I think they were simply too big, I made them smaller and it worked now! Thank you!
Now my question is, in the weapon design list. Is it possible to make the gun shoot more than one bullet at a time? Think like an ordinary fps shotgun.
I know I have played at least one easy fps editor game where they had a proper shotgun so I know its possible.
Hello again! I have ran into a new problem.
I need help with scaling the sprites for the weapons. I have no problem changing where the sprite should be on the screen with the X and Y position.
However when changing the scale of the sprite/gun I can only get it to be super tiny by having the scale on something brutal like 0.00999. I dont seem to able to
get it any bigger than that before it dissapears from the screen for being too big I pressume?
I have tried putting it in munus. But the software seems to crash as well if I try to put the scale in minus . Like for example ¨ -50¨ or such.
Any help/ recommendation on scale or what to do?
Hey! I have been testing around with easy fps editor the last couple of days and learning the ropes. I really like it .
However yesterday when testing my game I tried just for the fun of it to go into settings and change the game to fullscreen.
Ever since nothing happens when I try to run my game. No crashes or anything , nothing just happens.
It worked just fine before I ran it in fullscreen. Is there a way to turn the game back to window mode without having to start the game and change it in the settings?
Thanks! <3