that you enjoy the game. 

You were kinda right. I was a bit rushed at designing levels, some level feels repetitive, but where were whole lot of level designs that go to this game. It was first implement as a puzzle game. Given a set number of pieces and make the player solve. There can be many players and use the "all" to attack, some were meant to "enemy attack all enemy".  Or a super high health high attack that is counter by using "is assigned to". The "attack" is just the base of all pieces that all pieces involve around that. It can be extended to many other mechanics like debuff , heals and shields,... But I only manage to do the attack mechanic in this jam.

This game is amazing. love the  classic arcade style of the game

I love the art. It's a bit hard to click the bounce pad and time the player. 

I love the art style in this game. The fire is a bit slow ahead but I love the idea

Great art! The boss battle is a bit hard so I step on the blender and dodge most of the knife. Rolling on the other hand, is a bit hard to input.

I like how you can draw all over the place that not on the card. 

I don't know if the tower attack speed increase, I can just spam the lowest cost troop. Stonk!

What a wonderful couple! The graphic are stunning.

Very cool concept, the isometric view is a bit weird for me, some goal is blocked by the player view. It can be a great top down game.

This game is silly yet very enjoyable. I don't know if the expression of the player have any mechinc

I like the atmosphere of the game, how the visual works. The voice acting is a bit unclear for me.

I found it very satisfy to create pattern, it would be better if there is more to the gameplay.

I found it very satisfy to create pattern, it would be better if there is more to the gameplay.

I like the trade element mechanic of the game. There are many room for improvement. For example, a endless mode. There is no way to heal yourself, a cool idea would be processing the enemy would use the new enemy health instread. Also the spinning background is a bit dizzy

I managed to get to the third sideway in unforgivable mode by luckyly drifting fast, the next part feels impossible to me.

I don't know how to play this game. Any monster I press is resulted in the end. 

I love the visual, great concept. Sometimes it a bit unfair where the text is not loaded yet and I do a action that make my trainer sad. I like her sad face !

I love how hypercasual this game is. I wish there is more levels

This game is so well done. The art is stunning. Although I can beat half of the level by doing nothing. I found that big yellow ball that pound the screen is very unpredictable, which give the game more interaction. 

I love the idea, there can be more improvement. The game is a bit too zoom in, the tileset can be better. on on Facebook
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