a sample is inside the helpfile, on victory common event, you do:
$gameTroop.aliveMembers() < 1
on defeated common event if used:
$gameParty.aliveMembers() < 1
this is a conditional branch that runs the code
once all enemies or actors are dead.
if you add an else Handler, you can do another
thing or debug with x members left/alive.
if you need further assistance, please reply back
on what you seek and I do my best to help you out.
I got the same way as you do, so your definitely right there.
specially when you got it, new idea's pop up to try.
Just take your time, and it will go out, I could be a bug squasher
as I'm good at it. I wait patiently as I like to know the story.
so take your time, RL goes first too as it could get in the way.
I definitely gonna play this one when it's downloadable ^^
so far I understand the plugin, you need 2 files.
default 192x192 and oversized in the extended folder.
so when you have Water!400dmg.png (default 192x192) you need also
Water!400dmg.png in the extended folder of the size 400x400 to draw that one.
on my end, it does work, but I have little use for this plugin, but not sure where you got
stuck, if it persist, try to ask help there, and I'm sure they can help you if they know the
plugin or trouble on it.
as I try to help when I can and able too. [here} is the other one (opens a new tab), which might work for you.
I wish you good luck on your projects
if you use MV, it should work, check the thread.
if you use other plugins modify the animation, it can be
a conflict.
unfortunately, this person cannot help fix the issue if it really
doesn't draw from the extended folder, ensure you name your
file correctly.
this person died around 2 years ago by an accident.
I can tell he was one of the best and most enthusiast person
I ever known on the forum.
if the problem exist in a clean project, try to ask help on
the forum. I think there was another person that alter
the animation size.
Dispite you don't know me is oke, but at least, I'm very friendly
and enjoyed the game to help you improve.
as for all the people trying the demo, the start is quite easy,
the real challenge really begins after you reach 25+ where
you need to think to go through the levels, but I tell you this,
you wont regret it.
I had some hard trouble figure out some of those annoying
levels, but if you like the demo, the price is worth it :)
The first person of the game is even a bit harder while you push
the blocks, but the view of the score on the wall is really neat.
to the Dev @AllenMLewis17 that was helpful and quick answer
on fixing the bugs and game breaking part to throw out a fix,
otherwise, the level couldn't be completed.
Thank you for the amazing game and the fixes you made :)
dear arrosev, the author of this plugin wont respond anymore
as the author of this plugin (and others of his) has passed away.
if you have a account on the https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com
create a thread with a possible screenshot what you did, and
we can try to help you there further in fixing your problem.
not at this points, as it target a normal array that exist or string.
thing is, and what I readed, that you need to try avoid adding arrays or strings
directly to those functions, but define them as an addon to be safer.
once I play around again, I give you the error, but defining is better than
patching each individual plugin conflict :)
I'm not as good as you are and never will, but I try to learn and avoid
issues with them, so it's a good thing to do the same to avoid conflicts ^^
Just need to hang to it with the loads of parameter and possibilites.
anyway, once I continue to test (revert it back to the old string you used),
I give you the log, cannot tell when I continue to test, as I got a nice timer
plugin, but this can come in handy if they play nice,
I though x-y-offset was possible, so it can have some usefull part I can
think off.
I tested it and throws an error (conflict with other plugin) (MV),
when checked the plugin, String.prototype cause this error.
Same thing I had with Khas on fixing the conflict.
this seems to fix it with other plugins, if you add new properties
to an String or Array.
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'paddingLeft', {
value:function(paddingValue) {
return String(paddingValue + this).slice(-paddingValue.length);
I didn't test it fully and multiple events yet to see it's effect.
but it also say you require a license (if not purchase it)?
or could it be used in non-commercial only and not commercial?
as that part kinda confuse me atm. I dont know if I could use it,
but its more a clarification for now.
when testing the game out, it seems a good story... and it really does
have a great story, the author even torture the player to its limits
what they learn in battle.
as I beat the game in around 10 hours + 3-4 hours of losing battles,
I really enjoy the game with puzzles and story.
as you need to watch very carefully and use your healing, attack,
defense and corruption nicely as you might only be happen to
have 1 mistake or less in order to win the battle.
each battle is a tight one to win it, but it is one of the best
battle mechanics and hardest I ever did.
while there is no level/exp to earn, you keep the base you have.
as there is no def on players and enemies, but use a pattern to
follow closely which is used for winning or losing the battle!
I recommend everyone for a good story or test their battle skills
in this game as you never see it before :)
I dont know, maybe, maybe not, didn't pay attention on grammaar,
visual graphics, bugs, gamebreaking is what I'm best ^^
and I had noone alive indeed, which might be a game breaking part there,
maybe else where too.
but I'm happy it saved you if the dev didn't download it yet ^^
I also got the feeling if Luna died, her step bro will say something or vice versa,
depending who lived or died.
I re-download it later and replay it, but it has really interesting mechanics in it.
as a side note, it feels like normal attack does more damage than skills they use,
as 40% healing does 100% for some reason, same with 20%, not sure why though.
but keep up the nice work.
I redownload the game and replay it, and got ending C0 or Co? whatever it means as I just followed
the main story with the entire party alive.
1) the trees arent fixed :D
2) skills description is a bit cutoff on the actors turn
3) Item gain bypass the message log (as it cut off the words).
but there is some more issues, which I leave off for now, but rather make every screenshot
to send you of the mistakes!
but I will take my time later on to check every area and see if I get a good ending?