I'm currently piecing together a hexcrawl on that map you see. I've been putting alot of feature lists (right now my feature list is up to around ~240 features, 100 of which are magical plants.) to populate a hex with. I'm doing alot of work in SQL to save myself alot of time when it comes to assigning stuff to a hex, but it's a pain. After just assigning features, I now have to create:
And of course, when it comes to populating these.....I haven't found any tools for Savage worlds, tons for other systems
A stand-alone product. ...hmm. Here are my thoughts on it's potential benefits. Keep in mind, this assumes you are making changes to support these features. (And, tbh, I'm not positive what can or cannot be done via the web and such.) You MIGHT be able to do all of this through the web, or even have the stand-alone be a sort-of browser itself (like many mobile apps actually are)
New suggestion:
One key thing I want with a tool like this is to make life simpler (which this obviously does). However, sometimes I need an in-between solution.
As such, it would be great to be able to load a hex-map in some form, (such as from hexographer/worldographer), or even from a simple editor you create. And then proceed with the generation from there.
You gave en explanation below of how the system paints in layers, so I don't know how feasible it would be to inject a map into the process.
Savage worlds is....complicated. As unlike D&D or B/X it is not as focused a system. There's not a "PG, DMG, Beastiary" style set up that people then write world books for.
It is, at it's heart the core of a system. From there setting books, that can span different genres (sci-fi, modern, fantasy, pulp, etc.) are published that can add monsters, special rules, random monster tables, etc.
Tackling Savage Worlds would mean making Hexroll a framework based system, with modularity and swapability at it's core, as unlike D&D you can't take the basic rules, and slap a new coat of paint on the geography and call it a day. That's not intended as a swipe at D&D, just the difference between the two systems.
The same is going to be true if you try something like GURPS, Hero System, FATE, Cortex, Genesys, etc.
It's also going to be useful if you expand over to something like Pathfinder, or Starfinder, or even other old school-style RPG games, as each is going to have their own take on those, and a system designed with modularity in mind will be easier to adapt to a new system with less work for each adaptation.
Some thoughts on modularity:
Your system and 5e use "hit dice" as a psuedo difficulty marker. A system like SW lacks that, or has an entirely different stat (or calculation) to do that.
Bring systems in with a standardized stat block, and allow the "difficulty market" to be set based on system, or turned off entirely.
If a system lacks a modular monster build system, you can build in some light re-skinning. For example, there tends to be ton's of generic NPCs such as shop keepers, guards, etc. You can flag those as "generic" and apply new names as necessary.
For monsters, the same could be true, but there might be some back-end list work. Build a list of creaturs/monsters that could be represented as the same stat block in man games. (for example, Big Cats: Lions, Tigers, Lepords, cheetas, etc.) Stretching farther, you might even be able to extend that same stat block to things like bears, and other large predators.) If the creature doesn't exist, you can use a "generic" flag, and the add whatever name you need there.
I love the system. Thoughts and requests:
Savage worlds. :) A partnership with Savaged.us (https://savaged.us/) would help with monster population. (Making hex-roll work with other systems is likely making the system more modular, and savage worlds would likely need that modularity to be useful)
But, for more fleshed out world-building, here are two ideas:
1. "Connections" or "links", these would be 'Something' in one hex that references the key thing in another hex. This might be a journal, wall warning, treasure map, NPC, etc. It could also be something more substantial, like a key or password for a locked door in a different dungeon.
2. "Influence" Have certain hex's have a trait called "Influence." Such as "Influence, 2" along with a text description below of what effect (RP or Mechanical) that Influence might have, then all hexes within the distance (2) of that hex, have a note saying that they are influenced by the other hex.
Multiple plateaus separated by seemingly bottomless chasms are connected with fragile rope bridges. The strong wind swings the brides from side to side, making crossing them a terrifying experience.
There’s a recently built and watchtower staffed by kings guards across a seemingly bottomless chasm, where a rope bridge meets an overhang.
As long as the tower is occupied, hexes within the radius have their encounter rate halved. (Roll the d6 a second time, if it is odd, the encounter happens as normal, if it is even the party encounters a patrol of guards.)
The path here leads to a cliffside, more than a hundrad feet tall. Planks of wood attached against the rocky wall form the only way ahead.
The crumbling ruins of an ancient altar could be found near the base of a steep cliff.
Influenced by:
Hex 30: Watchtower