It would be good if you added more tags a.i. what genre(s) the story explores. Is it fantasy, science-fiction, horror...? I kind of have a thing going on, on my profile, a genre category system to be precise. The lack of tags makes the games hard to categorize and I can't play every one just to figure it out...
I would share this on Patreon but don't think it's possible to share images. Anyway, I discovered a nasty bug that I hope can be resolved easily. (On both Android versions) It makes that part of the game almost unplayable.
It's not just the ship AI either. Seems like this problem persists with everyone.
Once you accept the terms, you can let the Ship's AI hack into the AI of the limousine and preemptively exit the stage. Or don't. Likely doesn't make a huge difference, because *spoiler*. I agreed to the hacking btw.
I'm sorry you encountered game breaking bugs. I also encountered one but since I save much too often I just reloaded the previous save. In my case it was a softlock... Honestly, I'm not even surprised there are this many bugs considering how complex the game is with all it's choices.
Should've done this eariler
So yes, I've figured a couple of things out. Also, you say the quests were available right away, meanwhile I didn't even know you had to click on the papers! Your mention of the "beast" quest is news to me, however. No idea how to trigger this one, yet, although I've been mostly busy on Akra's 2. Lvl, gathering another 1 Million despite only needing 500K and what not. The usual as you know.
By the way, for some reason I seem to be grossly underpowered. Until now, I've always been fighting melee with the Dark Crystal sword, but then I purchased that fancy gun on Akra. And I'm still equipped with the armor made from dragon scales. Is there even another one? Unfortunately, a lot of my ealier points went into melee combat and I don't know how to reset them, thus I'm finally making use of the Scream of Rage God Spell. More so a cheat than a genuine ability. On that note, what's your current level? I'm level 19 without knowing whether or not that's high, low or normal. Another element bugging me are the Galactic Union missions. Not sure how exactly you're supposed to tackle them, really, probably by doing lots of them... Or by giving them a shot despite the low probability.
Oh, you mean like becoming his wolf cub? Wait, no, that sounds kind of awkward doesn't it... Although personally I don't care much about either option to be honest. In fact, this might be the first FVN or rather bara VN in which a wolf beastman cares about these roles. I wonder if it's related to the omega verse, since m-preg is an option, apparently, when playing as a male.
I'm pretty certain back then, if you had accepted becoming Galiano's slave or submissive lover you would've had an option to also top him. Now it seems his entire route has sailed for deciding against this, so hopefully Feraldo's route differs. I wouldn't call him caring per se, perhaps more so obsessive for now instead, yet maybe I've just forgotten important dialog. Then there's also a chance at building romantic relationships with the husbandos in the future~
You're correct, the vampire route isn't available currently. The other one is done.
Spoilers don't bother me much as long as they're not related to major plot revelations.
Have you completed the Remember main mission already? My guess is the genetic material you get as a reward for that one mission is a clue. Sadly, it's too much for my crew to handle at the moment.
Anyway, your help and insight is definitely appreciated!
First of all, thank you for your comprehensive answer.
Hmm, if I remember correctly my protagonist wasn't exactly rejected by Feraldo upon landing on Harmonia. I should check, though. Oh, is there perhaps a chance you're somewhat behind in fullfilling vital quests, because you just started? Then again you already collected the GC, right? It's confusing not gonna lie. Thinking back, Feraldo told me he was looking forward to hunting me in the forest to which I replied let's see who ends up as prey in the end... So as you can see, agreeing to become Feraldo's omega is definitely not the only way to become his... partner. But it seems that at least for now, dominating or getting dominated is the only relationship you can actually have – not too surprising all things considered – so perhaps similar in nature to the dynamic you can have with the king. Granted, I wouldn't know since I didn't choose that option. My guess is "Feraldo the big pupper" route isn't established yet...
Now that I'm reading this I feel utterly foolish for reloading the previous save every time the lotto was unsuccessful. Truly a chore haha. If that is true then 'earning' 1 Million GC is far easier than I thought. Although I'd rather fight worthy opponents than spent my time pressing a single button, this is at least acceptable instead of being outrageously time consuming and thus tedious. Well, still somewhat tedious but anyway.
This question might become obsolete: In order to trigger the goblin, vampire etc. quests on Harmonia, do I talk to the king at, what was it, 10pm to maybe 1am? Previously it was 8pm (thought he meant "am" and panicked a little...)
PS: Is the part about Feraldo somehow censored due to it's nature of being spoiler territory ?
While I'm thoroughly stuck in the camp of 'cooper's redemption arc', I still don't think it's possible, unless something big happens like him sacrificing himself for the protagonist. At least he's shown some remorse for what he did to him, but that's not nearly enough.
I'm pretty sure in the end Axel is going to be the sole romantic partner, because the romance has been kind of "forced" in his direction.
Well, it's been a while since I've been at that point yet your judgement seems correct. This might be a spoiler to you but anyway, you can choose to spare Garth once you go with Galiano. Other than that Galiano's backstory, while not a justification for his actions, is rather moving and eye-opening in my opinion. Plus, there's more to him than meets the eye...
That is really helpful to know. Thanks a lot! I've already been to Harmonia, so do I inevitably start again from an earlier save? I'd like to trigger Feraldo's route if possible. It's rather unfortunate if it works that way, because I've collected quite a few materials and money since then, but alright... Also, do you mean the start of Harmonia's questline or...? Last question, collecting 1 Million GC by basically just doing lotto and missions is the only way to get to the higher floors? Seems quite time consuming to be honest. I've already been pondering if I'm missing something important.
Perhaps it's all about the money not the games themselves... Even though work was clearly put into Uncommon Breed at least, haven't tried Lust. I did have fun near the beginning stages of development, but I regret paying for it regardless, especially since I paid 3 times (+ Patreon) in my stupor because I didn't know you could skip that screen once you paid.
One thing I don't like at all is when the character designs are suddenly changed for no good reason, unless it's specifically a glow up. This was done here, unless the artist changed?
Probably recently a project named Layers of Stardust was completely taken down. Instead of remaking the game like he said, it became an AI... feast, literally every aspect excluding music. Because of the strange prose, I'm quite certain even the text was AI generated and maybe only had touch ups here and there. That aside the original version had a ton of potential and was similar to the most popular FVN –Adastra.
Hi, just wanting to let you know, since you seem to be everywhere ;), if you want some recommendations you can check out my profile. Your collection seems to be in the earlier stages, that's why, but perhaps you simply don't add every single one you come across? I'm currently categorizing all gay (furry) games I can find.... *sigh*
I deleted my Patreon account, because it doesn't seem too effective to me and Patreon is doing an awful job with their Android app. I learned that a portion of the money goes to the creators of Patreon. 30% or 40% as far as I remember.
Apparently Ko-Fi and other platforms don't take any money away at all, so I'd prefer to use their services.
You're lucky I even saw your comment, because I haven't been on this website in quite some time... Although you could just click on my profile, it doesn't cost you anything, here is the direct link:
I'm mainly interested in furry games, partially thanks to the often much better quality and no price tag, but on this list you'll find some gems (very good games) as well.
(Did you accidentally reply to me instead of the other person? I can't tell. Also, please don't feel oblidged to respond, the following text is a lot as you can see.)
Yes, so if it happens you support the game from the beginning, oftentimes there won't be a payoff if said game receives the cancel treatment. However, if nobody supports the developer the game gets cancelled anyway. Although unrelated, streaming services and their shows are similar in that regard unfortunately.
From the little you told me I'd say it could be that you constantly feel the need to be acknowledged, because otherwise you can't find true happiness to whatever circumstances you find yourself in in your life. In my case it's different, rather the opposite even, and frankly I don't know what it means. There are good, friendly and kind furries I met thanks to FVN, with some of whom I have "well established internet relationships". Still, at the moment I can't seem to find the motivation to talk to them. Perhaps it's internet or social media related plus anxiety or depression or both. Fatigue, lack of purpose and a drive for anything are likely also the problem.
If you're interested, there's a helpful channel I randomly came across – unless the algorithm was involved – just now on youtube that made a video about this topic. The psychiatrist who runs the channel has many other, similar videos including the topic anxiety. Maybe they could lead you in the right direction. Youtube recommends his content – clicking on the videos shows "From a channel with a certified medical specialist", not sure if it can be considered professional help to be honest. Besides, don't let the channel name HealthyGamerGG confuse you, apparantly he used to be addicted to gaming. His two videos titled "Why Finding Purpose is So Hard Today" and "Does ADHD Make You More Anxious?" (I have ADHD) are thought provoking particularly for me. Good luck figuring your condition and situation out. Me and many others can relate to how hard it is, so at the very least you can easily find someone to talk to especially in this community.
I would invite you to talk to me so I can hear you out, help and encourage you like I did with others, like us, who helped me in turn. But only if you don't have anyone else, because I'm already not responding to my friends and relatives anymore.... Regardless, the offer stands nontheless and frankly I'm not trying to sound unapproachable.
I'm at a similar point. You can't get too attached to FVN or furry games, unless you want to be disappointed. But I can understand it nonetheless, because for whatever reason many furries are in bad health sometimes, and I'm not too different. But of course we can't ignore how much work, creativity, time are required and therefore these projects can be very taxing
Thanks for letting me know. He says I have to wait a few days for him to finish his work, which is easy enough. The mission says wait until day 16 to talk to him.
Alright, I've got everything done now and can finally leave Akra, not that I didn't enjoy my stay mind you. Are 40 pills of each kind enough for now? (a rethorical question of course)
By the way, can you actually open the vault in the Sithyryan ship? (Nevermind tysm for the guide! I typed in Bradly without knowing, but not in captions oops)
Sorry to bother, but is it possible I'm stuck on Akra? I forgot about the main mission "Escape from Akra". Now, after having defeated Garth, there's nothing else to do other than wait for Katari to do his job and for some reason the option to talk to Galiano about it isn't available anymore. It vanished but when I have no idea. This is shown after clicking on > Jobs.