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A member registered Aug 17, 2015 ·View creator page →

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「這是很久以來你第一次想出了一段旋律」,「這是」完全來自英文「this is」,「一段旋律」的「一段」來自英文不定冠詞,兩者其實不需要出現在中文。我的解讀是主人翁過往的生活充滿旋律,雖然之後暫時想不起來,但最終還是想起了,所以我會改成「過了這麼久後,你腦海裡終於再次響起了旋律」。


nice to see you on, will you upload your other games here?

when two people are having conversation, it's annoying that i have to constantly look at the name section on the upper left of dialogue bubble, there are more elegant ways to show who is talking, like assigning different text font or color to different character's dialogue, or just make the non-talking character's portrait fade out.

another bug is that, when i press Windows + Shift + S to screencapture, then directly paste it on any text area, trying to post it would show error below, despite i can view it with no problem on draft mode

i am using win10 latest chrome on computer, both these bugs occurred everywhere on the site, including game rating, comment section and community post  

first part show what normal zhuyin typing should be like, while second part is where i typed the exact same order like first part . you can see when the "space bar", which is for first tone, is pressed, entire words was gone

everything is just too slow, from movement speed to jump speed and falling speed

another thing i can't bear is that some stage will feature screen shaking during the middle of my jump landing

got ice bow in the first few levels, basically easy win till the end, can freeze everything except the last boss on level 18, but i could still kite that boss with enough haste 

too much exposition at the start, would prefer a brief cuttscene for background and character relationship,  and a codex that include every proper nouns

i can't believe there is a 3rd ending, i like this game even more now!

would prefer the chinese translation done by people who really know chinese, rather than google translate

crypt key unlock this door, and can help you acquire the third orb

too many game-breaking bug, can't even finished the game :(

was stuck on first level, because i clicked the "going right arrow" when i was on the swing, door demon never showed up

after i retry, still stuck after i entered cave and meet the demon

if this game isn't that focus on rng, it might be better

i am holding left button to stick to wall the whole time, but after i press right button once, my character jump a 1/4 arc instead of normal 1/2 arc, stuck in mid-air briefly, then change foot direction to the ground

still able to beat this game anyway, then the game breaking bug occur, rip me

really hard to understand how this game work

you clear right side of house first, next you try to move two healer house to the right as well,

browser version is broken on this level cuz virus won't move, only download version work properly

there is a bug on "twogether" level, if chacter  keep moving left, it can be out of bound

can't launch the game on chrome with win10. i don't have any extension installed

thanks, btw is level 15 in "redirect" really solvable?

it would be much appreciated if there is walkthrough for most of your games

bug report:character moving trace disappear around this area, is this intention or bug?

how do i even finish the first level?

wahat is the purpose of logs?

just curious if this game has an ending?

will any new thing come out after bird?

game crashes when i let one house enter the exit with virus behind

i think "odd one out" is impossible

after i repoen the game from zip, i can't move my character, only space bar(suicde) works

i am on VoxelCardGame public Alpha

game froze after i killed this enemy

bug repoet: i always fall off the edge when i teleport to that position

bug report: i can't died

enemy floated at air won't come down

dead enemy can still deal damage to me

enemy encounter too frequent, like every 3 seconds, wtf?

really wanna see the ending when all coins are collected

someone said there are 9 coins, but i only found 8 :( on on Facebook
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