This game was awesome! I just wish it was longer! Honestly, I really got scared playing this! I would love to see more horror games be created! I see a lot of amazing potential! If you ever make any more horror games please let me know! (especially toilet based ones lol) My community loved this! Here is a quick scary clip of my reaction. Loud head set warning- please be advised! Well done! From the one and only B-Horror Scream Queen of Twitch- Scared_Cutie
Sure! I'll upload a video! Osamamsa123- you created the mysterious clown correct? That is on my list to play this Saturday! I am doing a clown event requested by my community (clowns scare me lol) Here is the link to my twitch channel if you'd like to see some of my videos!~
All the best! -Scared_Cutie
This is the first horror game created by this developer? WOW! I think this is your calling dev- this was great! I really enjoyed this very much! There were many unique scares that really sets this game apart- I am impressed and will keep eyes out for more horror games- From Scared_Cutie the B-horror Scream Queen
That would be awesome thanks!! I'll be sure to shout you out! I'll be on Twitch I can post the link if you'd like, my twitch link is
(1) Scared_Cutie - Twitch Will probably play 8:30 pm EST!
** UPDATED** Oh goodness I guess I am streaming this tonight... wish me luck ya'll - Scared_Cutie ** UPDATE** WOW this game was AMAZINGGGG!! This game was very well made, the scares were unique- the mechanics were great!! I can't wait to play more games by this dev- my chat enjoyed this too! Very well done-