I'm not telling you how to feel, I'm just expressing how I feel. If you feel that I'm pushing my opinions on you then I'm sorry and I probably won't be making any more comments on this topic. But I will say that it is a difference of opinion. Not everyone is going to throw someone out of a club for trying to use the bathroom while trans, but if the majority of the country agrees on something then there is nothing to be done but protest and hope for the best. And don't assume that I don't know how it feels, I'm not saying I know the exact feeling, but I have been oppressed and profiled for the crime of being born with more melanin in my skin. I have watched my people die and be tortured, just as you have watched yours. My point is that life sucks for everyone, and it will continue to suck until we as people decide to respect each other's differences and come together for solutions. If I'm being honest, I don't think that will happen in my youth, but I have hope for gen alpha. I'm not saying don't be angry, but channel that anger into creating solutions and making changes.
Forgive me, but I don't completely understand. What do I pretend to believe in? I have done exactly what I preached. I respected the creator's opinion while still giving mine. We are having a completely civil discussion about this topic which I personally find enjoyable and stimulating. I apologize if I've offended you in any way, your response seems a bit hostile (even if that's not the intention)
As far as I can tell, JK Rowling's beliefs haven't infringed on anyone's freedom. And personally, I believe that you have to respect everyone, whether you agree with them or not. And finally, I would like to apologize, I engaged in a conversation I had no intention of continuing for more than a day. Please forgive me for my scattered responses ^-^
Gladly, I think there are 2 basic opinions. One is that sexuality is fixed, and the other is that it is free choice. These two opinions will always be there, once again due to religion and/or personal beliefs. As of this comment section, there are not any disagreements, so I can't give you any info on disagreements lol
I know this game is satire, but I want to say that just because someone does not agree with you, doesn't mean they are transphobic or homophobic. it just means that they have a different opinion and are expressing it in the way they believe is best. No hate at all, but not everyone is going to agree with you all the time. Especially not about such a controversial topic as this.