This update made me realize how much I love Paolo.
I'm hoping there's some route for Paolo in the future. He looked kinda jealous when Luke took me away after our early morning tryst.
I tend to have multiple saves, and I almost never remember which one is for who, so I had to start over for all but one of them. So, when meeting that gorgeous were-tiger for the first time, I chose "Here, kitty kitty" for the first time ever (I always choose 'impressive pet') and proceeded to laugh aloud about the dialogue that came after.
Cats, indeed, Alex. xD
Speaking of, after being bitten by Mayhew at the tower, shouldn't Alex wake at the tower the next morning? Last couple times that hasn't happened, he wakes in his apartment... I'm on Android btw.
The song Ethan sings when Justin stays over... Since they're not dating and haven't even discussed being gay, it feels awkward for him to sing about having love in his heart. I know there's different kinds, but that entire scene makes me feel second-hand embarrassment and awkwardness.
Otherwise, loving this so far. Theo's my fave. <3
"Six romancable characters..."
So, who isn't romanceable? Cause I have 7 save slots, one for each character and apparently one of them isn't truly a route. I'm guessing Brenden, but... Idk.
Anyway, love the game so far. It's deeper than a lot of these types of games, more story and less "fuck everyone in sight". I like that.
As someone who plays in English as well, the voice acting isn't great either. I turned it off, but it's the only thing that indicates who's speaking, sadly. It sounds like a lot of those AI voices being different people and the voiced lines are just as clunky as they're written. I let it slide cause it's obvious the dev doesn't have English as their first language.
Since X/Twitter is being a butt (No DMs unless we're mutual friends, same on TikTok) I'll just offer here.
There's some inconsistencies in the game, some grammar issues, and a handful of misspellings. Possibly some code issues as well since choosing one option will sometimes bring up dialogue as if the other option was chosen. If you need someone to look it over and correct anything, I'm willing to help. I can even do light coding and can probably fix those few choices for you. Plus I'm free.
Still reading through it, but I love those little references to the other games.
"Do you think you're a prince?"
"My father was rich enough to be an emperor."
Finished Ep 1; Yep, super adorbs. They're one of my favorite couples! I now have a new OTP... Well, not new I guess, I've loved these two since To Have and To Hold.
Yaaayyyy!!!! That's my favorite of the games with them so far. Mostly because To Have and To Hold felt kinda rushed with them getting together. I actually think of that one as a sequel to Unluckily in Love, like they lost contact for a while and then meet again a decade or so later. The only inconsistency of thinking that way is Khalil's time of death because it's current in both games lol.
Game: What should we call it?
Anyway, I'd have loved to see romance between Ralph and Nathan, despite Tyler's aversion to it, but it wasn't that type of game so I get it. Maybe if you do a sequel you could include some of that lol. You certainly set it up for a sequel, and I honestly love detective games (though I normally play ones where they're killing each other, such as Danganronpa).
So... I thought I was gonna have a good ending my first playthrough, went through the credits and then Salim pops in. I cried.
My second playthrough I purposefully chose different choices, another bad ending that made me cry harder... Seriously Yuel, while Tavi is SLEEPING NEXT TO YOU?!? Ffs... What a horrible wake up call...
Finally got a good one my third time. Though geez these historical ones just rip my heart out. Things aren't much easier for them in modern times, but at least they don't have to deal with the royalty thing hanging over their heads. "Must produce an heir" my ass. Let Khalil's bloodline END, man!
Interesting. Kinda predictable, as soon as they talked about wishing on shooting stars I was like "Ah, that's what happens..."
I laughed several times because just like them I have the humor of a 12 year old boy sometimes... And dad jokes are some of my favorites.
MC talked about boobs immediately and I was like "what about moobs?" Then he was later wanting to squeeze them uncle moobs and I was happy.
Only thing is the drink recommendations are weird sometimes lol. Someone asks for something bitter and we give them an americano? Those are supposed to be sweet (and also like half milk, so offering it to someone who doesn't want a drink with milk is weird).
I saved right before each order anyway just in case, but some of them I was like "lol whut?"
I just started playing the revamp after playing the original a couple years ago (after it was finished already).
I'm not far, just at the shower scene, and just had a minor thing I wanted to express my opinion on: The revamp shower seems a bit too bright for having half the lights out/uneven lighting.
It's cute seeing someone ace and aro fall in love. I relate to Gerald way too well lol.
I didn't struggle with the acting minigame much, except in the scene where Chase asks Belle for a date. Took me a few tries to get the right emotion.
I wonder if most people missed the description of Chase's character. Since he's arrogant, he's largely cocky.
I stayed up til midnight finishing this one. I'm obsessed with these two! Their dynamic is so cute and Yuel struggling with coming to terms that he's in love with his own cousin make me cry but the happy endings make me smile.
I can relate to Yuel in a lot of ways, mostly because of mental health issues, but I love seeing him find someone who loves him.
And I love how Tavi has such a small pool of people he cares about, but that Yuel is one of them, and possibly even his favorite, is so sweet.