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Scry Quest

A member registered Jul 15, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Frenzy physics runner! Help humans evacuate by creating a save path.

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Phenomenal. Great art, animation, mechanics, level design. Love it!

I didn't get any audio (bug?), so some of the effects fell a little flat IMO, but other than that it's an amazing jam entry that nails the theme. Fantastic!

Your game was assigned to me via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

It's so cute!

I didn't really understand what was happening so I kept getting game over, but it was cute!

Your game was assigned to me via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :) 

I love it. Super cool atmosphere, nicely polished art and animations, and a really fun mechanic that is easy to understand but provides depth of strategy and variety.

The camera follow broke quite often when hiding, so I had to restart several times. A way to manually restart the level would be a great option for such situations, plus the benefit of redoing it when you are  going for a perfect score.

I would totally play this as a full game, brilliant work!

Your game was assigned to me via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :) 

It's very cute! The amount of artwork done in such a short jam is kind of mind-boggling :O

I got stuck in the second area, where I pressed W near the TV and nothing happened - I am assuming this would normally open up the next area because I couldn't go forward any further. As such, I didn't really get to utilize the different mechanics listed in the opening screen other than jump (and a brief roll under some sausage links).

As for constructive feedback, from the jam theme perspective, I would like to have seen more of a role-reversal aspect - what I did get to play felt like a classic platformer but you happen to be an egg, nothing that seemed like a reversal. But perhaps I just didn't get far enough to see this in action!

It feels like a very ambitious project so I am super impressed with how slick the visuals are and how much content is in the game. Amazingly well done!

Oh btw your game was assigned via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

I always enjoy playing a game jam game that I can finish :) I like the level design effort put in here, nice variety of mechanics without being complicated. I also found as others mentioned that you can complete 95% of a given level without having to switch roles. But it was fun to play and solidly built. The silhouette backgrounds look pretty cool too! :D

Forgot to mention, your game was assigned via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

Forgot to mention, your game was assigned via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

Forgot to mention, your game was assigned via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

Forgot to mention, your game was assigned via Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server :)

What a cool idea! Love the concept. As previously mentioned, I think it needs an intro level to help get you used to the mechanics, as there was a lot of choice info and the gameplay started right away without warning or instructions. With some difficulty scaling, this would be a really fun little game! Great work!

So sweet, love to see a game about cleaning instead of combat <3 I couldn't figure out what to do after completing all of the tasks in the second area, but it was fun to play and it's very cute. Great job!

Thank you so much! Yeah some more levels and features would be fun to add for sure. Appreciate your feedback and kind words!

Fun! Reminds me of Missile Command. 

It's missing some player feedback - some kind of "health" display of the diver, success feedback when you defend treasures, and some indicator as to the role of the ship (does the diver have to return to the ship? Are there a limited number of divers aboard the ship that it spawns when one is defeated?).

Good job for getting so much done! It's clear you had a cool vision for the game :)

Nice effort! I appreciate the simplicity of the mechanics. It definitely seems like there was more you wanted to do but maybe ran out of time.

Game not rated - unfortunately, I am getting an error when trying to launch the executable:

"The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found."

Thank you so much!! Really appreciate that you played our jam game and gave us a comment <3

BTW your entry is fantastic, rated and left a comment as well!

Wow, cool! Love this style. Great execution, and I think the take on reversing roles continuously is brilliant. Great art, solid controls.

I wish there was a little more room to move around, but other than that, it feels great and this is an excellent jam submission. 

Well done!

Cute game! Problems are as others have mentioned - it was a little hard to understand how the robot's pattern changes when it runs into a block, so having to trial-and-error in levels where you have to remove blocks to place them later in the level sometimes felt tedious if not frustrating (since you have to start over and the robot moves slowly). The 'E' key didn't seem to speed it up at all.

Nice job otherwise, I enjoy these kind of games!

Fantastically executed game. Very impressive you managed to kick this out in 48 hours - the art, sound, juicy details, variety, and balance all feel spot-on!

Only con I would posit is that it's not much of a stretch in terms of flavor and mechanics - for a "role reversal" game I was expecting something along the lines of "you are the deck" or even you play as Satan trying to destroy the hero... a little more risk in the experiment.

That being said, the little twist of swapping characters is fun and everything you put into the game is super solid. 

Great job!

Nice visuals and good sound design, well done!

The gameplay I think only lacked some feedback, for example I couldn't tell when I was holding something and if there were things I couldn't grab/throw (seems like maybe the barrels?) and struggled with that feature entirely.

I found it pretty cool that I ran into a hidey hole and found a centaur, and the paladin took another path to find me. Impressive!

Really nice juiciness in the transition sequence! The music is an absolute JAM. Nice to be able to pick different dungeon layouts. 

The actual gameplay feels a bit clunky / noninteractive in that I just set a behavior (which seems to always be correct to  attack) and watch it play out slowly. Would love to have more agency here, at least to speed up the animations/turns if nothing else. The hero also felt kind of impossible to kill with such a high life total and such minimal damage per minion attack.

All in all, pretty impressive to have recruited so many people for this team, plus there are some really cool aspects to the game and it nails the theme!

Really creative game! Love the writing and humor. I found the context quite confusing for what my role as the player was, but it was fun to be along for the narrative!

Wow the camera is wild, haha! Very creative take on this year's theme. The art style totally works! I think it's missing some feedback about how many laps are left in the race or count the timer down instead (the timer counting up didn't tell me how long was left). Of course some audio would be nice but sometimes you don't get to it in a game jam.

Impressed you were able to make this many cars race around the track in the short jam, it feels pretty natural. Great job!

Cool art style and mechanic! I think it's a little unclear as to the objective and the fact that you can catch the ball after launching it, so some visual cues to those would be good. The automatic reloading every few seconds got a little frustrating, was that meant to safeguard against the player getting stuck?

Otherwise great job capturing the theme and with a cool idea!

Hey! Thank so much for playing our game on your stream! It was a lot of fun to watch you play it :D And thank you very much for your comment and rating <3

Hi, we are a small (3 people) independent studio. Are we eligible to join as a studio, and can we submit our game build using our studio's, contact info, etc. as long as each team member is registered?

Tutorialization is definitely something we would improve in a "next version," as well as game balance. The sites have a Maintenance cost (which we missed adding info for) and if you fail to be able to pay the maintenance, upgraded sites automatically downgrade. Admittedly, not a great experience when you don't know it's happening or why!

Thanks so much for playing, and for the feedback! Will definitely play and rate your game as well!

This gameabsolutely slaps. I would play this endlessly, especially on mobile! You have managed to develop an incredibly satisfying and varied puzzle game that feels like a complete game, and I am blown away you managed to do so in less than 48 hours. With just a tiny bit more content, I feel like this could go straight onto basically any platform.


Hey thanks so much! Three of us worked on this one. Will check out yours too!

This has the setup for something really interesting! How did you envision the dice rolls interacting with the system? Very intrigued :)

Wow, that's awesome thank you so much!!! Will be sure to check out your game and rate as well!

Really fantastic character designs, animations and music! The gameplay feels nice too. 

The things that are missing for me:

  • Definition of goal. Is it just endless procedural generation on the one map? Would be nice to know how to end the level (unless I just play until I die, in which case maybe add some tracking of "best run" or something).
  • Some narrative! I want to know who these characters are and why they are doing what they're doing. They are really cute!
  • Sound effects - it feels a tiny bit flat with no bullet, enemy,  or collision SFX.

Great job on this, it has a lot of personality! on on Facebook
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