you know the mexican government verified ones, the ones found after smoking on that unidentified fantastic objects, y'know that one esoteric purple earthbound secret garden grown strangelet laced gamma ray edition pack made from synthetic mirrored chimerical kush watered with positronium tritioxide, grown under Sagittarius A*'s hawking radiation and planted in strangelet rich superacidic (H0 = -39) metastable higgs boson soil kept in tachyonic nil dimension chambers,
you can find these sold only on dark constellation network pathways of Boötes void located between nonstandard w-axis plane channels outside the view of mainplane qadars
kush so cosmically diabolical it is banned in 93% of surfacespace volume and all 7 liminal standard coalition channels
my sentia, this shit will make your oranganelles or-gone-all and reanimate you boltzmann brain style
this meta-structure will baptise you in a q-star glueball concentrate
it is rolled by an artisan hypercomputer-grounded asi, in ways incomprehensible even to class 4 sentias
mechanical synthetic intelligences cannot compute this shit, it is beyond mathematical computronics- that incompleteness theorem high gets them wondering whether if the high halts or not
sentia, this will purge your pneumatic systems like how it purged the Zenith Society
weed so fire CMB cold spot had to be made to balance the universe
this plant shouldn't exist, fringe research is done to learn how it does
you gotta ingite this line with quantum thermodynamics modded torches, below absolute zero because it is already blazing crazy
esoteric theoretical dark magicians puff this once to earn their phds
mary jane so entropical it is a soul manifested- sentia probably named Mary Jane
this will recompile your minds entropics, on that literal ego rebirth typa syit
smoking this shit isn't the goal, its the journey like some science fiction story without the science because this is some fantastic kush my sentia
thinking of a secret ending where getting the ai to level 50 will have them gain sentience and achieve life, so we have the whole killing frenzy thing happen again after a long time but this time with robotos- secret skin for that also sounds cool but also sounds like too much work lol (also an oppurtunity to add a the spirit of the software callout maybe)
Anyways, fantastic game by fantastic humans- even more so when you realize some of these quotes, when context is taken into account, is actually against the whole idea rather than with it (nietzsche was more so against nihilism, not for it- unsure if it was intentional but still cool nonetheless)
Sorry for the late response.
I struggled to launch the game at first, due to it insisting to not run on my NVIDIA GPU. Even after changing settings up from the control panel; both program specific settings and global settings.
I used cmd to launch it as per the error message box:
[Directory of the game]>Masks.exe --rendering-driver opengl3
With this, I did launch it, but it still crashed anyways. Godot 4 is probs to blame here.
Struggled first attempt, then actually attempted to focus later on. During my third successful attempt, I started seeing saturated, bright colours on the foreground and dark colours on the background, felt like the image changed all of a sudden. Was kinda like a stereogram almost.
7/10 Helped me exercise my autistic skills. Too much water though