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Sasquatch Games

A member registered Dec 14, 2015 ·View creator page →

Creator of

Explore, scavenge, and survive in dangerous Zones.
Solo sword-and-sorcery in a shadowed world.
Delve into a solo/cooperative adventure for 1-3 players
A solo tactical combat game Carved by RUNE
Aid MAJESTIC in recovering a lost nuclear warhead from an alien ship.
Earn Credits for valuable goods in this lucrative expansion.
Explore above the planet in this space themed expansion.
A solo Sci-Fi RPG adventure of exploration on a desert planet.
An electric Spark of vengeance for the NOVA RPG.
A solo exploration RPG about delivering cargo across a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
A military, quest, and skills expansion for DELVE
A solo storytelling RPG zine of eldritch horror and exploring the unknown.

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Sending you a link over DM on BSKY!

Thank you for sharing your play experience! I have a whole new GLIDE game in the concepts stage of development, where I am playing with new "dungeon delving" concepts and further world building much like you mentioned. Hope to have something to share sometime this year!

You are correct that the traits are guidelines for resolving NPC interactions. Its more of an add-to the existing game framework than a necessary system for people to use.

I included Traits to provide a system for resolving person-to-person interactions (NPC and player) that I always struggle with when playing solo or cooperatively without a GM. Players are the main characters of their story, so keeping roles one sided simplifies things and keeps the players locked into their decisions and progression. 

Starting stats are not including the gear, so the latter assumption is true. A Ranger starts with 8 Stamina but gains +1 from the boots, making their total 9.

Happy to hear you are enjoying the game!

MW is max wounds, so +1 MW for a Human would mean 4 total wounds (3 is the base).

Guild Quest locations that are Explorable count as Desert locations unless a type is otherwise given. Use the level for the Guild Quest location, not the usual level 3 for Deserts. Locations are huge areas of land so there is always something to find in the surrounding area!

Crumbling Keep does have UK and Europe shipping available. If you switch inventory at the top of the page there is an option for "closer to UK" to get you a better rate. 

Reputation level bonuses are what you get when you reach that level of reputation with a faction. These stack from 0 up, or 0 down, depending on your reputation level. These aren't listed in the game book as it is an optional component.

When you move into a settlement you don't roll for an encounter. There are no Settlement Encounters at this time.

When a faction grows they do so from each settlement they control, just as you have mentioned.

That is the hard max for the stat, which includes all bonuses from any source. So if I have a base of 11, plus 1 from my background, plus 4 from my weapons and equipment, I would round down to 15 (from 16).

You're correct on the Contracts - I responded in the mindset of taking the Contracts action once per turn. You can fill contracts up to the total level of the settlement, plus 1, as long a you have contract space. I've correct my original response to reflect this.

I appreciate you pointing out the error in my original answer!

Shipped today! Notifications are not sent through itch. Should be there in 5-10 business days.

I'm working on a Discord for Sasquatch Games, games. Slow progress but coming soon!

1. If you have a neutral (0) or positive (1+) reputation with the raiders then you can enter freely!

2. If there is no space to place territory just ignore the remaining requirements. 

3. The rules as written state contracts equal to the level of the settlement, plus 1, per Contract action. The Contract action can only be taken once per turn.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

- Cody

I have a few copies available. I'll create an option to buy on the itch page as soon as I can.

A French and Polish translation are in progress. No ETA on them at this time. 

None right now. I do have some copies on-hand and will be posting an option to buy direct, plus an updating letting people know, in the next few days.

I have on-hand 50+ copies sitting in storage right now that I cannot send out due to a postal strike in Canada. I would love to get those to people and will take a look into an alternative shipping option. Keep an eye on your notifications as I'll make a general post about it if I have good news!

Absolutely! Having a bigger map can be fun as you may see a lot of desert results and not unique locations, depending on your luck of the draw. I've combined 3 maps during co-op play and my players loved having a big world to explore. I think it added up to 220+ cells total.

Oh yeah, I totally misread your original comment. You are correct!

Missions require at least some locations to be revealed (the more the better). If you do have locations revealed but roll an invalid location type (as in it doesn't exist on your map), you are to roll again until a valid location results. Alternatively you can place the location based on the distance given for the mission to start doing the missions right away. I typically have new players explore the map a bit doing Contracts before taking on Missions as it helps to fill-in the map.


Delivery locations are always settlements owned by factions. When rolling for a destination you can only use results for locations owned by faction listed on your map. So, if I roll for Strand Society but they aren't on my map, I just roll again until the result is valid.

I see that the digital version of the game has missing headers for the Contract table, so I'll update that today. That might be where the confusion is coming from concerning how contracts and deliveries work.

Good questions. Adventure sites are intended to be where something happens and are the entire hex. A location is inside of a hex, meaning an adventure site can have multiple locations in it. The naming convention is confusing and will be fixed in the next version. 

Hex-flower reference isn't included at this time, so in the meantime you can fill as you move or fill the whole map before you play. I like having the whole map before I play as it makes creating narratives easier, especially with the amount of rolling needed to generate solo stories.

I'm happy to see your progress! Rolling is done on the Items or Gear table, depending on what you feel or want to find. Alternatively, as you mentioned, you can roll 1d12 and use the result across the 12 possible Items or Gear.

The d12 was a popular piece of feedback I received during testing, but I stayed with 2 1d6 tables to allow players to pick what they find based on how they are currently feeling about the delve. I really wanted to provide ways to "un-stuck" the story, which an opportune Item or Gear can provide.

I'm always happy when the game delivers. Enjoy!

Awesome! If you have any questions please let me know.

Will have that done today. Keep an eye on your email for the notification.

Check the "Courier - Repacked (Character Sheets)" file in the 'Demo' section of the page. 

I'll take a look and publish corrections and an FAQ. My apologies on this, no excuses on my part for them still being there.

Please reach out to me viaemail if you'd like to discuss further.

Settlements use their location level for Settlement Events. Some Events will ask you to perform a test to pass or gain rewards. These events are listed in the Settlement Events section of the book.

Correct! Encountering a Settlement Event counts as completing it.

You're welcome! I may have more print-on-demand expansions in the future or just table swaps like you mentioned.

The static value would be the overriding choice in that instance. Essentially, don't roll for any locations that are not Explorable i.e. on the page 26 table.

I'll add it to my next revision. Thank you!

On page 28 the first box shows you the d6 result and the level that corresponds to the result. A 1-2 on the d6 is level 1, a 3 to 5 is level 2, and 6 is level 3.

The second box shows static levels for certain locations. Deserts are always level 3, Unique level 2, Non-Traversable level 3, and Settlements level 2.

If I reveal a location - Crashed Spaceship [1] (4d) - which is an Ace of a black suit, I roll 1d6 for the level. I get a result of 4, which is level 2. I record a single cell on the map in the location I chose to Explore as the Crashed Spaceship is only 1 cell (indicated by the number in the square brackets). I must also record the 4 Deserts (indicated by the 4d in the circle brackets). These are all level 3 per the information given in the second box on page 28.

Settlement Events are the random events that you encounter while in a Settlement. These are resolved by drawing a card and comparing the value and type to the Settle Events tables. This is done up to once per Settlement Action.

Good question. When you reveal a location that is not Unique you roll for the level. You only need to roll once for a Reveal with the level applying to all placed location on the map for that Reveal.

How very embarrassing for myself to have missed that line in editing! It shouldn't be there as that was a relic from the old dice rolling system. Dice Values (DV) are d4 through d12. You will not be rolling only d6 in this game!

You modify both DV and total through a lot of different effects. So, if I have a Fight DV of d6, with a +1 F DV modifier, and +2 F bonus, I would roll a d8 and add 2 to the total rolled when using Fight.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into this issue and release a new version for those who are still using this version of Courier. on on Facebook
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