Awesome idea!
Here is some tips to make this better:
-never set transform position of physics objects, use rigidbody.move or rigidbody.velocity
-you can use cinemachine to make a character following camera in seconds
-you can make the grappling hook a physical object too, make the grappling hook tip an object, when it collides something create a fixed joint with wall, and a distance joint with player, and reduce the distance on distance joint over 1-2 seconds.
man what an amazing idea for a puzzle game. but it just lacks a little bit on the presentation side. maybe this tips would help you along the way.
-if you are making a puzzle game, once the player knows the solution, making the input should be lightning fast, otherwise it would cause frustration.
-whenever you are making the player collide with another thing in the game, the bounds of this collision should be crystal clear, especially for a puzzle game. this was not the case with your character collider.
-on your game i felt that the robot was too slow and kind of out of my control, this feeling got amplified with the fuzzy colliders.
hope play more from you, cheers!