Ok this is awesome I got this a while back (I think in ver. 101 or even 100) and messed with it a while. I was surprised to see a email about 102 because so few devs keep working on stuff after the initial release! I am inspired to see you still working on this. I am going to try to work as hard as you to actually finish one of my games. I can't wait to see where this journey goes!
Also, I agree with burd; you should watch ENA.
Though I disagree about it being such a similar style. I think it looks more like ultrakill (great game btw).
He NEVER said it was a SNES game.
He said that this is a "SPIRITUAL SUCCESOR" to a SNES game.
It does not need to be made for the same console as the original,
just like doom eternal does not need to be made for the DOS system.
Like a sequel,
it improves by upgrades to hardware,
which is realistic.
Games in the real world evolve with the hardware.
So lets all chill out,